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The Exciting Astrological Changes Coming in September: Prepare for Major Shifts

26 Views· 14/09/23
The coming of our creator

⁣The month of September 2020 is set to bring some major changes to the astrological landscape. With four major planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury – in retrograde and transiting through some powerful signs, this is a time for people to prepare for some deep and lasting shifts. On top of that, the astrological alignments of Jupiter-Pluto, Saturn-Pluto, and Mercury-Jupiter are conjunct in the sky, marking this as an incredibly powerful transit period.

For many, this could mean profound growth, changes, and transformation. On the other hand, those energies can prove to be overwhelming if you're not mindful and honest about the kinds of changes you're looking to make and embrace. Get ready for some wild energy to carry us through the end of the year, and be sure to stay open to possibilities and surrendering to energies that can help you rewrite your story.

With Astrologer [Name], we’ll explore the exciting astrological changes coming in September. Learn how to prepare for major shifts, the alignment of the planets and how you can use this time for transformation and growth. Tune in for this and more on this special episode and get ready to pivot in a brand new direction.

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