
The coming of our creator
37 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Welcome to the 15th part of our enlightening series focused on
transcending wisdom from Lord Hilarion - "The Pathway of Truth".

In this episode, we're excited to share some fascinating insights from
the Ascended Master, Lord Hilarion, who embodies the spirit of truth and
healing. We will delve deep into the core of our beings to better
understand the diverse dimensions of existence, spirituality, and cosmic

Lord Hilarion, the Chohan of the Fifth Ray, guides us on a spiritual
journey, illuminating the pathway to truth. This divine journey empowers
us to unveil our innermost aspirations, inspiring a harmonious
transformation of body, mind, and soul.

Our enlightening talk covers a range of soul-stirring topics, such as
manifesting truth in your daily life, connecting with higher
consciousness, developing intuitive wisdom, and the healing power of
truth and love. We will also explore how to communicate with Ascended
Masters and tap into their limitless source of wisdom and strength.

Through this video, we hope to inspire viewers on their spiritual
journey, empowering them to seek and embrace their individual truths.
Remember, understanding and walking on your pathway of truth can
significantly catalyze your spiritual growth and put you on a path
towards enlightenment and self-discovery.

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for regular
updates and notifications about our upcoming videos! And if you have any
questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comment section

Stay tuned, stay blessed, and remember, your truth is your pathway to
spiritual wisdom and enlightenment.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this video are those of
the speaker. Always exercise discernment and do thorough research when
exploring spiritual beliefs.
#ascendedmasters #spirituality #enlightenment #lordhilarion
#pathwayoftruth #wisdom