
The coming of our creator
6 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Welcome to another exciting video on our channel where we delve deeper
into the fascinating world of interstellar beings. Today, we discuss the
less-known, but beautiful, love story of Joshua's wife, as told by the
Arcturians, fifth-dimensional beings known for their advanced knowledge,
wisdom, and connection with spirituality.

Joshua, a seemingly ordinary human on Earth, experienced an
extraordinary journey of deep love and inner awakening through his
marriage. Little did he know; his love story was celestial in nature and
would redefine love on a universal spectrum. Love, as understood and
experienced by the higher interstellar beings, the Arcturians, is
evocatively profound and rich and perfectly embodied in Joshua's story.

In this video, we explore the Arcturians' perspectives on love,
relationships, and soul connections explained through Joshua's wife's


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