Chosen & Starseeds

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 6 days ago

⁣Are you a CHOSEN ONE feeling constantly drained, facing unexplained obstacles, or experiencing strange changes in your life? In this enlightening video, we'll uncover the 7 telltale signs that you're being targeted by negative energies. From persistent negative thoughts to unusual dreams and inexplicable shifts in behavior, we'll help you identify the subtle ways these energies can influence your life. Join us as we explore powerful techniques to protect your energy, reclaim your power, and continue shining your light in the world. Don't let negative forces dim your brilliance – arm yourself with knowledge and stand strong as the CHOSEN ONE you are!

Thanks for watching. Your support means the world to us. If you enjoy the content, I would really appreciate it if you could like, subscribe and maybe even share the video with someone who might also like our content. Have a wonderful day!

Video Chapters:
0:00 Introduction
0:46 Unexplained and Persistent Negative Thoughts
3:52 Unusual and Disturbing Dreams or Nightmares
6:39 Sudden and Inexplicable Changes in Behavior or Personality
10:22 Feeling an Oppressive or Dark Presence
13:15 Increased Spiritual Warfare and Opposition

16:21 Unexplainable Setbacks or Obstacles in Life

#chosenones #demons #spiritualattack #selfhelp #SpiritualHealing
#5d #5dera #spiritualactivation #eraofawakening #5dconsciousness #chosenones #divinepower #infinitewaters #joedispenza #ralphsmart #thelawofattraction #higherconsciousness #spiritualjourney #5dearth #greatawakening #spiritualshift #awakeningera #divinepotential #5dworld #awakenedsouls #divinewithin #spiritualalignment #5dtransition #5ddimension #infinitewisdom #neweraawakening #enlightenmentjourney #spiritualgrowth #awakenedlife

The coming of our creator
33 Views · 4 months ago

⁣ Welcome back to our channel! In This video, we
delve into a captivating topic: the concept of the "Earth Angel." We
will explore 31 potential signs that you might be an Earth Angel and
provide guidance on how to navigate life if you identify with many of
these traits.

Earth Angels are believed to be special beings, guided by pure
positivity and love, whose ultimate purpose is to spread kindness and
help others. They are said to walk among us, often unrecognized, for
their mission is to create peace, comfort and healing in an otherwise
hectic world.

Throughout this enlightening video, we will cover a range of signs that

could indicate you are an Earth Angel.

#selfdiscovery#earthangel #spirituality #growth #enlightenment #positivity

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 4 months ago

⁣In this enlightening and informative video, we delve into the spiritual
realm to uncover the telltale signs that indicate if someone may be
directing negative energy your way. Whether you're a follower of
mystical realms or just curious about curses and how they might affect
your life, should they exist, this video is designed to guide you on
your journey.

We discuss seven crucial signs that you could potentially be the target
of a curse, helping you to recognize the manifestations of spiritual
harm in your life. Ever feel like you're having constant bad luck,
experiencing nightmares, or stumbling through life with unexplained
health issues? These could possibly be signs that someone has put a
curse on you.

As believers of cause and effect, we advise you to take this knowledge
as a means of understanding and creating balance in your life, rather
than succumbing to fear. We aim to empower you by providing possible
explanations and solutions for strange occurrences that may be happening
to you.

Remember, awareness is the first step towards resolution. Whether you
believe in curses or not, having knowledge about them might come in

Please note that this video is not intended to provoke fear or anxiety.
It is purely educational and is meant to create awareness about
different beliefs and the possibility that energy can be directed

positively or negatively.

#spirituality #curses #protection #metaphysical #undersatandingcurses

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 4 months ago

⁣In this video, we're delving into a unique topic - the 'Chosen One'
phenomenon. How do people around you recognize if you're the 'Chosen
One'? You might be the one with a special purpose, a unique path that
sets you apart! Here we highlight 9 signs that could suggest you're
indeed the 'Chosen One'. These signs might be spiritual, mental or even

Aspects we'll explore include natural leadership qualities, feelings of
not fitting in, frequent synchronicities, and more. This video is
intended to help anyone who feels like they've been chosen for a
specific purpose. Please remember, whether you resonate with being the

'Chosen One' or not, you're unique and have your own amazing journey.

#chosenone #personalgrowth #selfdiscovery #purpose #lifemission
#spirituality #selfimprovement #youarespecial #SignsYouAreTheChosenOne

The coming of our creator
32 Views · 7 months ago

⁣ In this powerful and enlightening video, we delve into
a critical subject that every follower of faith should be aware of -
the 6 warning signs of demonic attacks. Drawing from both scripture and
the experiences of those who have walked a spiritual path, we shed light
on the signs that may indicate a possible demonic interference.

Whether you consider yourself a 'Chosen One' or someone simply seeking
to strengthen their spiritual walk, this video is designed to guide and
inform, arming you with crucial insights and understanding about
spiritual warfare. We tackle topics like changes in behavior, feelings
of fear, anger or hatred, physical symptoms, fluctuations in faith and

In our endeavor to combat the darkness, it is vital we recognize the
signs and learn how to counteract against them effectively. If these
symptoms resonate with you or anyone you know, this video serves as an
essential guide to counteracting these negative forces.

