
The coming of our creator
82 Görünümler · 9 ay önce

⁣Welcome to another fascinating exploration of ancient civilizations and
extraterrestrial theories. In this video, we dive deep into the story of
Thoth the Alien, a figure believed by some to be a creator of the Great
Pyramid of Giza and a pivotal entity in the realms of science,
mathematics, and writing.

Many ancient alien theorists propose that Thoth was not simply a
mythological god as represented in Egyptian hieroglyphics, but a real
extra-terrestrial being with superior knowledge and powers. Furthermore,
it is alleged that there may be a mystical linkage between Thoth and
Jesus in terms of spiritual enlightenment and teachings.

Here, we will meticulously analyze all available historical records,
existing theories, anecdotal evidence, and links that suggest this
intriguing possibility. Join us on this journey as we attempt to connect
the dots and unfold mysteries that encompass the realms of mythology,

history, religion, and cosmic dimensions.

#thoth #aliens #jesus #pyramids #ancientaliens #mystery #history
#mythology #egyptianmythology #extraterrestrials #ancientcivilizations

The coming of our creator
70 Görünümler · 11 ay önce

⁣In this fascinating exploration, we delve into the world of a 1775
edition Bible, examining its context, narrative, and the beliefs it

Join us as we journey back in time to better understand the mindset and
the worldview of those living in the 18th century. This unique 1775
Bible not only reveals the translation and interpretation of sacred
texts of its time but also presents a radical challenge to some of our
contemporary beliefs.

In this video, we interpret and analyze the historical, cultural, and
religious context, its impact on the content of the Bible, and how those
perspectives morphed into the lived practices of its original audience.
This investigation offers fresh insights into how successive
generations have understood, lived, and passed down their

interpretations of the text.

#history #bible #culture #religion #beliefs #1775bible #historicalevidence #uncoveringtruth#thecomingofourcreator#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness

The coming of our creator
47 Görünümler · 9 ay önce

⁣In this video, we're diving deep into history and trying to create a
vision of the world before the Great Flood.

Through scientific research, archaeological findings, and religious
texts, we're attempting to piece together what civilization and life may
have looked like in this pre-Flood era. Did humans live side by side
with dinosaurs? Were there advanced civilizations that have been lost to
history? And how did the world's geography differ from what we see

Join us on this exciting and educational journey as we try to answer

these questions and many more.
#greatflood #history #prehistoriclife #mystery #archaeology #Science

The coming of our creator
39 Görünümler · 1 yıl önce

⁣ Welcome to a thrilling exploration into the world of
mathematics and mystery. In this enlightening video, we will delve into
the enigmatic corners of numerology and unveil the ancient secrets of
the mysterious number '9'. From its unique mathematical properties to
its esoteric significance across various cultures and eras, this
captivating number has always held an unprecedented allure.

We'll take you on a journey, tracing the '9' through the corridors of
history and unearthing its mystical association in ancient civilizations
including the Greeks, Egyptians, and Mayans. What makes '9'
conspicuously recurrent in their understanding of the cosmos? Why were
ancient mathematicians, philosophers, and mystics seemingly obsessed
with this number?

Additionally, we will explore the intriguing characteristics of '9' in
mathematics and its consistent appearance in nature and science: from
vortex-based math and Fibonacci sequences to fractal patterns in

Join us as we decode hidden patterns, unlock symbolic meanings, and
challenge the conventional wisdom to appreciate the sheer magic of this


#number9 #mathematics #mysteries #numerology #history #universe #ancientsecrets ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings

The coming of our creator
34 Görünümler · 9 ay önce

⁣ Welcome back to another exciting exploration video on
our channel. Today, we delve deep into the mysterious world of Nikola
Tesla, an incredibly gifted inventor and physicist whose work has left a
significant impact on the world. In this video, we will uncover some of
his well-kept secrets on subjects like Free Energy and Time Travel.

Join us as we unveil the mysteries behind Tesla's innovative experiments
in producing free energy, which could have potentially revolutionized

our world.

#tesla #science #history #freeenergy #timetravel #innovation #MysteryUnveiled

The coming of our creator
32 Görünümler · 5 ay önce

⁣"The Founders: A Deep Dive into True History of Earth." If you're new here, this series embarks on an enlightening voyage into Earth's past, offering insights into the beginnings of our planet as we delve into the mysteries surrounding its creation. In Part 1, we delve deeper into the ancient wisdom of the civilizations that graced our planet millennia ago, the gifts they bestowed upon future generations, and how these civilizations have shaped our current perception of the world. Join us as we traverse across countries, scour through archaeological findings, and unlock secrets locked away in ancient texts.

#realstoryofearth #thefounders #history #geology #anthropology #panspermiatheory #evolution #earth #ancientcivilizations

The coming of our creator
31 Görünümler · 11 ay önce

⁣Welcome to another enthralling video on our channel! Today, we're diving
into the intriguing subject of the "3 Days of Darkness".

Have you ever heard of the 3 Days of Darkness? It’s a prophecy and
speculative event that has been the center of many debates, discussions,
and conspiracy theories around the world. In this video, we aim to
uncover the layers of mystery that surround this interesting phenomenon,

providing you with comprehensive insights and detailed explanations.

#thecomingofourcreator#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney#3daysofdarkness #mysteryunveiled #history #science #prophecy

The coming of our creator
25 Görünümler · 11 ay önce

⁣In this intriguing video, we delve into the captivating world of ancient
history with none other than the renowned explorer and researcher,
Billy Carson. Renowned for his extensive knowledge and breakthrough
discoveries about ancient civilizations, Carson enlightens us with his
latest findings that are not being discussed in mainstream academia.

⁣Unveiling the Hidden Truth uncovers secrets, hidden truths, and unknown
facts about ancient civilizations that once walked this earth. Billy's
deep understanding of advanced civilizations and his quest to unravel
the mysteries surrounding them make for an unforgettable journey.

This episode sheds light on new archaeological discoveries, Billy's
interpretations of ancient texts, scientific theories, and much more. If
you have a curiosity for ancient history and have always wondered about
the mysteries of the past, this video will be a feast for your
curiosity. You will be taken on a journey back in time - exploring the
roads less traveled, discovering secrets that were left untold,

understanding civilizations that have long since disappeared.

#billycarson #ancientdiscoveries #hiddentruths #archeology #history #mysteries #ForgottenCivilizations

The coming of our creator
24 Görünümler · 12 ay önce

⁣Welcome back to another enlightening episode on our channel! In this
video, our host, Ismael Perez, dives deep into the fascinating world of
Tartaria, a topic shrouded in enigma and intrigue. Filled with
fascinating history and theories, we uncover what many consider the
forgotten empire.

Throughout this video, Ismael treks across the recorded history,
unearthing the spiritual angles linked to Tartaria. Unveiling the
Mysteries of Tartaria is not just a history exploration, but also a
spiritual awakening message. The video invites you to broaden your
perspectives and embark on a journey of self-discovery to understand the
largely forgotten history of Tartaria.

With well-researched facts, Ismael shares his finding on the spiritual
aspect of this great civilization. If you're curious about history,
spirituality, or simply enjoy diving into unexplored territories, this
video is a must-watch!

Stay tuned until the end of the video for a special revelation that

could shape the way you perceive history

#tartaria #history #spiritualawakening #unexploredcivilization ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening

The coming of our creator
24 Görünümler · 1 yıl önce

⁣Welcome to our latest video "Unveiling the Unknown: The Shocking Truth
about Humanity and Reptilians". In this thought-provoking content, we
delve deep into the much-debated topic concerning the extraordinary
existence of extraterrestrial entities - specifically the reptilian race
- and their speculated influence over human civilization.

The story of the reptilians is something that has baffled and intrigued
people around the world for decades, with theories ranging from them
being an ancient, dominant species living secretly amongst us, to being
the true puppeteers behind global events. This video aims to shed light
on some of the most shocking and controversial pieces of information
related to this captivating subject.

