
The coming of our creator
47 المشاهدات · منذ 1 عام

⁣Welcome to this enlightening video in which we delve into highly
fascinating and esoteric topics like timeline jumping.

Join us as we engage in a profound and inspiring conversation with
Archangel Michael, a powerful entity believed to hold wisdom beyond our
earthly realm. This video attempts to explore the elusive reality of
timeline jumping, a concept both enigmatic and intrigue-inducing that
has echoed through various dimensions of spiritual and metaphysical
studies for ages.

Through this illuminating dialogue, we aim to simplify and demystify the
concept of timeline jumping and shed light on its implications for our
lives. Suitable for spiritual seekers and truth enthusiasts, this
discourse is designed to deepen your understanding and broaden your

In this video, you'll find answers to many unanswered questions. We'll
discuss the theoretical and practical aspects of timeline jumping,
drawing upon ancient knowledge, consciousness science, spiritual
insights, and quantum physics principles. You'll learn how timeline
jumping is not just a sci-fi concept but a spiritual practice that can
empower and enlighten individuals.

Learn how timelines work, what it means to 'jump' timelines, and what
happens when we do. Discover how understanding this concept can catalyze
your personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, and breakthrough in
consciousness. Archangel Michael, through this enlightening
conversation, shares wisdom and perspectives that offer a tangible and
transformative shift in our perception of reality.

Subscribe to our channel to stay tuned for more enlightening content on
spiritual topics. Your support helps us continue to bring you
transformative and empowering videos to foster your spiritual awakening.

Don't forget to like, share, and comment; your engagement encourages us.
Let's embark on this mystical journey together.
For more information, visit our website or contact us through the links
provided below.

Remember, enlightenment is a limitless journey, not a destination!

#archangelmichael #timelinejumping #spirituality #enlightenment
#quantumphysics #personalgrowth #consciousness

The coming of our creator
46 المشاهدات · منذ 9 الشهور

⁣Welcome to another enlightening video on our channel! In today's video,
we delve deep into "The Practice of Reality" as we explore various
aspects of philosophy, spirituality, and self-awareness.

Throughout the duration of this informative video, we will discuss
different perspectives on reality, engaging with profound concepts and
thought-provoking themes. We'll try to shed light on questions like -
What is Reality? How do we perceive it? And how does our perception
shape our interaction with the world?

Get ready to embark on a journey of introspection and self-discovery
that will challenge your preconceived notions and urge you to see beyond

the obvious.

#practiceofreality #perception #reality #spirituality #metaphysics #quantumphysics #philosophy#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
37 المشاهدات · منذ 9 الشهور

⁣Welcome to another exciting and enlightening video where we dive deep
into the realm of spirituality and consciousness. "The New Earth is
Closer Than You Think! Activate These Codes Now" is all about awakening
your spiritual consciousness and decoding the higher frequencies meant
to uplift humanity.

In this video, we will explore spiritual teachings, quantum physics, and
the concept of New Earth. We'll talk about how we can shift our
collective consciousness towards a higher degree of love, compassion,
and unity. We'll also discover how we can create and manifest a New
Earth through the activation of specific light codes embedded within our
very DNA.

#newearth #spirituality #awakening #consciousness #love #peace #unity #quantumphysics #lightcodes #dnaactivation #humanevolution#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
32 المشاهدات · منذ 11 الشهور

⁣ In this captivating video, we delve into the
fascinating world of Out Of Body Experiences (OBEs) and their
revelations suggesting our reality may actually be a simulation that is
nearing its end. Journey through extraordinary anecdotes, scientific
theories, and esoteric wisdom that will fundamentally challenge the way
you understand reality.

This mind-blowing exploration raises intriguing questions: If we are
living in a simulation, what lies beyond it? What happens when the
programming ceases? Drawing on insights from leading quantum physicists,
seasoned OBE practitioners, and enlightened spiritual masters, we piece
together a compelling narrative about life, death, and what may lie in
our post-simulation existence.

