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#pleiadians #galacticfederationoflight #stonehenge
#pleiadians #wanderer #galacticconsciousness #galacticfederationofworlds #galacticfederation #galacticfederationoflight #galacticfederationofplanets #cern #channeledmessages #channeling #stonehengemystery #stonehenge #aliens #spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
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In this channeled session, Pleiadians answer the following:
1. What is the truth behind a video that was circulating on social media and showcases various entities wearing cloaks near CERN?
2. What is the truth if a Wanderer comes from another social memory complex from another planet? Will they become part of the third density if they come here, or will they go back, you know, after their incarnation ends?
3. What is the spiritual significance of the swastika symbol, and what does it signify?
4. What is the truth about who created stonehenge and why?
#pleiadians #galacticfederationoflight #stonehenge
#pleiadians #wanderer #galacticconsciousness #galacticfederationofworlds #galacticfederation #galacticfederationoflight #galacticfederationofplanets #cern #channeledmessages #channeling #stonehengemystery #stonehenge #aliens