
The coming of our creator
18 Views · 8 months ago

⁣Diving into the Vatican documents: Spiritual Awakening Live Session" led
by Ismael Perez. In this enlightening session, we delve deep into the
Vatican's official religious texts to gain a better understanding of
their spiritual significance. Our host, Ismael Perez, is a renowned
spiritual speaker and Vatican expert who draws meaningful insights from
these sacred documents and unravels them in a way anyone can comprehend.

Throughout this live session, we explore multiple aspects of the
Vatican's teachings and how these can potentially lead to a deeper
awakening of the spirit. This spiritual journey is designed to inspire
and enlighten people from all faiths or those simply interested in
broadening their spiritual horizons.

Whether you are a scholar seeking to deepen your understanding of the
Vatican's teachings or an individual in pursuit of spiritual growth,

this live session is a must-see.

#vaticandocuments #spiritualawakening #ismaelperez #livesession #spirituality #religion Fruit

The coming of our creator
17 Views · 10 months ago

⁣Welcome to an enlightening live session with Ismael Perez! In this
video, we're diving deep into the world of cosmic phenomena and
exploring the concept of "The Great Solar Flash". Ismael Perez, a
renowned astrologist and spiritual teacher, shares his profound insights
about the significance of cosmic events and their influence on our

Throughout this live session, you'll get to know more about the
intriguing concept of Cosmic Awakening and understand how it is
intrinsically linked with our future. Ismael will talk about all the
nuances of the Great Solar Flash, a cosmic event of epic proportions

that has the potential to redirect the course of our existence

#cosmicawakening #greatsolarflash #ismaelperez #astrology #spiritualawakening #livesession #cosmology #UniverseExploration