
The coming of our creator
29 Views · 6 months ago

⁣ Welcome to yet another thought-provoking episode! In
this video, we delve deeply discussing an often overlooked topic: Semen
Retention Orgasm. We scrutinize it in the context of masculinity,
society, and also discuss its implications on the rise of femininity.

We strive to explore and answer the burning questions:
- Does the overemphasis on orgasmic release sabotage a man's divine
masculine power?
- What effects does semen retention have on the evolution of society
- Does the rise of femininity, in any way, correlate with these

This video aims to offer viewers a fresh perspective on the cause and
effects of practicing semen retention and its impact on one's
masculinity, challenging societal norms, gender roles, and the balance
between masculinity and femininity.

Kindly note, the purpose of this video is not to upset, criticize, or
deny the importance of any particular gender role, but rather to spark a
discussion about understanding masculinity and femininity from a

holistic view.

#semenretention #masculinity #femininity #health #psychosexual #society
#masturbationeffects #sexed #lifelessons #healthandwellness #relationshipadvice

The coming of our creator
13 Views · 6 months ago

⁣Welcome to part 2 series, "The Way of the Superior Man: Lessons
Your Father Never Told You about Life and Women." In this video, we
delve deep into the teachings encapsulated in this bestselling book by
author David Deida. We'll unpick the wisdom and insights bestowed upon
us about masculine and feminine energies, personal development, career,
love, and relationships.

Throughout the series, we will be exploring why men might feel stuck in
their personal or professional lives and provide pragmatic advice on
ways to progress. We will uncover secrets to understanding women and
share lessons on how to relate with both the women in our lives and the

feminine within us.

#wayofthesuperiorman #relationshipadvice #PersonalDevelopment

#masturbationeffects #sexed #lifelessons #HealthAndWellness

The coming of our creator
12 Views · 6 months ago

⁣In this enlightening and thought-provoking video, we delve into the
controversial topic of m4sturbation. A father shares his personal story,
the struggles he faced, and the advice he wishes to impart to his child
about the potentially detrimental effects of this often-taboo subject.
This video enlightens viewers on the consequences it may have on mental,
physical, and emotional health, as well as personal relationships.

Remember, this video is intended for sensitive viewers and is not an
attempt to impose beliefs but to create awareness through the narrative

of a father's experiences.

#fatheradvice #dearchild #masturbationeffects #discussion #sexed #lifelessons #healthandwellness #relationshipadvice

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 6 months ago

⁣ Welcome to part 1 series, "The Way of the
Superior Man: Lessons Your Father Never Told You about Life and Women."
In this video, we delve deep into the teachings encapsulated in this
bestselling book by author David Deida. We'll unpick the wisdom and
insights bestowed upon us about masculine and feminine energies,
personal development, career, love, and relationships.

Throughout the series, we will be exploring why men might feel stuck in
their personal or professional lives and provide pragmatic advice on
ways to progress. We will uncover secrets to understanding women and
share lessons on how to relate with both the women in our lives and the

feminine within us.

#wayofthesuperiorman #relationshipadvice #personaldevelopment

#masturbationeffects #sexed #lifelessons #healthandwellness