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Humanity Must Prepare For Our Arrival In 2025: The Andromedan Council Of Light

25 Views· 27/01/25
The coming of our creator

The Andromeda Council of Light are serving humanity as cosmic guides who help expand human consciousness and reconnect us with the greater galactic family. As Earth transforms, Avolon and the Andromedans act as bridges between higher divine frequencies and our evolving planet, offering insight, healing, and activation codes that awaken the light within each of us. Alex Collier has served as a fantastic bridge between The Andromedans and humanity for many years but he is not the only human channel, there are many.

The Andromedans' role in humanity's ascension is to nurture unity, help us remember our galactic heritage, and encourage us to reclaim our inner freedom. Avolon embodies unconditional love and truth, guiding humanity to move beyond fear and limitation. Through their light-filled messages, the Andromedans inspire us to recognize our multidimensional nature and step fully into our roles as co-creators of peace and transformation.

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