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The coming of our creator
6 Views · 11 hours ago

⁣ In this video, we delve into the fascinating world of
the Pleiadians, a group of star beings regarded in many spiritual
circles as higher dimensional guides and teachers to humanity. Over the
next 6 months, we'll explore what they supposedly have in store for us
according to channeled messages and cosmic alignments.

Join me as we navigate the cosmic wisdom of the Pleiadians, unpacking
their teachings and broadening our understanding of the spiritual
universe. We will dive deep into various topics such as ascension tips,
starseeds, light codes, and the importance of spiritual awakening.

Remember to keep an open mind, as our journey will traverse some
transcendental concepts and ethereal planes. This video is intended to
provoke contemplation rather than acceptance; you're encouraged to
nurture your own perspective of truth.

If you're intrigued by cosmic spirituality, energies, and our place in

the universe, this video is for you!

#pleiadianmusic #pleiadians #pleiadianos#pleiadians #spiritualevolution #astrology #futureprediction #Enlightenment

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 11 hours ago


Xandi is a representative of the Lyran Collective, a group of highly evolved beings from the Lyra star system dedicated to assisting humanity during its spiritual evolution. The Lyran Collective works to guide humanity towards higher levels of consciousness by helping individuals move beyond the ego, release limiting beliefs, and align with their true divine nature. Their guidance encourages spiritual mastery, unity, and the embodiment of Divine Light. At this time, they are focused on supporting humanity's ascension by providing wisdom, energy activations, and assistance in aligning with universal love and truth. Through Xandi, they offer practical insights for transcending lower energies and stepping into a galactic role as ambassadors of the Divine Light

#lyran #starseeds #lyranmessage #lyranenergyupdate#lyrancollective #xandi #spiritualgrowth #enlightenment
#personaldevelopment #challenges #lifetests #consciousness #wisdom
#mystic #elevation #CosmicConsciousness

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 12 hours ago

⁣⁣Laayti of the Arcturian Collective, serves as a guiding force in humanity's ascension process. The Arcturians are known for their deep wisdom and high vibrational energy, assisting Earth in its spiritual evolution. Their role is to help awaken humanity's dormant spiritual abilities, guiding individuals toward greater unity, love, and alignment with higher dimensions. Through energetic transmissions and guidance, the Arcturians, led by beings like Laayti, aid in elevating consciousness, offering support in transitioning from 3D to 5D realities. They emphasize the importance of heart-centered living, inner harmony, and embracing one's cosmic heritage as part of the greater Galactic community.

#arcturians #aliencontact #cosmicmystery #unknownrealms#galacticfederationoflight #starseeds #dnaupgrade

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 12 hours ago

⁣The Council of Five offers wisdom and energetic support, helping starseeds align with higher frequencies and embrace their true multidimensional nature. T'eeah and the Council emphasize the importance of awareness, acceptance, and deliberate shifting of one's vibration as keys to spiritual growth. Their guidance is aimed at empowering humanity to unlock the secrets of the universe within themselves, navigate the shifting energies of ascension, and ultimately step into their roles as co-creators of a new, higher-dimensional Earth.

#arcturiancouncil #newearth #spiritualawakening #ascensionprocess #RaiseYourVibration
#galacticfederationoflight #solarflares #spaceweather

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 12 hours ago

⁣Mira is a key galactic figure aiding humanity's ascension, working full-time with the Earth Council to guide the planet into higher dimensions. Their mission is to help remove negative forces, paving the way for peace and harmony on Earth. Mira often emphasizes staying focused on light work, resisting distractions, and awakening to one's true purpose, frequently giving us meditations and practices to assist. She reassures humanity that their galactic family is supporting them, as the planet moves toward the Golden Age of unity and love​

#pleiadianhighcouncil #ascension #spiritualawakening #channeling
#earthshifts #energyupdates #consciousnessexpansion #unity #love
#personalgrowth #cosmicknowledge #enlightenment #ExtraterrestrialWisdom

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 days ago

⁣Welcome to another enlightening video on our channel. In this video, we
will explore the fascinating concept of activating and tapping into our
inner vision to see the unseen.

Throughout this video, we delve deep into our subconscious mind and
learn how to use our intuition effectively. We will discuss different
strategies and techniques that will help in strengthening your sixth
sense and broadening your understanding of the world around you and

Expect to learn about meditation exercises and mindfulness techniques
that can aid in awakening your inner vision - which many believe can
empower you to anticipate events, connect intuitively with others, and
perceive things not ordinarily seen.