Please remember that spiritual guidance should never replace
professional help and if you feel overwhelmed it's essential to reach
out to someone knowledgeable within your spiritual community, or a
mental health professional.

Watch, learn, and share in the journey of spiritual empowerment and


#demon #warningsigns #demonicattacks #spiritualwarfare #chosenones #Faith

#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
14 Views · 7 months ago

⁣n this video, we dive deep into the realm of mysticism and astrology to
explore the secrets hidden in your birth date! From the ancient wisdom
of numerology to the celestial interpretations of astrology, we decipher
the magical code that represents your birth date. Learn about the
"chosen ones" who were born under unique astrological conditions that
set them apart from the rest.

Have you ever wondered the significance of your birth date? This video
may hold the answers you seek. Whether you are born on these special
dates or not, understanding this mystical aspect can illuminate your
journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Discover the fascinating secrets of the cosmos in a way you've never
seen before. Gain profound insights about your life path number,
astrological sign, zodiac element, and more. Perhaps you might just find

out that you’re one of the chosen ones after all!
#astrology #mysticism #numerology #zodiacsigns #ChosenOne
#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 7 months ago

⁣In this insightful video, we explore the mind's potential in mastering
the intricacies of controlling the "Energy Field". Unlock the hidden
knowledge and take a step towards a deeper understanding of the cosmos
that is directly influenced by the human thought and intention.

Discover the science behind the energy field, often referred to as an
"aura", and the power within all of us to influence and shape it. We
delve into tangible techniques and methods that can help you tap into
your subconscious, influencing the energy field and utilizing it to

effect positive change in your life and the world around you.

#energyfields #hiddenknowledge #personaldevelopment #energymanipulation
#metaphysics #spirituality #quantumphysics #MentalControl

#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
74 Views · 7 months ago

⁣ Welcome to another enlightening video on our channel!
This time, we delve deep into the fascinating world of mythology,
spirituality, and symbolism to explore 'The 9 Types of Chosen Ones and
Their Divine Purposes.'

Throughout history and across cultures, we've come across the concept of
'The Chosen One.' This figure has eons of depth and diversity,
constantly appearing in religious, philosophical and fictitious
narratives. But who are they, really? And what divine purposes do they

In this video, we identify and dissect the nine types of chosen ones,
unraveling their unique purpose. From the prophesied saviors to the
reluctant heroes, the accidental mavericks to cosmic warriors, each
chosen one carries a symbolic narrative that reflects a different aspect

of human potential and destiny.

#chosenone #divinepurpose #mythology #spirituality #archetypes
#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
13 Views · 7 months ago

⁣In this educational and enlightening video, we delve deep into the 7
clear signs that signify you could potentially be one of the "chosen
ones". Through our extensive research and experiences, we've identified a
set of characteristics, feelings, and life events that tend to be
associated with these exceptional individuals.

Are you frequently feeling different from others? Do you often find
yourselves in challenging situations? Do you experience spiritual
awakenings or epiphanies more than the average person? These could all
be indications that you are a chosen one - someone destined for a unique
path and purpose in this world.

It's time to embrace your uniqueness and unleash your full potential.
Remember, being a chosen one is not a burden, but a privilege and a
blessing. As you navigate the complexities of life, always remember your
extraordinary worth and potential.

Watch this video to gain insights into what makes a chosen one and see
if these signs resonate with you. Whether you're a chosen one or simply
someone who is interested in spiritual growth and personal development,

this video is a must-watch.

#chosenone #spiritualgrowth #SelfDiscovery

#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
19 Views · 8 months ago

⁣ Welcome to an enthralling journey of intrigue,
suspense, and revelations. "The Chosen One's Hand Holds Power, But They
Don't Know It Yet" is an exploration of a journey steeped in mystery and

Caught between the realms of the ordinary and extraordinary, our
protagonist unknowingly posesses an extraordinary power. As they
navigate through the course of their everyday life, will they discover
this dormant power within? This captivating saga teems with elements of
fantasy, suspense, and thrill.

Join as we delve into their life, weaving through tales of destiny,
destiny, and unsought power. Each episode will leave you on the edge of
your seat. ⁣Adventure #fantasy #thrillingplot #mystery #suspense #power #destiny #thechosenone #hiddenpowers#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
21 Views · 8 months ago

⁣This deep-dive video explores the complexities of being a so-called
"chosen one" and the burdens paradoxically associated with it, often
leading to a life of solitude and loneliness.

In this exclusive analysis, we unpack the concept of a 'chosen one', a
term usually representative of someone with a peculiar destiny or unique
abilities. These individuals often bear a greater purpose, burden or
mission in life, and their journey is far from ordinary. Their path
often evolves into a solitary experience, marked by the absence of

friendship, love or companionship.
#chosenone #loneliness #psychology #sociology #isolation #purpose #destiny#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening