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392 Views· 29/09/22
The coming of our creator


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Yolondadiaz1 2 years ago

My son has never been taught nor can I find where he gets the information, since I have been drawn to spirituality and learning as much as I can as fast can, it's almost like something turned on in me, ever since then my son says things that blow my mind, i know he is very impathic like I am I just thought he was picking up my feelings and thoughts somehow. He's so loving and the school says he has ADHD because but he's not hyper and vary smart naturally. I find myself asking him questions and I believe his answers he just naturally knows I mean he has imagination but he answers questions doesn't even have to think of it he speaks a lot about aliens and planets he knows about tornadoes and tsunamis he's been talking a lot lately about being reborn. He randomly asked questions that I have to stop and think for an answer. Sometimes it's a little scary one morning after he woke up and we are walking to school he tells me oh yeah Mom when you're reborn put everything in a cave that you care about, he talks about God, he answers questions like a matter of fact I find myself being comforted by his answers what does this mean.

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The coming of our creator

I may say that’s a good sign for you and to those who will read this comment. Because they told us to listen to the children and give them attention too because from now and coming future are gonna be our teachers , guides & helpers. They are here for us but the problem is, only awaken one can understand them .

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The coming of our creator

Keep it up you will see more and more coming from him.. thanks for sharing this message, it will help others too who will find it.

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