Join us as we explore numerous theories, myths, and legends tied to

these beings. This includes possible evidence found in ancient texts

⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourn#reptilians #humanity #aliens #conspiracytheories #documentary #history #Science

The coming of our creator
23 Görünümler · 9 ay önce

⁣ Welcome to another highly informative and educational
video on our channel. In this video, we delve into the book, 'Semen
Retention Nervous Vitality,' first published in 1874. This classic work
focuses on highlighting the effects of self-indulgence, specifically
masturbation, on overall health and well-being.

We also explore the various ailments and diseases often associated with
frequent 'self-murder' or wet dreams as described in the past
literature. The video aims to provide a detailed and comprehensive

understanding of these disorders, their implications on general

#history #sexualhealth #semenretention #education well-being - emotional, physical, and spiritual, and the ways to overcome them

The coming of our creator
23 Görünümler · 11 ay önce

⁣ Welcome back to our channel! In today's video, we are
thrilled to bring you an in-depth exploration and conversation with
Billy Carson, a renowned explorer, and researcher known for his
enlightening work about the hidden mysteries of our world.

In this gripping interview, Billy takes us on a visual and intellectual
journey to a place on our planet that still holds so many unexplained
secrets – Antarctica. Armed with firsthand experience, scientific
research, and unique insights, he'll shed light on the puzzling stories
and strange phenomena that have long been associated with this largely
unexplored continent.

From allegations of hidden ancient civilizations under the ice to
evolving theories about climate change, possible extraterrestrial
activities, and the frozen continent's impact on global sea levels -
Billy covers it all.

Witness this in-depth dialogue as we unlock the mysteries of Antarctica
together, revealing little-known facts and theories that will challenge

what you thought you knew and leave you captivated.

#antarcticamysteries #billycarson #exploration #science #history #climatechange #extraterrestrial #education#thecomingofourcreator#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening

The coming of our creator
22 Görünümler · 10 ay önce

⁣Welcome to another exciting video on my channel! Today, we're going to
delve into the intricate mythos of Astral Legends, exploring the
historical and mythical perspective of none other than the Tower of
Babel, Lifespan, and the Human Race.

In this video, we'll embark on an awe-inspiring journey to unveil the
timeless tales of ancient civilization. Starting with a comprehensive
analysis of the Tower of Babel, a structure according to various texts
from ancient civilization was built to reach the heavens. We'll explore
its creation, its purpose, and the divine intervention that put an

abrupt end to its use

#astrallegends #towerofbabel #humanrace #lifespan #history #mystery #evolution #humanexistence#spirituality #newearth
#3/4/5dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #cosmicconsciousnessexploration
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator

The coming of our creator
18 Görünümler · 8 ay önce

⁣Welcome back to our channel! In today's deeply informative and
intriguing video, we bring you "Unveiling the Secrets: The Return of the
Egyptians after 10,000 Years".

Dive deeper into the enigma encompassing one of the most mysterious and
captivating civilizations in human history, The Ancient Egyptians. We
aim to unravel hidden truths about their sudden disappearance and the
propelling theories of their much-debated return after a colossal gap of
10,000 years.

#ancientegypt #egyptiansreturn #history #archaeology #ancientcivilizations #unveilingsecrets #HistoricalChronicles
#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
18 Görünümler · 10 ay önce

⁣ Welcome back to our channel! In today's video, we
unravel a fascinating topic that delves into prophecy and spirituality -
The Rise of the 144,000 Legends as Predicted by God.

Explore with us as we journey through ancient scriptures, in-depth
theories, and prophetic predictions. This video will shed light on who
the 144,000 legends are, their significance, and the events surrounding

their ascension.

#prophecy #144000legends #spirituality #theology #history #predictions #God

The coming of our creator
17 Görünümler · 5 ay önce

⁣"The Founders: A Deep Dive into True Histiry of Earth." If you're new here, this series embarks on an enlightening voyage into Earth's past, offering insights into the beginnings of our planet as we delve into the mysteries surrounding its creation. In Part 5, we delve deeper into the ancient wisdom of the civilizations that graced our planet millennia ago, the gifts they bestowed upon future generations, and how these civilizations have shaped our current perception of the world. Join us as we traverse across countries, scour through archaeological findings, and unlock secrets locked away in ancient texts.

