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The Sirians Fundamentals of Ascension: Using Your Planet's Pyramids, Galactic Federation Member

6 Views· 05/11/24
The coming of our creator

⁣⁣Channeler Matthew John channels a group of five wise
extraterrestrial beings (speaking as one) from a planet in the Sirius
star system


John is an internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive,
Psychic, Medium, Trance Channeler, Intuitive Astrologer, Starseed Guide,
Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, Speaker & Spiritual Life
Coach/Mentor working with angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and

He is a gifted intuitive, wisdom channeler, trance channel, and a transmitter of healing frequencies.

has been on a 15-year Awakening journey. His powerful and effective
teachings and healings are a product of many intense Awakening
experiences, deeply human ordeals and tens of thousands of hours of
study. He receives clear guidance from his Guides which he shares with
his followers and clients from around the world. He specializes in
helping others to heal their childhood and past-life traumas, reading
people’s life plans from a Soul perspective, as well as serving as an
activator and a mentor for Starseeds and those who are looking to
accelerate their spiritual development.

As a Sirian, Blue
Avian, Orion, and Andromedan Starseed, Matthew is intimately familiar
with the mission of Starseeds on Earth. He guides clients and followers
to connect with their Starseeded essence and to align with their
specific Divine Service Work on Earth.

Matthew is a
spiritual leader for the Golden Age. He has an innate ability to see the
‘big picture’, and this is why he is so effective in assisting his
clients and followers to heal, transform, and accelerate their

Matthew resides in Western New York, U.S.A. with his Ascension dog Sebastian.

#extraterrestrial #sirians #ascension #eclipses #newage #pleiadians
#reptilians #orion #orionsbelt #pyramids #pyramidsofgiza #galaxy
#galacticfederation #universe

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