
The coming of our creator
22 Views · 8 months ago

⁣Welcome to another enlightening video on our channel. This episode,
titled "ASHTAR: Ushering in the New Age - The Earth's Ascension and the
Victory of Light", delves into the spiritual phenomenon of Earth's
ascension into higher consciousness, and the role of celestial being
Ashtar in guiding humanity through this transformative period in our

In this video, we unravel the profound wisdom that Ashtar and his
Galactic Federation possess about the Universe, the energetic shifts
happening on the Earth plane and how they are assisting us from the
higher dimensions during this significant period. Learn more about this
cosmic guide, his teachings, messages, and our collective journey
towards the New Age of enlightenment.

Our exploration doesn't stop there though! We are also going to discuss
the concept of 'Victory of Light', a significant shift wherein light
overpowers the darkness, signifying the revival of positive energy on

Whether you are new to spiritual awakening or seasoned in the divine,
this video aims to offer you a fresh, insightful perspective in your
journey. If you have any questions or would like to share your
experiences and thoughts, please comment down below.

If you found value in this video, please give it a thumbs up and share
this message of cosmic wisdom with others. If you're not already
subscribed, be sure to hit that subscribe button to stay updated on our
latest videos.

Remember, we are all one, we are all light, and we each contribute to
the greater good in our unique ways. Let's embrace the Ascension and
greet the New Age together, in the spirit of unity, love, and peace.

Keep shining your light!

#ashtar #earthsascension #newage #victoryoflight #spiritualawakening
#galacticfederation #lightworker #consciousness #enlightenment

The coming of our creator
19 Views · 3 months ago

⁣In this enlightening and inspiring video, we delve into the profound
mission of Lightworkers - the special beings illuminated with the task
of guiding humanity to a new level of spiritual awakening.

Throughout this journey, we uncover what it means to be a Lightworker,
how they are aiding in the global shift towards higher consciousness,
and how you, too, might feel a calling in this divine purpose. We
journey through this complex yet fascinating topic, pulling from ancient
wisdom and modern understandings alike.

Join us as we explore the road to enlightenment, filled with divine

love, guided intuition, and spiritual growth.

#lightworker #enlightenment #spirituality #awakening #higherconsciousness #newage #spiritualgrowth

The coming of our creator
17 Views · 4 months ago

⁣ Welcome to our video, "Embracing the New Golden Age: A
Collective Awaken in Progress!" In this enlightening and empowering
video, we dive deep into the concept of the New Golden Age, discussing
its implications, and how to embrace it for personal and collective

The New Golden Age refers to the anticipation of a period where human
consciousness is elevated, paving the way to a future of peace,
prosperity, and enlightenment. We truly stand at the precipice of a new
era - an age of awakening at both individual and collective levels. This
is a fascinating concept that is being increasingly embraced and

explored by many around the globe

#spiritualawakening #newage #collectiveconsciousness #lovefrequency #unity #Peace