In this channeled session, the Galactic Federation share their predictions for 2025:
1. What are predictions for 2025?
2. What are truth about NPCs not having soul?
3. How to connect with infinite intelligence?
#galacticfederation #predictions2025 #2025predictions #2025 #ascensionenergyupdate #channeling #channelinghigherguidance #channeledmessages #backgroundpeople #npcs #galacticfederationoflight #galacticfederationofplanets #galacticfederationofworld #samtheillusionist #infiniteintelligence
#galacticfederation #alienencounters #spaceexploration
#extraterrestriallife #cosmicmysteries #2025predictions #FutureForecasts
#galacticmessage #unexplainedmysteries #TheUniverse
In this channeled session, Metatron answers the following:
1. Does Hollywood put spells upon people? What's the truth behind that actors who become famous that they sell their soul to the devil?
2. What is the difference between astral traveling and dreaming?
3. What will happen to those souls who are not able to graduate even after the 75,000 year cycle into the fourth density? What will happen to those souls has been described?
#metatronchanneling #souls #astraltravel #astraltraveler #newearth #samtheillusionist #channeling #channelingenergy #channelinghigherguidance #galacticfederation #galacticchanneling #galacticfederationoflight #galacticfederationofworlds #galacticfederationofplanets
In this channeled session, the Pleiadians answer the following:
1. A message to humanity regarding the true cause of California wildfires, and its spiritual connection?
2. A message regarding truth about the earthquake in Tibet, and its spiritual cause.
#pleiadians #californiawildfires #californiawildfire #tibetearthquake #samtheillusionist #channeling #channelinghigherguidance #channelingmassage #channeledmessages #galacticfederation #galacticchanneling #galacticconsciousness #galacticfederationoflight #galacticfederationofworlds #galacticfederationofplanets
#californiawildfires #pleiadians #environmentalcrises