
The coming of our creator
29 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ Welcome to this enlightening and transformative video
featuring Archangel Michael: Revealing the New Golden Halo Surrounding
Earth. In this video, we delve into the spiritual realm and explore the
significance and purpose behind the existence of the golden halo that
now engulfs our Mother Earth.

Immerse yourself into the depths of the unexplored universe as Archangel
Michael guides us through this captivating journey. You'll start by
understanding the role of archangels in our spiritual evolution,
particularly the divinity and power embedded in Archangel Michael. He is
the divine protector and warrior who is instrumental in clearing lower
energies to maintain Earth's sanctity.

The core of this video revolves around the divine revelation about the
'Golden Halo' surrounding Earth, a cosmic transformation that signifies a
massive spiritual upliftment. This Halo encompasses the divine love and
light showered upon Earth and all of humanity, signifying a profound
time of healing, awakening, and growth.

As you dive into this spiritually enriching video, you'll learn about
the significance of this Golden Halo. Discover why it represents not
just a symbol of divine protection, but also a beacon of love,

positivity, and unity for mankind.

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