
The coming of our creator
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⁣Welcome to the third episode of Orion Wars, where humanity's hidden cosmic history is revealed, shrouded within a parallel dimension and universe. In this episode, we delve into the lives of the Maldekian-Martian people of Maldek, the rise of the Anakh Atlantean Empire, the myth of Tiamat, and the Annunaki's arrival on Earth, leading up to the Great Biblical Flood.

This is not just a saga; it is the untold history of the universe, waiting to be uncovered. To delve deeper into this narrative, we encourage you to keep an open mind, conduct your own research, and explore thoroughly. While not all information may be flawless, as Earth continues to uncover its lost history, the ancient tablets and akashic records offer the closest glimpse of the truth available at this time.

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