People from all walks of life - whether you are spiritually inclined,
seeking personal development or you're just plain curious, will find

this video insightful and beneficial.

#innervision #intuition #personalgrowth #meditation #selfdevelopment #seetheinvisible

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 days ago

⁣n this video, we dive deep into uncharted territories of knowledge that
are shrouded in mystery and secrecy. We examine the forbidden, the
obscured, and the unexplained phenomena that have baffled scholars
throughout history.

We will delve into various topics such as suppressed historical events,
enigmatic codes that haven't been cracked, ancient civilizations, their
undiscovered secrets, and much more. This fascinating journey into the
unknown aims to shed light on the hidden knowledge that you're not
supposed to know.

Remember, this video is for educational and entertainment purposes only.
We hope that it will provoke curiosity and initiate conversations about
the peculiar undercurrents of our shared history and perhaps, just

perhaps, ignite a hunger for truth that transcends the ordinary.

#hiddenknowledge #mysteries #history #education #forbiddenknowledge

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 2 days ago

⁣In this enlightening and informative video, we delve into the spiritual
realm to uncover the telltale signs that indicate if someone may be
directing negative energy your way. Whether you're a follower of
mystical realms or just curious about curses and how they might affect
your life, should they exist, this video is designed to guide you on
your journey.

We discuss seven crucial signs that you could potentially be the target
of a curse, helping you to recognize the manifestations of spiritual
harm in your life. Ever feel like you're having constant bad luck,
experiencing nightmares, or stumbling through life with unexplained
health issues? These could possibly be signs that someone has put a
curse on you.

As believers of cause and effect, we advise you to take this knowledge
as a means of understanding and creating balance in your life, rather
than succumbing to fear. We aim to empower you by providing possible
explanations and solutions for strange occurrences that may be happening
to you.

Remember, awareness is the first step towards resolution. Whether you
believe in curses or not, having knowledge about them might come in

Please note that this video is not intended to provoke fear or anxiety.
It is purely educational and is meant to create awareness about
different beliefs and the possibility that energy can be directed

positively or negatively.

#spirituality #curses #protection #metaphysical #undersatandingcurses

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 2 days ago

⁣In this video, we're delving into a unique topic - the 'Chosen One'
phenomenon. How do people around you recognize if you're the 'Chosen
One'? You might be the one with a special purpose, a unique path that
sets you apart! Here we highlight 9 signs that could suggest you're
indeed the 'Chosen One'. These signs might be spiritual, mental or even

Aspects we'll explore include natural leadership qualities, feelings of
not fitting in, frequent synchronicities, and more. This video is
intended to help anyone who feels like they've been chosen for a
specific purpose. Please remember, whether you resonate with being the

'Chosen One' or not, you're unique and have your own amazing journey.

#chosenone #personalgrowth #selfdiscovery #purpose #lifemission
#spirituality #selfimprovement #youarespecial #SignsYouAreTheChosenOne

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 2 days ago

⁣Welcome back to our channel! In today's video, we're delving into the
fascinating realm of intuition and subconscious signals. We present to
you '9 Weird Signs Someone Is Thinking of You Right Now'. This video
isn't just about eerily coincidental moments, but rather about the
strange and unexpected signs that can hint at someone else's thoughts
gravitating towards you.

Discover how certain feelings, dreams, and even physical reactions can
sometimes suggest that you are on someone else's mind. Along with this,
we will examine how our intuition goes beyond what we see with our eyes
and can often indicate connections that our conscious minds might miss.

See which of these 9 signs resonate with you. You might just find that
it answers some of your unasked questions or validates what you've been
feeling recently. Remember to keep an open mind and enjoy discovering

something new about the mysterious ways in which our minds work.

#romanticinterest #psychology #bodylanguage #romance #datingadvice #loveadvice#lovesignals
#signs #intuition #Thoughts

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 2 days ago

⁣ In this video, we will be examining the subtle signs
that someone may be thinking of you in a romantic way. Have you ever
wondered if a certain person may have warm feelings toward you? It's
time to decode their secret messages using the 8 signs that we will be
talking about in this video. We'll explore everything from body
language, conversation cues, to their overall behavior around you. Can't
tell if it's just friendly or if it's something more? We're here to
help unveil the truth behind these mixed signals!

Watch closely, the love of your life could be thinking about you
romantically right now and you may not even know it! These 8 signs could

finally clarify everything for you.