Whether you're a hardcore skeptic, an avid fan of Matrix-style
philosophy, or someone who's had your own out of body experiences, this
video will not fail to shake up your conceptions and stimulate deep

#obe #simulationtheory #reality #quantumphysics #matrix #spiritualwisdom #BeyondReality

The coming of our creator
27 المشاهدات · منذ 11 الشهور

⁣ In this enlightening YouTube video, we delve deep into
the spiritual world and explore revelations from the Pleiadian star
cluster. We examine the truth behind Billy Carson, renowned author,
speaker, and expert in metaphysics and quantum physics. We also discuss
various sensational information that has been prevalent in the spiritual

For those who are new to this topic, the Pleiadians are believed to be
beings of light that offer spiritual guidance and revelations to
humanity. In this video, we share a purported message from these beings,
giving insights about the universe and our role within it. This message
is presented for your discernment, so we invite you to keep an open

Aside from the Pleiadian message, we have a detailed discussion about
Billy Carson and his contributions to spirituality and science. We look
into the life of this amazing individual, including scrutiny of his
studies and the impact he has on spirituality today.

Plus, this video brings up more captivating subjects about spirituality,
metaphysics, and our place in this vast universe. Is there more to life
than meets the eye? What truths lie hidden beneath mainstream
knowledge? Prepare to take a deep dive into the mysteries of our

#billycarson #pleiadianmessage #spirituality #metaphysics #quantumphysics #universe #truthrevealed#thecomingofourcreator#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney

The coming of our creator
26 المشاهدات · منذ 10 الشهور

⁣ In this in-depth and enlightening video, we delve into
the fascinating world of vibration frequency codes. We will guide you
through the intricate concepts of vibrational energies, their impact on
our lives, and the mysteries that they hold.

You will learn about the significance of different vibration
frequencies, how they relate to our everyday lives, and the profound
effect they have on our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
Discover how to harness the power of these frequencies to improve your
life in myriad ways, from enhancing your health and well-being, to

boosting your spiritual growth and consciousness.

#vibrationfrequency #universe #quantumphysics #FrequencyCodes

The coming of our creator
20 المشاهدات · منذ 10 الشهور

⁣ Welcome to yet another thrilling video where we delve
into the depths of reality, perception, and the ways in which we
experience and understand our existence. In this video, "The Deep Reset
Which Will Change everything You Know About Reality," we throw a
challenging question: What if everything you thought you understood
about your reality was not as it seems?

Our journey begins by exploring the foundational structure of the
universe and how our human perception plays a crucial role in shaping

the reality we experience.

#reality #perception #deepreset #quantumphysics #neuroscience #philosophy #spirituality#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
19 المشاهدات · منذ 9 الشهور

⁣Welcome to another interesting and enlightening video on our channel,
where we strive to bring you the best content on science, technology and
the mysteries of our universe.

In this video, "Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe: A Peek into
Quantum Physics and its Wonders," we will be diving deep into one of the
most fascinating, perplexing and yet, fundamental topics of modern
physics — Quantum Mechanics.

Whether you are a seasoned science enthusiast or merely curious about
the world and the universe beyond, this video is certain to captivate

your interest.

#quantumphysics #science #universe #physics #astrophysics #cosmos #mysteriesoftheuniverse #QuantumMechanics

The coming of our creator
18 المشاهدات · منذ 9 الشهور

⁣ In this video, we dive deep into the mysteries of
life and the universe, exploring the concept of synchronicity, destiny,
and the cosmic orchestration that influences our existence.

Embark on a thought-provoking journey with us as we delve into complex
topics like quantum physics, the power of consciousness, and the
multisensory human experience. This eye-opening discussion will shatter
your preconceptions of reality and challenge you to consider life from a
different paradigm.
#fate #karma #lifesecrets #universe #cosmos #quantumphysics #philosophy #spirituality #destiny

The coming of our creator
18 المشاهدات · منذ 11 الشهور

⁣ Welcome to another enlightening video where we delve
into the arcane and powerful world of manifestation. 🌟💫 Join this deep
dive session with experts Dr. Dean Radin, Billy Carson, Matt Lecroix
and other special guests. These leading minds in spirituality, quantum
physics, and ancient history present their understandings of
manifestation and raise the consciousness to a whole new level.

Throughout this empowering video session, they share their wisdom on how
we can all tap into the universal energy and effectively manifest the
life we desire. 🌍💖 Discover how thoughts influence reality, how to
align with your highest potential, and the untapped capabilities of the

human mind.

