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How the April 8th Solar Eclipse Triggered the Opening of the 44th Portal

21 Views· 11/04/24
The coming of our creator

⁣Welcome to another enlightening video where we delve into the mystical
world of cosmic events and spiritual awakenings. Today, we explore the
events and impacts of the April 8th Solar Eclipse and how it triggered
the opening of the 44th Portal.

This celestial spectacle was not just a treat for astronomy enthusiasts,
but also a massive energetic shift for those tuned into the frequencies
of the universe. The April 8th Solar Eclipse played a pivotal role in
triggering the opening of the 44th Portal, an ethereal gateway that
allows for profound spiritual growth and enlightenment.

In this video, we will break down the significance of the Solar Eclipse
and its alignment with the planets, discussing how these cosmic
occurrences influence our spiritual path and personal growth.

We'll also delve into the extraordinary concept of the 44th Portal, its
associations within numerology and spiritual teachings, and how its
opening can affect individuals on a personal and collective level.

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