#romance #crush #signstheythinkofyou#lovesignals #romanticinterest #psychology #bodylanguage #romance #datingadvice #LoveAdvice

The coming of our creator
15 Views · 3 days ago

⁣ In this video, we aim to enlighten our viewers on the profound journey
of spiritual awakening and how it relates to a revived conscience.

Throughout the video, we'll explore the concept of spirituality,
consciousness, and inner awakening. We'll discuss how these elements
interact and contribute to an individual's overall well-being and
personal growth. Expect to learn about techniques to navigate and
understand your own spiritual journey, leading to a revived and awakened

This video is not just for those already initiated into their spiritual
journey but also for those who've just set foot on this path or are

curious about a more mindful way of living.

#spiritualawakening #revivedconscience #spiritualjourney #personalgrowth #innertransformation

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 3 days ago

⁣In this video, we have encapsulated some profound spiritual teachings
and messages from the ascended master, Saint Germain, who is known for
his wisdom and guidance.

His teachings are centered around higher consciousness, spiritual
growth, and the evolution of mankind. If you are seeking spiritual
enlightenment, looking for answers, or simply want to deepen your
understanding of your spiritual journey, this video is perfect for you.

Delve into the magnificence of Saint Germain’s teachings and allow this
video to evoke a sense of peace, calm, and spiritual understanding. We
hope that his words resonate with your spirit and transform your
perspective. This is an opportunity to reflect, contemplate, and connect
with your higher self.

Please remember to listen carefully as the words of Saint Germain are
intended to cultivate awareness, allowing an advanced spiritual
connection. Make sure to have an open heart and mind as you immerse

yourself in the practical wisdom that is about to be unveiled.

#saintgermain #listencarefully #thebeautiful #spiritualenlightenment #personalgrowth #wisdom #Inspiration

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 3 days ago

⁣Welcome to this enlightening video: THE Pleiadians: THE SECRET PLAN FOR

In this video, we will be exploring and shedding light on the
Pleiadian's secret plan for our future. We dive deep into the
Pleiadian's beliefs, their perspective of humanity, and the supposed
hidden agendas they have for us as we journey into the future. For those
who are not familiar, the Pleiadians are believed to be a group of
enlightened beings from the Pleiades star cluster who are here to assist
humanity's spiritual evolution.

This video is meant to bring some clarity on the topic, make you wonder
and possibly understand better the complex and mystical aspects that
connect the Pleiadians to the Earth. Whether you're new to this concept
or have been following the Pleiadian's mysterious presence for quite
some time, this video will surely provide you with a comprehensive

Please remember that these theories are speculative and are not meant to
replace your own beliefs or convictions. Always approach these theories

with an open mind, but also with a skeptical perspective.

#pleiadians #future #secretplan #enlightenedbeings #cosmicawareness #spiritualawakening #InterdimensionalReality

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 3 days ago

⁣Throughout the video, we will continuously discuss and decode the
Pleiadian messages for the benefits of our viewers and provide a global
perspective on expanding human consciousness. We offer critical insights
into the transformations that both our planet and we as individuals may
experience due to these cosmic energies.

A great watch for all the spiritual seekers, science enthusiasts, and
individuals interested in understanding the greater scheme of the

universe and humanity's role in it.

#pleiadian #cosmictransmission #lightpulses #cosmicphenomena #2023Transmission

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 3 days ago

⁣This is a fascinating exploration of the Pleiadian Message, a profound
cosmic revelation that has long been kept hidden from humanity. Our goal
with this video is to elaborate with insight and clarity about the
Pleiadian perspective of our universe and its creation.

In this video, we dive deep into the mysteries of the Pleiadians, a
group of extraterrestrials from the Pleiades star cluster who are said
to have a deep connection with humanity. We discuss their wisdom,
knowledge, and the cosmic truths that they aim to share with us.

We also deep-dive into the Great Secret of Creation - a concept, a
metaphysical theory or rather a divine revelation that the Pleiadians
believe to be true about the creation of our Universe. This Pleiadian
Message provides unique perspectives and multifaceted realities of

creation that will leave you amazed.

#pleiadians #cosmos #sprirituality #universe #existence #enlightenment #creation #Secrets

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 4 days ago

⁣The New Earth, Long Prophesied and Eagerly Awaited, Has Finally Arrived the great change as we move into a New Earth! Learn how to wake your actual potential, control rising ascension energies, and enter the five-dimensional plane. Discover effective strategies to negotiate these transforming years and release your higher self.

