
The coming of our creator
9 Views · 8 months ago

⁣ Welcome to this enlightening video where we bring to
you a profound message from the Andromedans. This insightful
extraterrestrial spiritual dialogue is meant to provide an update on the
current situation on Planet Earth in 2024.

In this video, we'll be exploring the Andromedans' perspective on
humanity's present circumstances, earth's energetic shifts, global
events, and the spiritual awakening taking place across our globe. The
Andromedans, known for their advanced wisdom and deep understanding of
the universe, have a lot to share about the path humanity is on and the
growth opportunities we are confronted with.

We've channeled this information via trusted mediums, translating the
cosmic signals we receive into understandable sections to make it
accessible for every viewer.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into subjects like the evolving human
consciousness, the importance of spiritual awakening, the role and rise
of lightworkers, and how all these relate to the earth's current


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