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Bashar's Urgent Prediction for Humanity: What to Expect in 2026-2027 - Prepare

15 Views· 27/08/24
The coming of our creator
In Others

⁣ In this enlightening video, we dive deep into the
predictions made by Bashar for our collective human future in the years
2026-2027. Bashar, a multi-dimensional extraterrestrial being, shares
wisdom and insights concerning the rapid transformations we, as a
species, are expected to undergo in this time period.

This video serves as a comprehensive guide on what to expect during
these transformative years and gives practical advice on how we should
prepare ourselves. Viewers will uncover the significant changes that
await humanity — both on a global and personal scale. It's a
conversation exploring potential global events, shifts in human
consciousness, and advancements in technology we can anticipate
according to Bashar's guidance.

Whether you're a longtime follower of Bashar's teachings or new to his
predictions, this video is essential viewing. Not only does it promote
understanding of the possible future scenarios, but it also encourages
viewers to take active roles in shaping their destiny and contributing

to a better future.

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#spiritual awakening

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