#ascension #5thdimension #newearth
#newearth #spiritualawakening #consciousnessshift

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 4 days ago

⁣The full moon that will appear on October 17th will bring about a change that you could not have anticipated! Discover the mystical secrets of the October 17th, 2024 Full Moon! Uncover rare lunar phenomena, astrological insights, and spiritual rituals. Learn how this powerful moon affects YOU and unlock its hidden potential
#fullmoon2024 #lunarmagic #astrosecrets#lunapiena #17ottobre #cambiamentoenergetico

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 4 days ago

⁣With the Full Moon that occurs on October 17th, things will shift in a way that you never anticipated! On the 17th of October, 2024, there will be a Super Full Moon, and aggressive energies are heading toward Earth!

#fullmoonoctober 2024 #lunarmagic #astrosecrets
#superluna #energieaggressive #Ottobre2024

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 4 days ago

⁣Full Moon Oct 17th 2024: Global Upheavals: Flooding, Earthquakes, and Geopolitical Shifts! Discover the mystical secrets of the October 17th, 2024 Full Moon! Uncover rare lunar phenomena, astrological insights, and spiritual rituals. Learn how this powerful moon affects YOU and unlock its hidden potential

#fullmoon2024 #lunarmagic #AstroSecrets
#lunapiena #inondazioni #terremoti #brillamentisolari #astrologia #17Ottobre2024

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 4 days ago

⁣Discover the great change as we move into a New Earth! Learn how to wake your actual potential, control rising ascension energies, and enter the five-dimensional plane. Discover effective strategies to negotiate these transforming years and release your higher self.

#ascension #5thdimension #newearth#guidaspirituale #consapevolezza #risvegliospirituale

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
1 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
1 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
1 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
1 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
1 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
1 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 5 days ago

⁣ In questo video, Marika condivide le sue idee e osservazioni sulla
vita, sul raggiungimento degli obiettivi personali e sulla crescita

Utilizzando l'arte del pensiero chiaro e della centratura costante,
Marika esamina stratagemmi per affrontare le sfide quotidiane, aumentare
la consapevolezza di sé e migliorare le abilità decisionali. Osserva i
dettagli più piccoli della vita e condividi il potere della limpida

osservazione per esplorare il mondo intorno a te.

#marikamoretto #osservazione #centratura #crescitapersonale #Consapevolezza

The coming of our creator
2 Views · 5 days ago

⁣Nel mese di ottobre e nei mesi che seguiranno". Questo video è dedicato
all'amore, alla speranza e alle sfide che la vita ci pone davanti. Non
solo nel mese di ottobre, ma anche nei mesi che seguiranno.

Monique Mathieu ci regala il suo punto di vista unico ed emotivo su come
affrontare la vita con coraggio e determinazione. Attraverso i suoi
saggi consigli, possiamo imparare a migliorare noi stessi e la nostra

prospettiva sulla vita

#moniquemathieu #ottobre #previsioni #crescitapersonale #spirituale #benessere #ispirazione #motivazione.

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 5 days ago

⁣ Benvenuti nel mio canale
presenterò un messaggio speciale della Federazione della Luce, canale
attraverso Blossom Goodchild. Blossom è un medium spirituale
internazionale che lavora con una serie di entità non fisiche che si
chiamano "La Federazione della Luce". In questa sessione, ho avuto il
privilegio di canalizzare un messaggio pieno di speranza e di amore per
tutta l'umanità.

La Federazione della Luce è un gruppo di esseri di luce estremamente
avanzati a livello spirituale. Sono qui per aiutare l'umanità a passare
attraverso questi tempi turbolenti e ad elevarsi a uno stato di
consapevolezza più alto. Nel video, la Federazione parla
dell'importanza dell'amore, della pace e dell'unità, e dà consigli su
come possiamo migliorare la nostra vita spirituale.

Ricorda, siamo tutti uniti in questo viaggio. La Federazione della Luce

ci ricorda sempre questo.

#lafederazionedellaluce #blossomgoodchild #canalizzazione #spiritualità

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 6 days ago

⁣What if November plays out the way most people are expecting... despite massive efforts to throw it off?

Join David as we explore this intriguing idea, which is partly based upon direct observation of where we are today, with only three weeks to go.

We've spent so much time thinking about and expecting disruption that we never realistically considered the idea of a "Normal November" -- until now.

Majorly disruptive events may well still occur between November and January, but David will speculate that we may see a different outcome than the one he had been expecting.

