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71 Views· 09/01/24
The coming of our creator

In this comprehensive analysis, we delve into the uncharted territory of
frequency shifts, tie it to the Schumann Resonance, and predict a
possible blackout glitch in 2024.

For the uninitiated, the Schumann Resonance is a set of spectrum peaks
in the extremely low-frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's
electromagnetic field. This global phenomenon has been studied
extensively and has been theoretically linked to the human brain's alpha
and theta states. But what happens when a glitch or change occurs in
this frequency?

We approach this complex topic from a scientific viewpoint, combining
facts, theories, and research data to provide an in-depth look into the
potential blackout and its implications, focusing on the year 2024.

Featuring interviews with leading experts in the field, this video
explores the theories in depth, from potential causes and effects to
steps one might take to prepare for such an occurrence.

Whether you're an enthusiast in electromagnetic physics, interested in
future event predictions, or simply curious about science phenomenon,
this video will surely captivate you. Join us as we delve into the
fascinating world of Schumann Resonance and the possible Frequency Shift
Blackout in 2024.

Please LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE this video with curious minds. Don't
forget to SUBSCRIBE to our channel to stay updated with the latest video
releases. Your participation helps us grow our community and spread

Disclaimer: This video doesn't intend to incite fear or panic. All the
insights offered are based on scientific theories and collected data.
The prediction discussed in this video is a hypothesis and should be
perceived as such.

Music Attribution: Bensounds.com
Animations and Visuals: Courtesy of Videvo.net

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