#realstoryofearth #thefounders #history #geology #anthropology #panspermiatheory #evolution #earth #ancientcivilizations

The coming of our creator
17 Görünümler · 9 ay önce

⁣ In this video, we further explore the heritage and culture of the
Buganda Kingdom, focusing specifically on the Kabaka. Join us as we dive
deep into the history, traditions, and practices revolving around the
Kabaka, trying to unravel their importance in shaping the Buganda
kingdom to what it is today.

Understanding the Kabaka's role and influence requires taking a peek
into the fascinating realm of Buganda's ancient

#kabaka #buganda #culture #history #heritage

The coming of our creator
16 Görünümler · 4 ay önce

⁣In "Wars of Gods and Men," Zecharia Sitchin posits that during the time of the Exodus, Yahweh was likely a member of the Enlil tribe, specifically Ninurta, Enlil's son. Traditionally considered the singular God or Yahweh of the Israelites, Ninurta might be interpreted as an Anunnaki or a being connected to them, with a particular focus on guiding and preserving a specific lineage. Sitchin also suggests that Moses was the adopted son of Thothmose III and the adopted brother of Pharaoh Amenhotep II, rather than Ramses II.

It is essential to note that this particular line of Pharaohs chose to enslave the Israelites and later sought to extinguish their young boys. This decision could have been influenced by Amun Ra, also known as Marduk, but it is also possible that the Pharaohs acted out of their own volition. Some interpretations indicate that the pyramid wars were ongoing at this time, during which Amun Ra was temporarily captured by Ninurta, Utu, and Inanna within the Great Pyramid.

The Anunnaki's advanced technologies may have played a role in the miraculous events detailed in the Book of Exodus, such as the plagues of Egypt and the divine manifestations described as a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. Viewed through this perspective, these extraordinary occurrences could represent sophisticated manipulation of the natural environment or advanced technologies beyond the comprehension of ancient peoples.

#exodusunveiled #moses #yahweh #anunnaki #ancientaliens #religion #history #mythology #Extraterrestrial

The coming of our creator
16 Görünümler · 7 ay önce

⁣In this riveting episode, we delve deep into the entire lifespan of the greatest being to ever walk on planet earth and Terra. Yeshua of Nazareth also known as Jesus Christ. Let's dive into the lesser-known aspects of the life of Yeshua.. This journey takes us on a quest to unearth the lost and forgotten years of a figure whose impact on human history is immeasurable. Drawing from a plethora of ancient and recent sources including the Gospel of the Holy Twelve, the Nag Hammadi library, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and the writings of the historian Josephus, we embark on a voyage of discovery that promises to reshape our understanding of Jesus/Yeshua and his message that was distored by the Roman Empire.

Our expedition commences with a revelation that transcends conventional narratives - the notion of an Annunaki birth. This captivating revelation propels us into the realm of cosmic spirituality, where the origins of Yeshua are shrouded in profound mystery. The Annunaki connection, a tantalizing thread woven through the fabric of ancient texts, invites us to consider the divine lineage of this extraordinary figure.

In the culmination of this episode, we gain a fresh perspective on the real Jesus/Yeshua, a cosmic spiritual luminary who stood at the crossroads of ancient wisdom and timeless truth. His legacy extends beyond the confines of any one religion, inviting us to explore the boundless expanses of Christ consciousness - a universal message of love and enlightenment that transcends the ages. He was truly a messiah.