We will also be discussing new Michael readings from 1999 that David only unsealed 25 years later -- and have shocking relevance to our immediate future.

David has been recovering from what appears to have been a very nasty case of COVID, and looks forward to his triumphant comeback! Don't miss this show!

#davidwilcock #livetalk #metaphysics

#spirituality #consciousness #peace #selfenlightenment #ancientaliens

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 6 days ago

I⁣n this channeled session, Metatron answer the following questions:
1. What is the truth about Elon Musk's new robot fleet and their agenda?
2. What is the best way to connect with our higher self, and how does our higher self give signs of communication?

You can email me on for your soul identity, soul name, and past lives.

My website for searchable transcripts:

Get the paperback (book) version of the sessions:

#metatronchanneling #elonmusk #higherself #reptilians #galacticconsciousness #galacticfederationoflight #galacticfederation #galacticfederationofplanets #galacticfederationofworlds #samtheillusionist

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 6 days ago

⁣In this video, we embark on a revealing journey, objectively
scrutinizing how classics produced by Disney have undergone seismic
transformations. We explore the spiritual warfare that subtly unfolds
within these movies, raising complex existential questions - 'What is

We delve into the concept of the timeline split and how it has been
masterfully adapted into the Disney narratives, forever altering our
perception of childhood favorites. Beyond the subtle humor and
enchanting fantasy, there are deeper metaphysical concepts embedded

within these animated masterpieces.

#disney #spiritualwarfare #timelinesplit ⁣#RealityVsIllusion
⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 6 days ago

Let's ⁣dive deep into the fall of Hollywood as the industry's secrets unravel. With scandals rocking the core of fame and fortune, none is more explosive than P.....Diddy latest controversy. As the shocking details emerge, this scandal is poised to go viral, sending shockwaves across the entertainment world. Join us as we discuss the implications of this story and how it's reshaping Hollywood's future.

For more on merchandise, classes, and community, visit [](https://www.ourco

Discover the groundbreaking book at [](https://www.

#filmindustry #musicindustry #digitalage #transformation #entertainmentindustry

⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 6 days ago

⁣The victory of the White Hats and the global shift towards a brighter future through the implementation of GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act). The White Hats—forces of light working within governments and institutions—are dismantling dark agendas and liberating humanity from control systems that have long suppressed freedom and prosperity.

GESARA represents a monumental step toward global transformation. It promises financial reset, debt forgiveness, and a return to sovereignty for all nations. Join us as we discuss how the unstoppable victory of the White Hats will usher in an era of peace, abundance, and spiritual awakening for humanity. The new world is on the horizon!

For more on merchandise, classes, and community, visit

#whathatalliance ⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 7 days ago

⁣ In this fascinating video, we delve deep into the
captivating concept of simulated reality. Drawing from the fields of
quantum physics, philosophy, and artificial intelligence, the subject
explores the possibility that we could potentially be living in a
sophisticated, computer-like simulation.

Beginning with the basics, we unravel the concept of simulation theory,
discussing various perspectives from renowned thinkers like Elon Musk
and physicist Nick Bostrom. We then move on to examine the technological
advances in virtual reality and their implications on our understanding
of simulated realities.

Playing on the metaphor of life as a game, we also discuss concrete
strategies on how to potentially "win" this game. Drawing from elements
of self-improvement, philosophy, and psychology, we provide insights on
how to live your life to the fullest, irrespective of whether we live on
base reality or a simulation.

Simulated Reality: The Game of Life isn't just a theoretical discussion;

it’s a deep dive into a subject that has been baffling humanity forever.

#simulationtheory #reality #gameoflife #consciousness #universe #artificialintelligence #philosophy #ai #science #Technology

The coming of our creator
14 Views · 7 days ago

⁣ In this intriguing video, we delve deep into the world of paranormal
phenomena and explore the mystery surrounding shadow people.

Shadow People, whether real or imagined, have intrigued, fascinated, and
scared humanity for years. They often appear at the corner of your
vision, spooking you and causing freight. Are they spiritual missions?
Interdimensional beings? Or simply, figments of our overactive
imaginations? Well, let's try to unravel these ominous mysteries!

Within this video, we break down the concept of shadow people, their
origins, the different theories associated with them, and the science
that could possibly explain these terrifying figures. Additionally, we
explore various real-life encounters that people have claimed to
experience with shadow people.

