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Semen Retention As Within So Without: Eastern Scriptures and Teachings

11 Views· 26/10/24
The coming of our creator

⁣In this enlightening and insightful video, we delve into the fascinating
world of Eastern scriptures and teachings, focusing specifically on the
practice of semen retention. Drawing upon ancient wisdom and spiritual
traditions, we aim to shed light on this powerful discipline and its
potential benefits on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels.

Traditionally taught within the confines of various Eastern spiritual
paths, semen retention is now growing in popularity in the Western
world. This practice involves the preservation of the male sexual energy
for specific spiritual, mental, and physical benefits. Retaining this
energy allegedly leads to increased vitality, creativity, focus, and
overall well-being.

In this video, we explore the philosophy of 'As Within, So Without,' and

how it intertwines with the practice of semen retention.

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