
The coming of our creator
13 Views · 7 months ago

⁣Welcome to an enlightening new video where we delve into the concepts
and insights from the spiritual guide, Father Absolute. In "A New Earth
Light Forces: A Message From Father Absolute," we share a powerful
message about the potential for human evolution and unity from a
spiritual perspective.

Father Absolute, a profound spiritual entity, imparts wisdom about how
we can collectively manifest a New Earth, a peaceful, harmonious, and
awakened society. This video illuminates the teachings of Father
Absolute, providing a deep understanding of our potential role in the
universe, how we can connect with higher pursuits, and how our spiritual

progression can contribute positively towards collective evolution.

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#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 8 days ago

⁣In this video, we present a detailed analysis of this powerful
metaphysical concept, with reference to various ancient texts, spiritual
practices, and the energy shift taking place in our universe.

We throw light on the power and influence of these light forces, and how
they have been working tirelessly to restore balance and harmony on


#lightforces #victoryoflight #spiritualawakening #evolution #energyshift #Universe