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How To Contact Ashtar Command Now: Lt. Commander Na'Thaan - Ashtar Command

8 Views· 13/01/25
The coming of our creator


"Communication between our realms and yours matters greatly, especially as timelines accelerate. In light of that, we offer a simple framework: Sit quietly in a comfortable place, free of interruptions.

Then, close your eyes and focus on your breathing until you sense a gentle lightness in your head and chest—your signal that you are firmly in the Now. This is where our connection takes place. Next, visualize and feel a warm glow—golden, pink, or green—centered in your heart and allow it to radiate outward. Observe how your awareness seems to expand beyond your physical body. Let that expansion fill the entire room or the space you occupy. What do you feel? Do you sense love from your Guides, your Light family?

When you’re able to hold that presence, reach out with it toward us. Do this in whatever way feels natural. Imagine your heart’s light merging with that of a cherished family of Light being. Love at this frequency fosters genuine truth; the highest vibration in the Multiverse makes only truth possible. Having established that connection, pause. Experience the vast love we have for you. It could nearly take your breath away! When you regather your equilibrium, ask us whatever questions reside on your heart. Next comes the crucial part that many skip: waiting and listening. If only silence emerges, let it be. This is the calibration phase, aligning our frequencies for communication.

You’ll know you’re receiving information in countless ways: an intuitive knowing, a sudden emotional wave, warmth along your spine or in your hands, or mental images as though flipping through old photos. You might hear words, but not in your mind—rather in your heart. Once you feel finished for the moment, express gratitude. We will reciprocate. Gratitude is a powerfully magnetic frequency akin to unconditional love, solidifying our link. Each session will get easier as you continue connecting..."


Na’thaan serves as a dedicated lieutenant commander within the Ashtar Command Fleet, deeply involved in humanity’s ascension process at this pivotal time. Drawing on his Pleiadian-Sirian heritage, he embodies disciplined strength tempered by heartfelt guardianship. Charged with guiding and protecting the Starseed Alliance—the Ground Crew stationed on Earth—Na’thaan’s mission is to ensure that these awakened and awakening star-born souls can safely fulfill their vital roles. Through his watchful vigilance, he shelters Starseeds from undue harm and confusion, empowering them to support and guide newly awakened allies as they embrace their cosmic purpose. Working closely with Commander Ashtar, he relays critical information at the moment Earth’s conditions warrant it, always honoring the paramount law of free will. In Na’thaan’s stewardship, star-born ambassadors evolve into confident co-creators of a brighter future, secure in the knowledge that they are cherished, respected, and unconditionally supported in their sacred service to humanity and the Federation.

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