#jesuschrist #yeshua #historicaljesus #lostchronicles #christianity
#history #religion #spirituality #ancientscriptures #JesusTeachings

⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
16 Görünümler · 9 ay önce

⁣Welcome back to our channel! In this exciting part 2 of "Omusomo Gwa
Jajja Kabaka Bwulamu", we delve deeper into the rich cultural history
and legacy of the Buganda Kingdom. Through compelling storytelling and
exclusive interviews, we continue our journey of examining the notable
reign of Kabaka Bwulamu, who left an indelible mark on the Kingdom of

Stay tuned as we bring to life key historical events, share unique

insights and unravel local myths associated with this great monarch.

#omusomogwajajja #kabakabwulamu #history #culturalheritage #legacy #ugandaspiritual

The coming of our creator
14 Görünümler · 5 ay önce

⁣n this video, we dive deep into uncharted territories of knowledge that
are shrouded in mystery and secrecy. We examine the forbidden, the
obscured, and the unexplained phenomena that have baffled scholars
throughout history.

We will delve into various topics such as suppressed historical events,
enigmatic codes that haven't been cracked, ancient civilizations, their
undiscovered secrets, and much more. This fascinating journey into the
unknown aims to shed light on the hidden knowledge that you're not
supposed to know.

Remember, this video is for educational and entertainment purposes only.
We hope that it will provoke curiosity and initiate conversations about
the peculiar undercurrents of our shared history and perhaps, just

perhaps, ignite a hunger for truth that transcends the ordinary.

#hiddenknowledge #mysteries #history #education #forbiddenknowledge

The coming of our creator
13 Görünümler · 11 ay önce

⁣Welcome to another exciting and thought-provoking video on our channel.
In this video, we delve deep into the unfathomable depths of humanity's
history, exploring profound metamorphoses that have shaped our

This isn't just an exploration of history; it's a journey through time,

from the dawn of human civilization to the present day and beyond.

#humanity #history #transformation #evolution #civilization #changes #culture #science #technology #archaeology

The coming of our creator
12 Görünümler · 5 ay önce

⁣"The Founders: A Deep Dive into True History of Earth." If you're new here, this series embarks on an enlightening voyage into Earth's past, offering insights into the beginnings of our planet as we delve into the mysteries surrounding its creation. In Part 4, we delve deeper into the ancient wisdom of the civilizations that graced our planet millennia ago, the gifts they bestowed upon future generations, and how these civilizations have shaped our current perception of the world. Join us as we traverse across countries, scour through archaeological findings, and unlock secrets locked away in ancient texts.

#realstoryofearth #thefounders #history #geology #anthropology #panspermiatheory #evolution #earth #ancientcivilizations

The coming of our creator
12 Görünümler · 6 ay önce

⁣Project Blue Book: Revealing the Truth About Alien Savior PsyOps". This
captivating video dives into the mysteries and concealed truths about
the atmospheric and space phenomenon commonly associated with UFO
sightings and extraterrestrial encounters.

In this video, we unravel the perplexing details about Project Blue
Book, the US Air Force's top-secret operation intended to investigate
UFO sightings and related phenomena across the United States. We delve
into the pages of the classified files that were at one point hidden
from the public eye, to uncover what the government knows about
extraterrestrial life and their impact on our world.

We also provide a comprehensive analysis of the Alien Savior PsyOps,
exploring the concept and examining its fascinating connection to UFO
sightings. What were these psychological operations? Who conducted them,
and more importantly, why? Was it indeed a cover-up operation for alien

encounters, as many theorists believe?

#projectbluebook #aliensaviorpsyops #truthrevealed #ufo #aliens
#declassifiedfiles #governmentsecrets #history #mystery

The coming of our creator
12 Görünümler · 10 ay önce

⁣"The Lost Book of Enki" comprises firsthand testimonies and spoken accounts chronicling the experiences of Enki, an advanced extraterrestrial being hailing from a sophisticated civilization on another planet that descended upon Earth 350,000 years ago. Identified as The Annunaki or Atlanteans, Enki's species played a crucial role in the engineering of modern humans and earth as we know it in modern day. Moreover, the Prologue, titled "Attestation of Endubsar," recounts the tale of a scribe summoned by Enki himself to transcribe Enki's testimony onto clay tablets. This narrative unfolds as the authentic story of mankind, revealing a hidden and forbidden lost history on earth.