#manifestation #spirituality #consciousness #ancientwisdom
#quantumphysics #drdeanradin #billycarson #mattlecroix
#manifestationtechniques #orderyourreality #universe #spiritualgrowth

The coming of our creator
12 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

This video explores the fascinating concept of how consciousness and the
human body might change and adapt as we ascend from a 3D to a 5D
universe during a planetary shift or evolution.

We'll delve into extensive discussions about quantum physics,
spirituality, and the metaphysical realms, understanding the nature of
dimensionality, and the possible physical and psychological implications
this shift might have on humankind.

Our aim with this video is to stimulate your intellect, challenge
traditional thinking, and invoke curiosity about the universe and our

place within it.

#planetaryshift #ascension #consciousness #3dto5d #quantumphysics #spirituality #metaphysical realms #humanbodyevolution

The coming of our creator
12 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

⁣Brad Johnson shares insight on how Earth timelines are currently collapsing leading into sequences of events towards a better future & the upcoming passing through the universal singularity in the year of 2038 triggering "The Event."

#timelinescollapsing #theevent2038 #physics-theories

#timelinescollapsing #event2038 #scienceexplained #timetravel #quantumphysics #theories

The coming of our creator
12 المشاهدات · منذ 8 الشهور

⁣ Welcome to this articulated episode where David
Wilcock takes us on a journey explaining the cosmic shift that is
currently impacting our planet and how it's hitting the fan.

In this riveting live discussion, David Wilcock, a renowned lecturer,
filmmaker, and author of the international bestsellers "The Source Field
Investigations'' and "The Synchronicity Key" explores the implications
of the shift and how it is transforming our world in profound ways.

Throughout the video, David will talk about the signs and symbols of
this cosmic shift, the influence of energy fields, the importance of
spirituality, and how to adapt and navigate through these changing

His work emphasizes a strong philosophical foundation based on the
ancient wisdom traditions and the quantum physics interpretation of the

universe, bringing a different perspective on current worldwide events.

#davidwilcock #cosmicshift #spirituality #thesourcefield #thesynchronicitykey #quantumphysics #livediscussion#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
11 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

⁣as your energy field becomes a living transmission of fifth-dimensional frequencies and why your spiritual abilities are suddenly surging beyond what you thought possible in the fifth dimension, In this video, you'll discover how the fifth Dimension frequencies are already rewiring your DNA.

#quantumphysics #spirituality #fifthdimension #personalgrowth #mysticaljourney #AlignWithHighFrequencies
#detachedones #chosenones #spiritualawakening #lawofattraction #divineenergy #innerpeace #higherconsciousness #secretofthedetached #mysticalwisdom #spiritualjourney #energyshift #manifestationsecrets #infinitewaters #joedispenza #ralphsmart #spiritualgrowth #selfdiscovery #awakenyourpower #mysticalknowledge #unlockyourpotential #hiddentruths #divineinsideyou #consciousnessexpansion #mindpower #universallaws #higherself #beyondthematrix #awakeningthesoul #theyaredesperate #mysticpath #SupernaturalInsights

The coming of our creator
11 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

⁣Welcome to another exciting episode from renowned author, lecturer, and
researcher David Wilcock! In this insightful live session, David
explores the concept of the 'Grand Finale' approaching in our lives with
his usual blend of science, spirituality, and metaphysics. Get ready to
be enlightened, encouraged, and transformed!

This compelling presentation is filled with insightful knowledge,
intriguing thoughts, and the wisdom we need to navigate this dramatic
chapter of our collective story. So, if you're curious about the
significance of this 'Grand Finale,' eager to explore theories of
collective consciousness, or simply want to expand your knowledge with
David's vast research and understanding, then you don't want to miss

#davidwilcock #grandfinale #spirituality #metaphysics #quantumphysics
#collectiveconsciousness #research #enlightenment #personalgrowth

#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
11 المشاهدات · منذ 10 الشهور

⁣Welcome to our video, "Discovering the Unknown: 10 Secrets to
Unlock the Gate of the Fifth Dimension". In this enlightening and
informative video, we journey into the mysteries of the universe and
explore the enigmatic fifth dimension.

This video will reveal top 10 secrets that will guide you on how to
access and understand the fifth dimension, a realm that transcends time
and space. We will delve into deep aspects of spirituality, quantum
physics, parallel universes and various theories that lead to the

understanding of higher dimensions.

