
The coming of our creator
4 Views · 18 days ago

⁣In this channeled message, the Pleiadians answer the following questions:
1.What's the truth about the recent crash between a helicopter and an airplane in the Washington DC area?
2. What's the Looking Glass event for this month of February, 2025?
3. How can we use stargates for ascension?
4. The truth behind the help signs which were seen from satellite occurring near the location of Los Angeles?

#pleiadians #channeling #ascension #samtheillusionist #planecrash #lookingglass #stargateuniverse #galacticfederation #galacticchanneling #galacticconsciousness #galacticfederationoflight #galacticfederationofplanets #galacticfederationofworlds

#pleiadians #america #extraterrestriallife #aliens #ufo #mystery #space #starbeings #ConspiracyTheory