But, most importantly, we discuss the various techniques and safety
measures you need to adopt in order to protect yourself

#shadowpeople #paranormal #ghoststories #mystery #unexplainedphenomena #eerie #Unknown

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 7 days ago

⁣: In this enlightening video, we dive into the
mysterious world of dream interpretation, revealing 9 common dream
symbols that you shouldn't ignore. Sleep is not just rest, but also a
gateway to subconscious thoughts, messages, and feelings, many of which
can predict or influence our waking lives.

We present you with popular symbols seen in dreams, from falling teeth
to flying, and unravel what these might signify about your waking life.
With reference from psychologists and expert dream interpreters, this
video provides a compelling exploration into mind's hidden messages and

Whether you're a dream enthusiast, curious about the subconscious mind,

or just want to understand your dreams better, this video is sure.

#dreamsymbols #dreaminterpretation #DreamMeanings

The coming of our creator
27 Views · 7 days ago

⁣This video provides an in-depth exploration of overlooked and
unconventional manifestation rituals that may help you to attract
positivity and initiate change in your life. We dive deep into the
mystical world of manifestation, challenging traditional beliefs, and
showcasing techniques to help you achieve your desires.

Within this video, we unfold unique manifestation rituals ranging from

gratitude practices, visualization techniques, to scripting exercises.

#manifestation #lawofattraction #personaldevelopment #spirituality #visualisation #gratitude #rituals #manifestationrituals

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 7 days ago

⁣ Welcome back to another enlightening and empowering
video. Today, we are diving deep into the spiritual realm and discussing
"7 Things Your Higher Self Wants You to Remember, No Matter What Your
Ego Says".

In this thought-provoking video, we explore the wisdom that our higher
selves have to offer us, often overlooked due to the loud chatter of our
ego. These seven messages from your higher self are reminders of your
true nature, your potential, and the infinite possibilities that lie
before you.

Through this video, we will embark on a spiritual journey to draw a

clear distinction between our egoistic persona and our true, divine self

#higherself #ego #spirituality #selfimprovement #PersonalGrowth

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 8 days ago

⁣This video titled "And God Said: The End of the Known World" delves into
the intriguing aspects of the Holy Scriptures and provides a deep
analysis about the end times as depicted in the Bible.

As we venture through biblical texts, we will explore different
theories, prophecies and interpretations revolving around the end of the


#endtimes #armageddon #secondcoming#endoftheworld #bibleprophecy #revelation #biblicaltheology #religion #God

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 8 days ago

⁣Welcome to another thought-provoking video on our channel! In this
enlightening exploration, titled "And God Said: The Blending of Heaven
and Earth," we delve into the profound implications of divine creation
and our spiritual connection to the cosmos.

This video looks at several faith perspectives, drawing on sacred texts
and the insights of distinguished religious scholars and scientists to
provide you with a captivating investigation into the relationship

between Heaven, Earth, and humanity.

#religion #science #creation #heavenearth #AndGodSaid

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 8 days ago

⁣The Gift of Fear", we delve deep into scriptures and theological
interpretations to understand why fear is not always a negative emotion
but instead, can be seen as a divine gift. God often uses fear to guide
and protect us, to keep us on the right path, and to help us understand

the consequences of our actions.

#giftoffear #spirituality #christianity#divinefear #god #PersonalGrowth

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 8 days ago

⁣In this enlightening video, we delve into a profound discussion about
overcoming fear from a spiritual perspective, exploring the concept "And
God Said: The Antidote to Fear."

Fear can be paralyzing, often hindering us from living to our full
potential. This video is a celebration of the peace and power we can
find in divine intervention and the wisdom from the sacred scriptures.
Join us as we explore how faith and trust in God can serve as a powerful
antidote to fear, restoring our courage and strength in challenging

This video is not tied to any particular religion and aims to provide
comfort and solace to individuals of all faiths and belief systems.
Whether you're struggling with fear, anxiety, or any other negative
emotion, we believe that this video can offer you some comfort, hope,

and guidance.

#antidotetofear #spiritualguidance #overcomingfear #faith #trustingod #Religion

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 8 days ago

⁣In this thoughtful and illuminating video, we delve deep into the core
essence of spirituality, exploring the profound concept of "Living
Directly From God". Drawing insights from various religious texts and
spiritual philosophies, we discuss what it truly means to live in
accordance with God's will and interpret the divine messages.

This video also explores the connection between our daily lives and the
understanding of a higher purpose, and how we can lead a life of
fulfillment and contentment by allowing God's wisdom to guide our path.
Whether you are a believer, a spiritual seeker, or simply curious about

life's deeper meanings, this video offers something to ponder upon

#spirituality #lifedirectfromgod #godswill #faith #Religion

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 8 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Welcome to another enlightening video centered on spiritual growth and understanding. In this video, we explore the power of the 5th Dimension, or 5D, through the wisdom shared by Mother Earth, Ascended Master El Morya and the Arcturian Council. Dive into a realm beyond our physical reality as we discuss the shift in consciousness that often refers to the transition from the 3rd to the 5th dimension. Through this discussion, we delve into what it truly means to exist in 5D and how we can align ourselves with this higher state of existence. Guided by Mother Earth, we'll explore the intricate relationship we share with our planet and how we can better attune ourselves to her natural rhythms and wisdom. We'll learn to understand that everything is interconnected and how we are integral parts of this intricate web of life. Featuring teachings from El Morya, the ascended master of God's Will, we're provided with profound insights on spiritual empowerment and alignment with our higher selves. El Morya's teachings guide us to transcend our limitations and align our will with the divine will. Finally, join us as we establish a connection with the Arcturian Council, wisdom-filled extraterrestrial beings who assist in our spiritual growth. Their profound messages and guidance from a higher dimensional perspective provide an expanded understanding of our universe and our role within it. Whether you are a long-time spiritual practitioner or just beginning your journey, this video provides valuable insights that can help you navigate your path.

#motherearth #5d #spiritualgrowth #elmorya #arcturiancouncil #awakening #ascension #universe #LoveandLight

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Welcome to another enlightening video on our channel. In this video, we
are sharing a profound message from Ashtar. Ashtar, a cosmic entity
known to many, brings forth a message that we are closer than ever. He
channels his energy and wisdom to enlighten us about our universal
connections and spiritual journey.

Throughout this powerful video, you'll learn about our growing
connection with the cosmic world and ourselves. This serves as a
significant reminder that we're part of a larger picture, interconnected

with all beings, and existing in a universe that is packed with life.

#ashtar #spiritualawakening #cosmicconnection#ashtar #spirituality #cosmicconsciousness #galacticfederation #interdimensionalcommunication #awakening #newage

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Welcome to this enlightening video, "Humanity’s Warning:
Galactic Message From Mira of the Pleiadian High Council".

In this unique cosmic communication, we share an extraordinary message
from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, sourced through cosmic
channeling. The Pleiadians, benevolent extraterrestrial beings from the
Pleiades star cluster, have been keeping tabs on humanity for thousands
of years. They are deeply invested in our survival and positive

This video provides in-depth insight into the warning given to our
species from this highly evolved & loving cosmic entity. Mira warns
us about the challenges that lie ahead and elucidates the urgent need
for a shift in our collective consciousness.

This message from outside our earthly realm couldn't be more timely as
our world grapples with numerous challenges - everything from climate
change, the threat of nuclear war, to socio-political conflicts.

More importantly, Mira gives us hope and the assurance that humanity is
not battling these issues alone. She offers guidance on how we can
cultivate our own inner power, foster unity, and create major positive

Please ensure to watch the entire video to understand the gravity of
this message, our collective responsibility, and the necessary actions
we as humanity must take to ensure the survival and positive evolution

of our race and our dear Mother Earth.

#pleiadianhighcouncil #mira #galacticmessage #spiritualawakening #HumanitysWarning

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 10 days ago

⁣Welcome to another thought-provoking video on our channel. In this
video, we will be diving deep into a widely-discussed theory concerning
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research - alleged by some
to be a creation of the Illuminati. This theory puts forward the idea
that the Illuminati might be using the technologies devised at CERN to
access different time and space realities.

Throughout the video, we will uncover various aspects about this theory,
exploring the potential truth behind it. What is CERN really about?
What are the supposed ties to the Illuminati? And most importantly, is

it truly possible to manipulate the fabric of time and space?

#cern #illuminati #timetravel #science #conspiracytheories

The coming of our creator
11 Views · 11 days ago

⁣"1010 Portal Opening: 5D Energy Surge and You Should Pay Attention to
What is Coming".

In this enlightening session, we delve deeper into the universe's energy
mysteries and the significance of the 1010 portal. We shed light on how
the powerful surge of 5D energy influences your spiritual journey and
overall life.

