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Stephen Paul
This article speaks of my vision of the 5th Density as I experienced it. I pray this article finds those who need to read its message.


Hello everyone my name is Stephen Paul, I was born in Houston Texas in the year 1980. As you all know, I have been here on the website The Coming Of Our Creator since the very start almost 5 years ago. I titled this article "Visions" because I would like to share one of my more recent visions with you all. I have been blessed to have several powerful visions in my life but I would like to tell you all of this particular vision as it deals with the 5th Density and what I was shown my life would become after the Ascension event. First I will start by explaining the context by telling of the days leading up to this vision. It was in the year 2021 and although I was not fully aware of myself or my purpose at this time I was fully awake and aware of the control systems the Cabal has imposed on the world. I don't mind admitting at this time I was terrified to leave the house due to persecution from both the world and law enforcement due to my addiction to fentanyl. This was a normal spring morning and I was dealing with the everyday task we all face when my brother gave me a call and said he wanted to make the 9 hour drive from his home on the Texas Mexico border to my house. This was in fact very odd because he and I haven't seen one another for goin on 3 years at this point. Of course I said yes come on through, and like that, 9 hours later he arrived. As soon as he pulled up he hugged me we talked very briefly outside and I offered he come inside and lets catch up, to which he agreed. When we walked in he immediately asked to use the restroom and of course I said no problem as they were on the road for hours. He wasn't in the restroom for 5 minutes when I heard a loud thump and I immediately ran in the room and there he was laying lifeless on the floor. Of course I called 911 and began CPR until they arrived . They called it Fentanyl overdose and just like that my brother was gone. When the police arrived they did checks on everyone there and I came back with a misdemeanor warrant out of the adjacent town and they of course arrested me and took me downtown to be booked in the jail. I was of course in shock and now was starting to detox so they put me in the medical ward until I could shake the detox. On the 4th or 5th day as I was laying in my bunk praying for God to somehow take away all this, I closed my eyes and all I could think was follow the light everyone sees when they have there eyes shut tightly. I don't know how long I was doing this before I began to see people walking around like in a city park and as I would look around I saw off in the distance a mountain made of light and I began walking towards that light. The closer I got the more I realized it was not a mountain at all but a giant crystalline pyramid and it was pulsing green light and as I reached the base, two lights like pathways made of white light  were pulsing up the smooth crystal surface of the pyramid. I began to walk up the illuminated pathways towards the peak of this giant. The longer I walked the further it seemed to stretch and I kept going ever more determined to get to the top. Then like a flash I was inside what looked like a restaurant with booths lining the walls and as i walked amongst the tables and booths the people didn't seem to see me like I was invisible but in my mind I thought this was only a dream until I approached this booth were three individuals were sitting and when I approached them, they all looked at me at the same time very quickly and it startled me and I knew this was no dream. Then like a flash I was lifted out of my cell and I soured through the air with who I now know was my guides. One guide was Arcturian the other, much larger than me was Lyran and the third was Pleiadean. The first thing I was shown was the number 13. This number was made in the Old English style and it was completely beautiful to look at. The second number was one, this number was tall as a building and made of gold and it radiated brightness. The last number was a 12, this number was like the first one. It was beautiful and imposing but not like the golden one. Then I was shown my life in 5D and the best way I can describe it is as follows. The city itself reminded me of Houston downtown and I was being shown this city from a ship in the sky and their was a dome over the Earth again and the cement highways we know today are not at all like what i saw. The concrete was more like perfectly bleached sandstone as were the buildings and the glass was made of crystal. The colors were more vivid than we can now imagine and many more of them. I remember the color red being so deep that you could feel its texture just by looking at it. I then looked down and clinging to my legs were all the women in my life that I have loved throughout the years except for the one I was most recently with. Immediately i looked around for her and I saw her also in the 5th density working at my company as my number one most trusted. Then I was shown the city and our transportation system. If you can imagine the bullet trains in Tokyo except these trains followed a rail that was suspended in air along with cars and busses all flying along pre determined routs just like highways but nothing touching the planets surface. Then my guides sat me down in he middle of the interstate where all the roads intersected and began to speak. First i ask, how long I was to be in jail? My Arcturian guide then answered "22 Days" he spoke into my mind. Then he began to explain the numbers. First the 13. There are 13 beings on this planet that are the oldest of all beings on a soul level. We call them Archangels, second the golden 1. I represented the number one. I am one of these beings. Then the 12, Twelve represents the other Archangels that will lead the 144 thousand angels into the raising of our vibration until we usher in the shift. I must confess that at this time my biggest crutch was drugs and although I knew i was going to have to stop in order to achieve this, at that time I was unready and now have only been 100% clean since October 2023. Many of you have read my article on addiction but if you are struggling with addiction and have yet to make the commitment, I recommend reading that article. I have had a number of vision in my like but this one here marked the beginning of a monumental change I have made in my life. I can honestly say I went from the edge of death to having it all in just short time but this change happened because I wanted and needed it. No one is here to save us! There is no magic or event that will change a persons life. You must stop listening to outside influence and search yourself from the inside using such tools as shadow work and meditation. MEDITATION is the key to unlocking your abilities and finding truth in a world meant to deceive on every screen and every place. The pyramid I spoke of, some of you know this place as the Halls of Amenti. As my brother Michael says, "Search for the Mountain of Light that lies within us all". That is the source of my life's transformation and the source of true knowledge and power. I have much more to say about myself and my souls identity but not in this article. I write this to you now with the Highest Vibrational Love and Light. 

                                                                             Your Loving Brother: Stephen Paul (Lu)   

The coming of our creator
That's very interesting, we will wait for parts ahead. Thanks for sharing .
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