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Do Not Make Any Big Future Plans: The transition to the New Earth - The Pleiadians

7 Views· 23/01/25
The coming of our creator

⁣Welcome to another enlightening video! In this installment, we delve
into a profound message from the Pleiadians about the significant shift
towards the New Earth. According to the Pleiadian wisdom, it may be
unwise to make big future plans during this phase of transition.

The Pleiadians, extraterrestrial beings of higher consciousness from the
Pleiades star cluster, bring forth their wisdom and insights about our
current state of existence and the expected transition to the New Earth.
They urge us to remain present, be adaptable, and to expect unexpected

As per their messages, the transition towards the New Earth would
necessitate letting go of our old paradigms, patterns, and habitual
planning. They suggest that our evolution depends on embracing change,
allowing things to unfold naturally in their own time, and trusting the

universal plan.

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