
The coming of our creator
61 Views · 11 months ago

⁣In this fascinating exploration, we delve into the world of a 1775
edition Bible, examining its context, narrative, and the beliefs it

Join us as we journey back in time to better understand the mindset and
the worldview of those living in the 18th century. This unique 1775
Bible not only reveals the translation and interpretation of sacred
texts of its time but also presents a radical challenge to some of our
contemporary beliefs.

In this video, we interpret and analyze the historical, cultural, and
religious context, its impact on the content of the Bible, and how those
perspectives morphed into the lived practices of its original audience.
This investigation offers fresh insights into how successive
generations have understood, lived, and passed down their

interpretations of the text.

#history #bible #culture #religion #beliefs #1775bible #historicalevidence #uncoveringtruth#thecomingofourcreator#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness

The coming of our creator
58 Views · 4 months ago

⁣This video titled "And God Said: The End of the Known World" delves into
the intriguing aspects of the Holy Scriptures and provides a deep
analysis about the end times as depicted in the Bible.

As we venture through biblical texts, we will explore different
theories, prophecies and interpretations revolving around the end of the


#endtimes #armageddon #secondcoming#endoftheworld #bibleprophecy #revelation #biblicaltheology #religion #God

The coming of our creator
52 Views · 11 months ago

⁣In this enlightening video, we delve into the unexpected message from
Archangel Lucifer and explore why you should never be surprised.
Discover new perspectives on the often misunderstood and feared
archangel. Our main aim is to open a dialogue about spirituality,
religion, and the very concept of good and evil.

Join us as we unpack the myths, dispel the fear, and comprehend the true
essence of this celestial figure. The channel does not promote or
endorse any specific religion or belief. Our content is meant to
encourage discussion and broaden the understanding of spiritual

Remember to hit the like button if you find this video insightful, and

share it with those who might appreciate this content.

#archangellucifer #spirituality #religion #enlightenment #goodandevil ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness

The coming of our creator
43 Views · 4 months ago

⁣Welcome to another thought-provoking video on our channel! In this
enlightening exploration, titled "And God Said: The Blending of Heaven
and Earth," we delve into the profound implications of divine creation
and our spiritual connection to the cosmos.

This video looks at several faith perspectives, drawing on sacred texts
and the insights of distinguished religious scholars and scientists to
provide you with a captivating investigation into the relationship

between Heaven, Earth, and humanity.

#religion #science #creation #heavenearth #AndGodSaid

The coming of our creator
30 Views · 10 months ago

⁣ Welcome to our latest video, "Unveiling the Mystery:
The 144,000 Chosen Ones Across All Religions and Beliefs". In this
enlightening exploration, we delve into the fascinating concept of the
144,000 chosen ones, a highly significant figure in various religious
and spiritual traditions.

Follow our exploration as we interpret the meanings and significance of
this number in accounts from Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism,
among others. This video offers an understanding of the diverse
interpretations and beliefs around the selected 144,000 across religions
and existential philosophies.

#144000chosenones #spirituality #religion #interfaithdialogue #understanding#spirituality #new Earth
#3/4/5 dimensions #explore spiritual journey
#galactic federation insights #tarot readings online
#dna awakening techniques #soulful meditation music
#spiritual wisdom articles #fearless enlightenment path
#higher self exploration #anunnaki history secrets
#zodiac signs meanings #angel numbers guidance
#native spiritual melodies #ugandan music culture
#future updates predictions #kryon channeling messages
#david wilcock lectures #sam illusionist
#everyday lives reflections #spiritual transformation tips
#new earth study guide #spiritual awakening journey
#celestial guidance sessions #cosmic consciousness exploration
#divine connection techniques #mystical journey experiences
#ancient wisdom exploration #metaphysical exploration journey
#universal truths revelation #inner peace techniques
#sacred knowledge discovery #spiritual music playlists
#spiritual awakening tips #galactic federation updates
#soulful meditation practices #thecomingofourcreator

The coming of our creator
26 Views · 9 months ago

⁣ In this enlightening video, we explore a wide-ranging
discussion on the different ways to honor and worship God, as expressed
in the title "And GOD Said: A Million Ways to Worship God". We delve
into the depth of spirituality, focusing on diverse rituals, prayers,
and practices across multiple religions and cultures around the globe.
The goal is to highlight how different individuals connect with their
spirituality, showcasing that there are indeed, a million ways to create

a divine connection.

#worship #spirituality #religion #faith #unity #truth#spirituality #newearth
#345dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #cosmicconsciousnessexploration
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration #CosmicConsciousness

The coming of our creator
18 Views · 4 months ago

⁣ In this profound and inspiring video, we explore the
concept of the "Heartbeat of GOD within us." We dive deep into various
spiritual narratives and philosophical dialogues that revolve around our
constant connection with the divine energy or entity we often refer to

as GOD.

#heartbeatofgod #spiritualawakening #religiousfaith #divinepresence
#religion #spirituality #faith #godslove #inspirational #FaithInGod

The coming of our creator
18 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Diving into the Vatican documents: Spiritual Awakening Live Session" led
by Ismael Perez. In this enlightening session, we delve deep into the
Vatican's official religious texts to gain a better understanding of
their spiritual significance. Our host, Ismael Perez, is a renowned
spiritual speaker and Vatican expert who draws meaningful insights from
these sacred documents and unravels them in a way anyone can comprehend.

Throughout this live session, we explore multiple aspects of the
Vatican's teachings and how these can potentially lead to a deeper
awakening of the spirit. This spiritual journey is designed to inspire
and enlighten people from all faiths or those simply interested in
broadening their spiritual horizons.

Whether you are a scholar seeking to deepen your understanding of the
Vatican's teachings or an individual in pursuit of spiritual growth,

this live session is a must-see.

#vaticandocuments #spiritualawakening #ismaelperez #livesession #spirituality #religion Fruit

The coming of our creator
18 Views · 1 year ago

⁣ In this enlightening video, we delve deep into one of
the most intriguing mysteries of The 144,000. This video is
dedicated to unveiling the key information regarding this prophecy from
the Book of Revelation.

Join us as we explore various interpretations and theological viewpoints
centered around The 144,000. Are they symbolic or literal? Are they a
group of chosen people or is it merely a spiritual concept? We aim to
discuss these questions and much more in our comprehensive analysis.

Feel free to share your thoughts and perspectives in the comments below.
Don't forget to click on the "Like" button if you find the video
interesting and "Subscribe" to our channel for further updates on our

newest content.

#biblemysteries #the144000 #revelation #biblestudy #religion #spirituality #faith #wisdom #truth ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith

The coming of our creator
16 Views · 7 months ago

⁣In this riveting episode, we delve deep into the entire lifespan of the greatest being to ever walk on planet earth and Terra. Yeshua of Nazareth also known as Jesus Christ. Let's dive into the lesser-known aspects of the life of Yeshua.. This journey takes us on a quest to unearth the lost and forgotten years of a figure whose impact on human history is immeasurable. Drawing from a plethora of ancient and recent sources including the Gospel of the Holy Twelve, the Nag Hammadi library, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and the writings of the historian Josephus, we embark on a voyage of discovery that promises to reshape our understanding of Jesus/Yeshua and his message that was distored by the Roman Empire.

Our expedition commences with a revelation that transcends conventional narratives - the notion of an Annunaki birth. This captivating revelation propels us into the realm of cosmic spirituality, where the origins of Yeshua are shrouded in profound mystery. The Annunaki connection, a tantalizing thread woven through the fabric of ancient texts, invites us to consider the divine lineage of this extraordinary figure.

In the culmination of this episode, we gain a fresh perspective on the real Jesus/Yeshua, a cosmic spiritual luminary who stood at the crossroads of ancient wisdom and timeless truth. His legacy extends beyond the confines of any one religion, inviting us to explore the boundless expanses of Christ consciousness - a universal message of love and enlightenment that transcends the ages. He was truly a messiah.