#fifthdimension #spirituality #quantumphysics #discoveringtheunknown #paralleluniverse #unlocksecrets #unseenreality#spirituality #newearth
#3/4/5dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #cosmicconsciousnessexploration
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator

The coming of our creator
10 المشاهدات · منذ 2 الشهور

⁣ In this mind-expanding video, "How to Exist Outside
of Time", we delve into the enigmatic concept of time, its existential
implications and how we might experience life outside of its ticking
clock. Fusing quantum physics, philosophy, spirituality, and science
fiction, we embark on a journey to understand spatial dimensions, time

travel, the theory of relativity, and consciousness.

#time #consciousness #quantumphysics #timetravel #relativity #spatialdimensions #science #philosophy #Spirituality

#newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques

The coming of our creator
10 المشاهدات · منذ 7 الشهور

⁣In this insightful video, we explore the mind's potential in mastering
the intricacies of controlling the "Energy Field". Unlock the hidden
knowledge and take a step towards a deeper understanding of the cosmos
that is directly influenced by the human thought and intention.

Discover the science behind the energy field, often referred to as an
"aura", and the power within all of us to influence and shape it. We
delve into tangible techniques and methods that can help you tap into
your subconscious, influencing the energy field and utilizing it to

effect positive change in your life and the world around you.

#energyfields #hiddenknowledge #personaldevelopment #energymanipulation
#metaphysics #spirituality #quantumphysics #MentalControl

#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
9 المشاهدات · منذ 3 الشهور

⁣Welcome to this new video, "December 21 2024: Timeline Expansion
Underway on Earth - The Event." In this fascinating and
thought-provoking video, we explore a revolutionary theory on timeline
expansion happening on Earth and the potential global "event" set to
occur on December 21, 2024.

Throughout this video, we delve into the scientific hypotheses,
metaphysical aspects, potential implications, and possible outcomes of

this significant shift in our timeline.

#timelineexpansion #theevent #december212024 #quantumphysics #prophecies #earthchanges #futurepredictions

#spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration

The coming of our creator
9 المشاهدات · منذ 4 الشهور

⁣Welcome back to our channel where we explore the mysteries of the
universe together. In this video, we delve into the intriguing world of
energy and its amazing potential that lies within each one of us. The
title aptly sets the theme, "The Secret of the Invisible Power You Don't
Use - Energy = Magic.”

From the ethereal forces that hold atoms together to the intangible
energy circulating within our bodies, undiscovered power awaits to be
harnessed. What if we could unlock this power and use it like magic in
our daily lives? What potential realities lie hidden in the energy field

surrounding us?

#energy #magic #unseenpower #spirituality #quantumphysics #metaphysics
#lifecoach #meditation #transformation #wellbeing #selfimprovement

The coming of our creator
8 المشاهدات · منذ 1 شهر

mythology and modern molecular biology.Furthermore, we explore the intriguing connections between Thoth's

In this enlightening video, we take an in-depth look into the ancient Egyptian deity Thoth. Often recognized as the messenger of the gods, Thoth holds deep symbolization of wisdom, writing, hieroglyphs, science, and judgement.

#thoth #molecularsecondcoming #spirituality #ancientegypt #quantumphysics #Metaphysics

⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy

The coming of our creator
6 المشاهدات · منذ 2 الشهور

⁣The Muslim and Zoroastrian prophecies of 'Judgment Day' are very different than typical Western views of the 'eschaton,' or End Times.

Provocatively, we are still being told to expect a Bluebeam-type event by our top sources. This has not changed just because of what is about to happen this coming week.

Will there be a fake UFO event, on a mass scale, that creates a worldwide awakening? What might we expect to see in the coming months?

The Michael Prophecies continue to assure us that mass ET contact is coming -- but the 'fake' event precedes the real one. We have a very exciting year ahead -- 2025!

The Michael Prophecies have been astonishingly accurate about many different things. The proof is irrefutable. Our present moment in time is fully and clearly defined in the 'new' 1999 readings.

Instead of thinking "The End is Coming," now is a time for celebration. Michael reveals these events will directly lead to a planetary, non-catastrophic Ascension event!

#davidwilcock #judgmentday #spirituality #enlightenment #quantumphysics #ascension.

⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques