In the 1999 film "The Matrix," Morpheus tells Neo that the matrix is akin to a dream world or 3D Simulation. This profound concept aligns with recent findings from scientists and quantum physicists, suggesting that our reality might be a 3D simulation. In this installment, we delve into the concept of Unity, an electromagnetic consciousness encompassing all living beings in our multiverse—each of us an integral part of this Unity. From Unity, Mother and Father Consciousness emerge, leading to the birth of gender-less archangels and demons spanning the entire universe, dwelling in the sixth and seventh dimensions. The dimensions ascend from 1 to 7, with the seventh dimension being the source of all. Subsequently, Mother and Father give rise to Ahriman and Yaweh.
Entities within the sixth and seventh density exist as pure energy and non-physical life forms. Any depictions or representations of these beings serve the purpose of aiding visual comprehension for individuals exploring the subject.
Birth Of Reality & Existence
Mother & Father Consciousness
Birth Of Evil/Lucifer
Angels & Demons
09:38 3D Earth is Our Mission
The 7 Dimensions Explained
#astrallegends #3dlightmatrix #universe #cosmos #stringtheory #quantummechanics #physics #ai #holography #metaphysics
Welcome to another illuminating episode where we dive deep into the
realm of quantum physics and how it shapes our existence. In this video,
we shed light on the concept of "Super Quantum Earth" and how it
correlates with our reality.
Get ready for an exciting and enlightening themed video designed to
rouse your curiosity and challenge your understanding of life as you
know it. We're going beyond the basics, linking quantum theories with
profound reflections on metaphysics, philosophy, and spiritual
awakening, exploring how these seemingly abstract concepts are
intrinsically interconnected with our everyday lives on the Quantum
#quantumearth #quantummechanics #sciecne #spirituality #universe #Existence
Welcome to this enlightening video about, "The Sirians
High Council: You Are All Coming Together Energetically".
This video provides a compelling account of the messages communicated by
the Sirians High Council, one of the most advanced civilizations
believed to exist in a distant star system known as Sirius. As per their
emissaries, they state that we, as a human race, are all converging
together energetically and spiritually.
Throughout this video, we explore the profound wisdom and knowledge
imparted about the energetic and spiritual unification of humanity. We
dive deep into the influence this gathering has on a global and cosmical
scale, which has been intriguingly advocated by the Sirians.
Expect to uncover insights about energy shifts, collective
consciousness, spiritual awakenings, and the significant impact these
have on human evolution. We elaborate on the Sirians' messages,
providing a comprehensive understanding of their cryptic communications
and guidance.
Whether you are a long-time believer or a curious skeptic, this video
promises an engaging experience that broadens your perspective on cosmic
energy connections and spiritual growth.
#sirianshighcouncil #energeticconnection #spiritualgrowth
#universalenergy #channeledmessages #quantummechanics #spirituality
#interconnectedness #Metaphysics