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Semen Retention: THIS IS YOUR WORLD
Semen Retention: This is Your World
This is a short cinematic movie on our current ways of unnatural living. On how semen retention reverts us back to the natural ways of living and thinking.
At youth we have been trained to obey and follow. In this new year it is time to deprogram ourselves and know that this world is yours. It is yours to take care of, just the way it takes care of us.
Semen retention is the first step of the de-programming and connecting us back into our natural state. We gain the sense of power, the creativity of the mind, the strength to push forward even when things are not going well.
It is time that we remember that our creator has blessed us with a great opportunity to experience life as a human being. He gave us the power of creation, through absolute self-belief and faith for the will of god.
It is time that we remember our real purpose. The purpose of bringing heaven to your world.
Let’s dedicate time and effort to learn our true human nature. That this life as a human being is to remember that this world is yours. That if we do not take care for its content, then it will do likewise unto you.
That whoever or whatever created us has promised heaven, in our current and future lives. Let not your life be led by the flesh but let the joy of your soul be the path of your life.
Your flesh wants to create children, but how about your soul? What does it want to create in this world that was given to you by your maker?
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