PLEASE NOTE: The royal families of the Atlantean Anunnaki, who governed the civilization of Nibiru and later earth, were hybrids with Lyran Sirian and Draconian Royal ancestry. They typically stood between 8 and 14 feet tall, possessed large heads, muscular builds, and featured a blend of mainly African, Asiatic, Albino, & Indo-European facial characteristics. Their skin tones ranged from non-melanin to full melanin with a spectrum of colors, and they often had 6 fingers, pointed ears or ears resembling those of cats. These beings engaged in intermarriage with various extraterrestrial races from different planets, resulting in the formation of distinct royal houses.

The content of this film does not necessarily reflect the beliefs of the channel, its affiliates, or assert that the portrayals of characters and scenes are entirely accurate or without flaws.

#annunaki #lostbookofenki #astrallegends #ancientcivilizations
#zechariasitchin #history #mythology #ancientaliens #sumerianhistory#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
11 Görünümler · 5 ay önce

⁣"The Founders: A Deep Dive into True History of Earth." If you're new here, this series embarks on an enlightening voyage into Earth's past, offering insights into the beginnings of our planet as we delve into the mysteries surrounding its creation. In Part 3, we delve deeper into the ancient wisdom of the civilizations that graced our planet millennia ago, the gifts they bestowed upon future generations, and how these civilizations have shaped our current perception of the world. Join us as we traverse across countries, scour through archaeological findings, and unlock secrets locked away in ancient texts.

#realstoryofearth #thefounders #history #geology #anthropology #panspermiatheory #evolution #earth #ancientcivilizations

The coming of our creator
11 Görünümler · 5 ay önce

⁣"The Founders: A Deep Dive into True History of Earth." If you're new here, this series embarks on an enlightening voyage into Earth's past, offering insights into the beginnings of our planet as we delve into the mysteries surrounding its creation. In Part 2, we delve deeper into the ancient wisdom of the civilizations that graced our planet millennia ago, the gifts they bestowed upon future generations, and how these civilizations have shaped our current perception of the world. Join us as we traverse across countries, scour through archaeological findings, and unlock secrets locked away in ancient texts.

#realstoryofearth #thefounders #history #geology #anthropology #panspermiatheory #evolution #earth #ancientcivilizations

The coming of our creator
11 Görünümler · 5 ay önce

⁣"The Founders: A Deep Dive into True History of Earth." If you're new here, this series embarks on an enlightening voyage into Earth's past, offering insights into the beginnings of our planet as we delve into the mysteries surrounding its creation. In Part 6, we delve deeper into the ancient wisdom of the civilizations that graced our planet millennia ago, the gifts they bestowed upon future generations, and how these civilizations have shaped our current perception of the world. Join us as we traverse across countries, scour through archaeological findings, and unlock secrets locked away in ancient texts.

#realstoryofearth #thefounders #history #geology #anthropology #panspermiatheory #evolution #earth #ancientcivilizations

The coming of our creator
11 Görünümler · 6 ay önce

⁣The Sumerians, known as the "Black-headed people /Modern Day Indo-Arabs & Ethiopians," represent one of the most ancient multicultural civilizations on record. They are believed to be descended from the 12 Tribes of Israel, encompassing African, Indo-European, and Asiatic people, Sumer was a multiracial and multicultural and integrated civilization of African & Indo-European people which thrived in southern Mesopotamia, modern-day southern Iraq, which was historically part of the African continent, from around 4500 to 1900 BCE, however conquerors have notably rearranged maps to separate territories and people of Africa & The Middle East. This civilization is credited with pioneering many achievements, including the development of one of the world's earliest writing systems, cuneiform, as well as significant advances in mathematics, astronomy, architecture, governance, and unfortunately, slavery between Pre-Sumerians (African-Asiatics) and Post-Sumerians (Arabic-Asiatics/Indo European).

