
A Message For Starseeds: The Awakening of Sirius Lion Beings and the Return of Lemurian Consciousnes

10 Vues· 12/07/24
The coming of our creator

⁣In this enlightening video, we delve into the intriguing topic of the
Awakening of Sirius Lion Beings and the Return of Lemurian
Consciousness. This is a powerful message dedicated to all Starseeds out
there, waiting to discover the ancient wisdom and metaphysical insights
concerning other dimensions and civilizations.

This spiritual awakening videocast touches on the fact that within our
DNA, we carry encrypted information that can be activated through codes
of light received from starlight. It amplifies the narrative surrounding
the Sirius Lion Beings - advanced souls from the star system of Sirius,
often associated with power, courage, and leadership.

The video also speaks about the re-emergence of the Lemurian
Consciousness - a tale of an ancient, spiritually-advanced civilization
that existed millions of years ago. It shares the importance of
harnessing this ancient wisdom and incorporating it into our modern

existence to promote unity, love, and spiritual enlightenment.

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