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The Galactic Federation: The Awakening of Lightworkers and Starseeds to the 5D Dimension
In this insightful and enlightening video, we dive deep into the
captivating topic of The Galactic Federation and discuss how
Lightworkers and Starseeds are being awakened to the 5D Dimension.
As we navigate the cosmos of higher consciousness, we encounter the
intriguing concept of the Galactic Federation, a council of light beings
assisting humanity in its evolutionary journey. Also known as
"Starseeds" and "Lightworkers", these souls are claimed to have higher
dimensional origins and represent the next state of human evolution.
In this video, we go in-depth into the mission of the Galactic
Federation and its influence on the awakening process of Starseeds and
Lightworkers. We highlight the anomalies, signs, and symptoms light
beings experience as they transition into 5D consciousness. Moreover, we
analyze the spiritual, mental, and physical changes individuals undergo
and the impact this has on their lives and the collective
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