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Obe Master Given Unfiltered Access to Humanity's Future on the Other Side - Darius J. Wright
On today’s episode, we welcome the extraordinary Darius J. Wright, an explorer of realms beyond our physical grasp and a seeker of ancient truths. Darius’ journey is a profound dive into out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and an intricate understanding of our spiritual reality. His wisdom offers a roadmap to understanding the limitations we place on ourselves and the immense potential we have to transcend them.
Darius explains that the out-of-body experience is a gateway to another dimension, akin to a near-death experience but available to anyone with the courage to overcome fear. As he describes, “Fear is the number one way to control your soul. When you step beyond it, you step into your true nature as an untouchable soul.” This state, according to Darius, offers access to celestial knowledge, including memories of the past and glimpses of future potential. By lowering the body’s magnetic field during sleep paralysis, he claims one can freely venture into these higher dimensions, encountering realms of light, love, and pure consciousness.
Our conversation takes us into the history of ancient civilizations and their understanding of reality. According to Darius J. Wright, the ancients knew of humanity’s divine blueprint and the multi-dimensional nature of reality. They built monuments aligning with celestial cycles and understood how to use frequency to access portals between realms. This ancient wisdom, Darius suggests, was encoded in sacred sites around the world, from Egypt to Australia, and even the Americas, as reminders of our forgotten heritage.
Darius believes that humanity’s path is leading us toward a period of revealing and remembering—a time when the illusion of separation fades and we recognize our interconnectedness. In his journeys, Darius has seen constructs dissolve, exposing our unity with creation. He speaks of accessing “universal records” and encountering higher beings who affirm humanity’s innate power to create, connect, and heal. This transformation, he says, is happening now, as more people open to these insights.
We delved into the concept of raising one’s frequency, where Darius J. Wright shares that the highest vibrations—unconditional love, integrity, and authenticity—are our spiritual core. “You must step into a state of unconditional love for yourself. It’s the gateway to remembering who you truly are,” he insists. With this remembrance, he suggests, comes a natural healing of both body and soul, reconnecting us to the source.
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