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Dear Earth, It Has Begun: A Powerful Message From Archangel Metatron

9 Views· 03/09/24
The coming of our creator

⁣In this channeled session, Metatron answers the following questions:
1. What is the Looking Glass event for the month of September?
2. What is the truth behind solar activities and coronal mass ejections? What is its spiritual significance?
3. What is the importance of 432 Hertz and its spiritual significance?

4. What is the cause of sleep paralysis and how can we stop it?

#metatronchanneling #lookingglass #coronalmassejection #metatronchanneling #lookingglass #coronalmassejection #432hz #samtheillusionist #galacticconsciousness #galacticchanneling #galacticfederation #ascension #galacticfederationoflight #galacticfederationofworlds #sleepparalysis

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