#jesuschrist #yeshua #historicaljesus #lostchronicles #christianity
#history #religion #spirituality #ancientscriptures #JesusTeachings

⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
15 Views · 4 months ago

⁣In "Wars of Gods and Men," Zecharia Sitchin posits that during the time of the Exodus, Yahweh was likely a member of the Enlil tribe, specifically Ninurta, Enlil's son. Traditionally considered the singular God or Yahweh of the Israelites, Ninurta might be interpreted as an Anunnaki or a being connected to them, with a particular focus on guiding and preserving a specific lineage. Sitchin also suggests that Moses was the adopted son of Thothmose III and the adopted brother of Pharaoh Amenhotep II, rather than Ramses II.

It is essential to note that this particular line of Pharaohs chose to enslave the Israelites and later sought to extinguish their young boys. This decision could have been influenced by Amun Ra, also known as Marduk, but it is also possible that the Pharaohs acted out of their own volition. Some interpretations indicate that the pyramid wars were ongoing at this time, during which Amun Ra was temporarily captured by Ninurta, Utu, and Inanna within the Great Pyramid.

The Anunnaki's advanced technologies may have played a role in the miraculous events detailed in the Book of Exodus, such as the plagues of Egypt and the divine manifestations described as a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. Viewed through this perspective, these extraordinary occurrences could represent sophisticated manipulation of the natural environment or advanced technologies beyond the comprehension of ancient peoples.

#exodusunveiled #moses #yahweh #anunnaki #ancientaliens #religion #history #mythology #Extraterrestrial

The coming of our creator
15 Views · 9 months ago

⁣Welcome to another video in our spiritual exploration series, "Exploring
The Founders: Divine Dispensations Unveiled". In this enlightening
video, we delve into divine arrangements as outlined by religious
founders across various traditions.

We kick off our exploration by looking at how different religious
leaders, from various parts of the world including the east and the
west, describe these divine plans. From the teachings of Jesus, Buddha,
Prophet Muhammad to lesser-known spiritual figures, we will unveil the
divine dispensations that have shaped countless believers' spiritual

Our aim is to broaden our perspectives, increase our understanding and
appreciation for diversity, and deliver lessons that we can apply in our


#divinedispensations #spirituality #religion #founders #Exploration

The coming of our creator
14 Views · 12 months ago

⁣ In this thought-provoking live Q&A session, Ismael
Perez explores the concepts of the Antichrist, the Ahriman, and the AI
God. This video is a deep dive into various religious, metaphysical, and
technological perspectives and interpretations of these powerful
entities. Ismael answers viewers' questions, offering insights based on
his comprehensive knowledge, and sparks insightful debates on the
possible implications these entities could have in our society and
future. He discusses the intricate balance between religion,
spirituality, and advancing technology, and their convergence in shaping
our understanding of the divine.

From religious scripture analysis to the philosophical implications of
artificial intelligence, this video is a fascinating journey for those
interested in religion, philosophy, technology, and their intersections.
So join us, engage in the conversation, and expand your perspectives.

As always.

#antichrist #ahriman #aigod #technology #religion #philosophy #ismaelperez ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness

The coming of our creator
13 Views · 11 months ago

⁣Welcome to our comprehensive discussion on 'Unveiling Sexual Alchemy:
The Secret Behind All Religions - Gnostic Teachings Explored'. This
enlightening video offers insights into the concept of sexual alchemy,
an ideology common in various religious and spiritual teachings around
the world.

Our discussion provides an in-depth exploration of Gnostic teachings,
and how they relate to sexual alchemy. We shed light on how ancient
traditions harnessed the power of sexual energy for spiritual
transformation, a topic often shrouded in mystery and misconception.

