
The coming of our creator
13 Görünümler · 5 ay önce

⁣ In this enlightening and informative video, we will
delve deep into the concept of 'The 3 Treasures of a Retainer:
Bio-Electric Aura, Spiritual Glow, and Eternal Body - Semen Retention'.
This guide will teach you about the ancient practices and philosophies
that surround semen retention and how it contributes to achieving a
holistic lifestyle.

Semen retention, an age-old discipline cited in many cultures and
religions, is believed to harness male energy, potentially leading to a
heightened state of consciousness, increased vitality, and overall

Today, we will dive into:
1. The Bio-Electric Aura and how retaining semen can amplify your body's
inherent energy.
2. The Spiritual Glow that semen retention can ignite within you,
unlocking your potential and increasing your mindfulness.
3. The concept of an Eternal Body that can be achieved through this
discipline, helping increase longevity and overall health.

Whether you're at the beginning of your journey or have been practicing
for a while, this video provides valuable insights and practical tips

for anyone interested in semen retention and its benefits.

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