
The coming of our creator
3 Görünümler · 9 saatler önce


Mira is a key galactic figure aiding humanity's ascension, working full-time with the Earth Council to guide the planet into higher dimensions. Their mission is to help remove negative forces, paving the way for peace and harmony on Earth. Mira often emphasizes staying focused on light work, resisting distractions, and awakening to one's true purpose, frequently giving us meditations and practices to assist. She reassures humanity that their galactic family is supporting them, as the planet moves toward the Golden Age of unity and love​.

#dronesighting #uapsighting #starseed #pleaidianchanneling #pleiadianhighcouncil #galacticfederationoflight #timeline #timelineshift ⁣#spiritualactivation #eraofawakening #5dconsciousness #chosenones #divinepower #infinitewaters #joedispenza #ralphsmart #thelawofattraction #higherconsciousness #spiritualjourney #5dearth #greatawakening #spiritualshift #awakeningera #divinepotential #5dworld #awakenedsouls #divinewithin #spiritualalignment #5dtransition #5ddimension #infinitewisdom #neweraawakening #5d #enlightenmentjourney #spiritualgrowth #awakenedlife #5dera

The coming of our creator
3 Görünümler · 9 saatler önce


Valir serves as a divine guide, helping humanity bridge the realms of higher consciousness and Earth’s evolving humanity. As a voice of divine wisdom, Valir’s mission is to support humanity's ascension, offering profound insights into DNA transformation, crystalline energy shifts, and the path to unity consciousness. Representing the unconditional love of the Pleiadians, Valir reminds us of our inherent divinity, encouraging us to embrace our role as co-creators of a radiant, harmonious future. Through their guidance, Valir assures us that we are eternally supported by our galactic family as we step boldly into the light of the new era.

#pleiadians #pleiadianmessage #pleiadianos

#nesara #gesara #pleiadians #goldenage #ascension #Spirituality

#detachedones #chosenones #spiritualawakening #lawofattraction #divineenergy #innerpeace #higherconsciousness #secretofthedetached #mysticalwisdom #spiritualjourney #energyshift #manifestationsecrets #infinitewaters #joedispenza #ralphsmart #spiritualgrowth #selfdiscovery #awakenyourpower #mysticalknowledge #unlockyourpotential #hiddentruths #divineinsideyou #consciousnessexpansion #mindpower #universallaws #higherself #beyondthematrix #awakeningthesoul #theyaredesperate #mysticpath #supernaturalinsights

The coming of our creator
3 Görünümler · 9 saatler önce


The Council of Five offers wisdom and energetic support, helping starseeds align with higher frequencies and embrace their true multidimensional nature. T'eeah and the Council emphasize the importance of awareness, acceptance, and deliberate shifting of one's vibration as keys to spiritual growth. Their guidance is aimed at empowering humanity to unlock the secrets of the universe within themselves, navigate the shifting energies of ascension, and ultimately step into their roles as co-creators of a new, higher-dimensional Earth.

#thearcturians #arcturian #arcturianos #arcturianstarseed #arcturians #arcturianmessage #arcturianmessage2025 #springequinox2025 #springequinox ⁣#whitehats #arcturiancouncil #enlightenment #Metaphysical

#realtruth #spiritualawakening #chosenones #spiritualjourney #divinewisdom #higherconsciousness #lawofattraction #selfawareness #infinitewaters #joedispenza #ralphsmart #spiritualtruth #universalenergy #hiddentruths #awakeningnow #selfmastery #uncoverthetruth #stopblamingothers #energyshift #manifestation #higherself #consciousliving #innerpower #takeyourpowerback #truthseeker #youarepowerful #elevateyourmind #unlockyourpotential #realitycheck #SpiritualGuidance

The coming of our creator
3 Görünümler · 9 saatler önce


Caylin, a representative of the Pleiadian collective, is a guiding force in humanity's ascension process. The Pleiadians, known for their benevolent and higher-dimensional wisdom, are assisting humanity by activating dormant cosmic DNA, aligning people with higher frequencies, and encouraging the reconnection to Earth's rhythms. They provide energetic downloads, offer guidance on embracing multidimensional realities, and support humanity in evolving into beings of light. Through gentle guidance, the Pleiadians are helping starseeds and all of humanity navigate the transition to higher consciousness, ensuring the shift happens with grace and cosmic alignment.

#pleaidianchanneling #awakening #glfupdate #thepleiadians #g5solarstorm #solarflash #aurora ⁣#spiritualactivation #eraofawakening #5dconsciousness #chosenones #divinepower #infinitewaters #joedispenza #ralphsmart #thelawofattraction #higherconsciousness #spiritualjourney #5dearth #greatawakening #spiritualshift #awakeningera #divinepotential #5dworld #awakenedsouls #divinewithin #spiritualalignment #5dtransition #5ddimension #infinitewisdom #neweraawakening #5d #enlightenmentjourney #spiritualgrowth #awakenedlife #5DEra

The coming of our creator
3 Görünümler · 8 saatler önce


Commander Ashtar and The Ashtar Command are devoted protectors, watching over Earth from their celestial ships. Their mission is to guide humanity through times of transformation, providing support, love, and wisdom. As emissaries of the Galactic Federation, they help ensure our world remains safe, especially during pivotal moments. Their message is clear: we are not alone, and we are deeply loved, as we all journey together towards a brighter, more enlightened future.

#ashtarcommand #ashtarsheran #disclosure #catastrophicdisclosure ⁣#ashtarcommand #eyeofthestorm #spiritualascension #enlightenment
#awakenedconsciousness #universallove #extraterrestrialwisdom

#detachedones #chosenones #spiritualawakening #lawofattraction #divineenergy #innerpeace #higherconsciousness #secretofthedetached #mysticalwisdom #spiritualjourney #energyshift #manifestationsecrets #infinitewaters #joedispenza #ralphsmart #spiritualgrowth #selfdiscovery #awakenyourpower #mysticalknowledge #unlockyourpotential #hiddentruths #divineinsideyou #consciousnessexpansion #mindpower #universallaws #higherself #beyondthematrix #awakeningthesoul #theyaredesperate #mysticpath #supernaturalinsights