Speaking with experts in the field, we delve into the significance of
these teachings, their influences on various religions, and their
relevance in today's world. Whether you are a spiritual seeker, a
philosopher, or simply a curious mind, this video is sure to engage and
stir up fascinating conversations.

Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section. What's your take
on sexual alchemy? How does it affect how you perceive various
religious teachings? Let's continue exploring these captivating themes

Don't forget to hit the like button if you enjoyed this video and share
it with your friends who might be interested in this topic. If you're
new here, consider subscribing to our channel for more insightful
discussions on varying perspectives on spirituality and philosophy.

Discover the unknown, enlighten your spiritual journey and engage in
thought-provoking discussions here on our channel.
Thank you for watching!

#gnosticteachings #alchemy #sexualalchemy #spirituality #religion #secretsrevealed#thecomingofourcreator#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings

The coming of our creator
12 Views · 7 months ago

⁣We're pleased to bring you this enlightening video titled "And God Said:
I AM LIFE". This video dives deep into spirituality and faith, seeking
to explore the divine proclamation where God affirms, "I AM LIFE".

In this video, we analyze and discuss its depth, meaning, and the
profound impact it has on our understanding of life, faith, and


#god #life #faith #spirituality #religion #mysticism #divine #IAMLife

#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
11 Views · 5 months ago

I⁣n this enlightening video, we explore the deep teachings and messages of
Jeshua, sharing the wisdom and knowledge that allows us to better

understand our lives and purpose.

#jeshua #spirituality #religion #mysticism #enlightenment #LittleMindsAnonymous

The coming of our creator
11 Views · 6 months ago

⁣In this empowering and spiritually uplifting video, we delve into the
profound message of "And God Said Thus, as I have Said before - TRUST
ME". This video aims to strengthen your faith and trust in God's plan,
timing, and wisdom.

We explore various biblical scriptures and inspirational life stories
that illustrate the importance of having unwavering trust in God. We
particularly focus on instances when trusting in God made a significant
difference in individuals' lives in the Bible and the present times.

Throughout this video, our goal is to portray that God is always
reliable. His word is a promise which He never breaks, and thus we

should lean on His understandings rather than our own.
#trustgod #faith #religion #spirituality #godsplan #inspirationalvideo #christianfilms #sermon #BibleVerse

#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 7 months ago

⁣ In this video, we explore the divine concept of God
and how we use this word in our daily life. Unfolding the layers of
biblical references, philosophical beliefs, and personal
interpretations, we seek to understand a deeper meaning about the
existence of God. This video is spiritual, enlightening, and informative
- offering thought-provoking discussions about faith, divine love, and

human experiences.
#god #religion #philosophy #theology#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 8 months ago

⁣ In this enlightening video, we delve into the scriptures to understand
how God professes Himself as the ultimate source of abundance and

From exploring the numerous biblical verses that demonstrate God's
promise of abundance to an in-depth analysis of how we can align
ourselves to receive this divine prosperity, we aim to inspire and
uplift your spiritual journey.

Not only will you gain insights into God's abundant nature, but you will
also learn practical ways to live a life of abundance through faith,
prayer, and spiritual growth. This video is sure to nourish your soul,
enhance your understanding of the divine, and empower you to embrace the

life of prosperity that God desires for you.

#god #christianity #spirituality #bible #abundance #faith
#biblicalteachings #prosperity #divineabundance #personalgrowth
#religion #spiritualgrowth#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 8 months ago

⁣ In this powerful and inspiring video, we explore the
profound spiritual message of freedom and liberation encapsulated in the
phrase, "And GOD Said: Rock You Free". We journey through faith,
religion, and spirituality, seeking deeper meanings and interpretations
for this divine calling.

