
The coming of our creator
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⁣The Emerald Tablets of Thoth are a series of ancient texts that are believed to contain the esoteric wisdom of the Egyptian/Extraterrestrial god Thoth, also known as Ningishzidda and Hermes Trismegistus in the Greek tradition. These tablets are often regarded as foundational works in the fields of alchemy, hermeticism, and spiritual mysticism. They are said to be written by Thoth himself, who was revered as the god of knowledge, wisdom, and writing, and credited with teaching humanity mathematics, science, and magic.

The Emerald Tablets are not physical emeralds but refer to the metaphorical "emerald-like" clarity and truth of the teachings they embody. They are composed of cryptic passages, written in a poetic and mystical style, that cover a range of topics including:

The nature of reality: The tablets discuss the interplay between the physical and spiritual worlds, offering insights into the unity of all existence, often described as "as above, so below."

Alchemy: They provide foundational knowledge about the process of transmutation, the symbolic transformation of base metals into gold, which is also an allegory for spiritual enlightenment.

Immortality: Thoth discusses the quest for eternal life, both physically and spiritually, offering paths to transcend death through knowledge and wisdom.

Cosmic laws: The texts touch on the universal laws that govern the cosmos, such as the principles of cause and effect, vibration, polarity, and mentalism.

Ascension: Thoth speaks of the soul's journey and the process of ascension, or the transcendence of the material plane to higher dimensions of consciousness.

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