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99% Waste Their Orgasm: Left Vs Right Hand Tantra Explained

3 Views· 08/02/25
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⁣Are you wasting your sexual energy? Should you retain or release? This video breaks down Left-Hand vs. Right-Hand Tantra, revealing how men and women can use orgasm, retention, and transmutation to amplify their power, magnetism, and spiritual transformation.

Tantra is often misunderstood. Some claim it’s about sacred sexuality, while others insist on strict celibacy. But the truth? Tantra is both—and neither. It’s a system of energy mastery, teaching you how to harness, store, and transmute sexual energy instead of letting it drain away.

Left-Hand Path vs. Right-Hand Path: Two Approaches to Sexual Mastery
The Left-Hand Path (LHP) embraces pleasure, embodiment, and direct experience. Instead of depleting energy, orgasm is expanded and circulated through techniques like Circular Breathing, Microcosmic Orbit, and Tantric Energy Flow. Women naturally amplify Shakti energy, while men must learn to redirect orgasmic energy throughout the body instead of losing it outward.

The Right-Hand Path (RHP) focuses on retention and refinement using practices like the Root Lock (Mula Bandha), breathwork, and kriyas. Men use semen retention to build strength and focus, while women refine their energy for intuition and attraction power. This path is about containing and circulating energy rather than releasing it.

The Power of Semen Retention for Men
For men, semen retention increases:
✅ Mental clarity and discipline
✅ Magnetism and presence
✅ Physical and spiritual vitality

But retention without transmutation causes stagnation, frustration, and mood swings. To avoid this:

Microcosmic Orbit: Move energy up the spine and down the front of the body.
Root Lock (Mula Bandha): Contract pelvic muscles to redirect energy.
Physical & Creative Activity: Channel energy into movement, work, or artistic expression.
Retention is not suppression—it’s about intentional circulation for higher awareness.

Sexual Energy Transmutation for Women
Women naturally store sexual energy in the womb and sacral center, making them highly magnetic and intuitive. When properly harnessed, this energy amplifies attraction, radiance, and full-body orgasmic potential.

Key Practices:

Orgasmic Circulation: Direct energy upward instead of outward before climax.
Womb Alchemy: Transform sexual energy into wisdom and magnetism.
Sexual Magnetism Techniques: Women who refine their sexual energy radiate powerful presence.
Mastering this energy makes a woman unstoppable in her creative, spiritual, and personal life.

Using Orgasm as a Tool for Expansion (Left-Hand Tantra)
For those who choose orgasmic transmutation, Tantra teaches that release should be intentional, not depletion. One technique is Circular Breathing, where you slow your breath before climax and guide the energy upward instead of losing it outward.

By doing this, orgasm becomes an energy amplifier, fueling spiritual connection, magnetism, and higher awareness.

Harnessing Retention for Spiritual Mastery (Right-Hand Tantra)
If you follow Right-Hand Tantra, your goal is to redirect sexual energy into spiritual focus. Using the Root Lock, breath retention, and stillness practices, you store and circulate sexual energy internally.

Daily retention practice:

Morning breathwork to awaken and circulate energy.
Daytime redirection through physical movement and creative work.
Nighttime refinement with meditation and energy storage.
Instead of wasting energy, you refine it—turning sexual energy into power, clarity, and mastery.

Which Path is Right for You?

Tantra isn’t about rules—it’s about choosing what aligns with your energy.

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