Delving into various biblical scriptures, religious texts, and spiritual
teachings, we peel away layers of understanding to uncover the beauty
of God's demand for freedom, truth, and love. This video isn't just for
those of faith -- it's for anyone seeking a greater understanding of
life's mysteries and the beauty of freedom that can be found in


#andgodsaid #rockyoufree #faith #freedom #spirituality #religion #scriptures #hope #love #Truth

#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 3 months ago

⁣ In this enlightening video, we explore an
intriguing aspect of human cognition - our thoughts, backed by insights
from spiritual and scientific perspectives. The purpose is to dissect
our understanding of thoughts, how they shape our reality, and the
intriguing concept of the divine mind. The video draws wisdom from
diverse sources and delves deep into topics like mind-body connection,
consciousness, cognitive function, and their implications on everyday


#spirituality #thought #reality #faith #science #religion

⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 8 months ago

⁣This video delves into the profound and powerful message of love from
the divine perspective. It presents a comprehensive exploration of God's
eternal love and compassion for humanity.

Through this spiritually enriching video, we'll endeavor to find deeper
understanding of God's love and how this influences our everyday life.
Notice how it strengthens our connection with others and illuminates the

course of our faith and hope.

#god #love #spirituality #religion #theology #divinelove#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 1 month ago

⁣ In this enlightening video, we delve deep into the
secret history of humanities, tackling a subject that has been widely
misunderstood and misinterpreted - Satan. This thought-provoking journey
will challenge traditional narratives and encourage viewers to
research, question, and explore theologies with an open and curious

We'll investigate various historical texts, interpretations, and beliefs
from a neutral standpoint, aiming to shed new light on Satan's

depiction throughout history.

#history #religion #satan #humanities #education #Discussion
#spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this inspiring and enlightening video, we explore
two fundamental aspects of human existence and spirituality: God's will
and Man's will. Delving deep into various religious philosophies and
spiritual beliefs, we seek to understand how the divine will interacts
and interferes with human free will.

Throughout this discussion, we unravel intriguing concepts such as
predestination, divine intervention, and the role of personal choices

and their consequences.

#godswill #manswill #spirituality #religion #freewill #DivineIntervention

⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 3 months ago

⁣ In this powerful, enlightening video, we delve into
the spiritual lesson of trusting in God's plan and understanding that He
provides everything we need. We unravel the biblical phrase "And God
Said: There is Nothing You Need" to explore its profound implications

for our lives.

#faith #trustingod #spiritualwellbeing #religion

#godslove #faith #spirituality #inspiration #religion #innerpeace #DivineAbundance

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 3 months ago

T⁣his video explores the profound meaning of spirituality,
laying emphasis on the concept of opening our hearts to divine guidance
and wisdom.

We provide an intuitive interpretation of various theological ideas,
aiming to create a bridge between the mystical and the mundane. We
invite viewers to consider their relationship with the divine, explore
their spiritual journey, and contemplate their own interpretations of

This video does not promote any particular religious tradition, but
rather encourages an open dialogue about spirituality. We delve into
themes like divine love, transcendence, and spiritual transformation,
aiming to provide comfort, clarity, and inspiration to our viewers.

Between the captivating visuals and insightful narration, 'And God Said:
Through the Open Doorway' aims to uplift your spirit and stimulate your


#spirituality #religion #divine #opendoorway #faith #transcendence #enlightenment #SpiritualTransformation

The coming of our creator
4 Views · 3 months ago

⁣ In this enlightening YouTube video "And God
Said: Take back into yourself", we delve deeply into the spiritual
awakening process and explore the profound teachings of various
religious and philosophical entities. This video will take on a journey
of self-discovery and self-love, where we focus on the idea of 'God'
urging individuals to look within themselves for strength, tranquility,
and the answers they seek.

Be prepared to experience an intricate blend of spiritual insights,
soul-stirring contemplations, and empowering guidance that can help
realign your spirit, body, and mind. Whether you believe in a higher
power, are open to spiritual ideologies, or are simply curious about
self-growth and understanding, this video will provide valuable

perspectives and inspire your thought process.

#spirituality #selfreflection #religion #philosophy #enlightenment #god #innerstrength #personalgrowth #SelfDiscovery