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Sananda's Message to Humanity: Understanding the Concept of Equilibrium

11 Views· 05/09/24
The coming of our creator

⁣Welcome to another soul-stirring episode on our spiritual channel.
Today, we'll be diving into Sananda's profound message to humanity -
understanding the concept of equilibrium.

In this enlightening video, we will be decoding an essential message
conveyed by the ascended master, Sananda, who is often associated with
Jesus. He enlightens us on the idea of equilibrium, emphasizing the
significance of maintaining balance in every aspect of our existence.

Sananda's perspective on balance is not restricted merely to personal
growth and development, rather it stretches across all facets of life,
including our relationship with nature, our emotional well-being, our
physical health, and our spiritual growth.

This video will help you unearth the importance of equilibrium in your
life, understand how to achieve it, and the changes you might experience
once you do. With in-depth explanations, coupled with apt examples and
quotes from Sananda's teachings, this video intends to deliver a
comprehensive understanding of 'equilibrium' in the most simplistic

So, whether you're a follower of spiritual teaching, a student of
philosophy, or simply someone who wishes to live a balanced and
satisfying life, this video will offer you vital insights to guide your

journey towards equilibrium.

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