In a world filled with constant change, it is essential to understand
these universal energy shifts that could manifest as personal or
collective transformations. The date 10/10 carries vast vibrational
messages and codes that can influence our life path and our level of

This video helps you understand:
- What the 1010 portal opening signifies
- How the 5D energy surge affects you and your surroundings
- How to harness and absorb this surge positively
- The signs and symptoms of 5D energy shift
- Ways to tune into your inner self and pay attention to what is coming

Join us on this extraordinary journey as we unveil this cosmic event's
secrets. Decode the mysteries of the universe and tap into its abundant

energy like never before.

#5denergysurge #1010portalopening #spiritualawakening #energy #self-Awareness #enlightenment #spirituality

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 11 days ago

⁣"The Biggest Super Full Moon On Oct 17, 2024, New 5D Portals Activated".
In this fascinating footage, we get a deep-dive into all the intricate
details of the super full moon occurring on October 17, 2024; a sight
you don’t want to miss!

Join us as we delve into the world of celestial events and discuss the
significance of this extraordinary lunar event, along with the
activation of new 5th-dimensional portals. Understood to be gateways
into different spiritual realms, these 5D portals are speculated to be
instrumental for profound spiritual growth.

We invite you to embark on this captivating journey with us as we
explore the dimensions of space and spirituality. Discover the
intricacies of lunar phases, the concept of super full moons, and their
impact on planet Earth. Gain an understanding of the 5-dimensional
reality, and how new portals could influence your spiritual awakening.

⁣SuperFullMoon #5dportals #universe #spaceexploration #SpiritualEvolution
#5dportals #cosmos #spirituality #MoonPhases

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 11 days ago

⁣ In this video, we're discussing the RED ALERT for October! This new
energy shift is bound to bring some intense transformations in your
lives. This energy shift is not just another celestial occurrence, it
contains potent energies that can either energize you or drain you,
depending on how you interact with it.

In this video, we're going to go through in detail, exactly what this
energy shift means, why it's significant, and how it can impact your
daily life. We delve into the various influences this energy shift can

have on your emotional, mental, and physical states.

#energyshift #octoberredalert #spirituality #selfawareness #wellness #PersonalGrowth

#spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 11 days ago

⁣ In this informative and intriguing video, we delve
deep into the mystery of the planetary alignments that are set to take
place over the next 72 hours. Known as a rare astronomic event, this
planetary alignment is considered unprecedented due to its unusual

Join us as we explore the science behind these alignments, the history
and myths related to such phenomena, and what astronomers predict we can

expect to see in the skies.

#planetaryalignment #astronomy #science #universe #SpaceExploration

⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 12 days ago

⁣Hidden Message in Synchronicities: 5 Different Types of Synchronicity".
In this revealing exploration, we delve deep into the mysterious world
of synchronicities and how they influence our lives.

Synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, continuously manifest
within our daily lives, often going unnoticed. These hidden signals can
facilitate our spiritual growth and stimulate profound personal insight,
if we know how to interpret them.

In this enlightening video, we delve into the five primary types of
synchronicity: Mirroring Synchronicity, Guiding Synchronicity,
Reflective Synchronicity, Testing Synchronicity, and Transformational
Synchronicity. Each type offers a distinct message and unearths valuable
guidance that can aid us in navigating life’s many challenges.

We also shed light on how you can cultivate increased awareness of these
intriguing occurrences and effectively decode the wisdom they embody.
This insight can augment your spiritual journey and invite a greater
sense of connectivity with the universe.

#spiritualgrowth #awakening #spirituality #coincidences ⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages us
to embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us.
We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

The coming of our creator
3 Views · 12 days ago

( ⁣Its a Collective message, ⁣take what resonates with you )

⁣Welcome back to my channel! In this video, we are exploring the concept of ( ⁣A Comprehensive Tarot Card Reading Guide / ⁣⁣Take what Resonates with you ) This beautiful mantra encourages usto embrace what speaks to our souls and leave behind that which doesn't serve us. We delve deep into showing self-awareness, understanding, personal growth, spirituality, and maintaining positive energy.

Always remember, you are a unique individual with your own journey and experiences. All advice and wisdom shared in this video should resonate with your personal situation. It's okay if everything doesn't connect with you. Simply, take what does and move forward from there.

It’s all about building personal connection, understanding your thought process, and creating your own growth path.

#tarot #tarotcardreading #spirituality #mystic #selfdiscovery #intuition #twin-flames #spiritualjourney #awakened #signs #divine #guide #soulmate

Showing 1 out of 2