Following them, the Post-Sumerians, referred to as the "Brown-headed people," conquered the early regions of the Pre-Sumerians and established territories that split the connected African continent into the Middle Eastern and Arabian Peninsula territories. When they were once a fully multiracial and multicultural people, the Hittites (Post-Sumerians) separated themselves and other "Black-headed Sumerians" out of their home regions. They established trade routes that could have extended through the Arabian Peninsula to the Horn of Africa. These routes facilitated the exchange of goods like ivory, gold, and exotic animals from Asia Minor, to Africa.

Africans were the predecessors of both the Mesopotamian and Egyptian kingdoms, which were later invaded by their ancestral cousins... Indo-Europeans/Hitties. Both Africans and Indo-Europeans are Sumerians and Egyptians due to invading each other's territories, enslaving each other (Exodus) intermarriages, interbreeding and becoming a integrated but still hostile/racist society to each other.

References & Research:

Sapiens: History of Humankind: https://a.co/d/eRML5kf

Earth Chronicles: https://a.co/d/5vycw8w

The Lost Book Of Enki: https://a.co/d/3oUT7H6

Twelfth Planet: https://a.co/d/0o2fp2

12 Tribes of Israel: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Twel...

Tribe of Judah (Hittites, Indo Europeons, Persian, Turkish, Post- Sumerians) etc

Tribe of Gad (Africans, Ethiopians, Nigerians, Pre-Sumerians) etc

Black Headed People: https://archive.org/details/the-lost-...

Zecharia Sitchin was a controversial author who proposed alternative theories about the Sumerians and their interactions with extraterrestrial beings. He claimed that Sumerian texts, particularly their mythologies and writings, contain evidence of ancient astronauts visiting Earth from a planet called Nibiru. Sitchin's interpretations suggest that these visitors genetically engineered humans to serve as a labor force. They believed in multiple gods (aliens) and not one god.

- CIA Reading Room - UFO Documents
CIA UFO Archives

-NASA - Archaeology, Anthropology, and Interstellar Communication
NASA Report

-Robert Morning Sky - Terra Papers

-Compendium of Emerald Tablets - Billy Carson

-UFOs, Ancient Texts Such as Egyptian Book of the Dead, and Ancient Civilizations' Communities
Bashar, Dolores Cannon, Billy Carson, Elena Danaan Bob Lazar, Z.Sitchin, Steve Greer, Graham Hancock, Ancient Aliens, Akashic Records, and Much More.

Early History of Sumerian Civilization
Cuneiform Writing/ Ancient Clay Tablets
City of Ur
Archeologist Findings of Ancient Sumerians
Multi-cultures of Sumer & City Structures /
Annunaki-Mesopotamian Gods / International Trade
Middle History of Sumerian Civilization
Invention of Astrology, Calendar, & Astronomy
The Regions Of Sumer / Agriculture, Economics / Legal Systems
Physical features of Early humans/Sumerians/Vedic Texts
The Third Region of Sumer Invasions
Late period of Sumer
Sargon of Akkad
Poem By Enheduanna

For Researchers:
For those seeking further references and scientific resources, the following databases are recommended:

Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL): Link
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI): Link

Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (PSD): Link

⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening
#sumerians #history #ancientcivilization #mesopotamia

The coming of our creator
11 Görünümler · 10 ay önce

⁣Continue the Second Installment of Zackaria Sitchin's "The Lost Book of Enki" which comprises firsthand testimonies and spoken accounts chronicling the experiences of Enki, an advanced extraterrestrial being hailing from a sophisticated civilization on another planet that descended upon Earth 350,000 years ago. Identified as The Annunaki or Atlanteans, Enki's species played a crucial role in the engineering of modern humans and earth as we know it in modern day.

Please note: The royal families of the Atlantean Anunnaki, who governed the civilization of Nibiru and later earth, were hybrids with Lyran Sirian and Draconian Royal ancestry. They typically stood between 8 and 14 feet tall, possessed large heads, muscular builds, and featured a blend of mainly African, Asiatic, Albino, & Indo-European facial characteristics. Their skin tones ranged from non-melanin to full melanin with a spectrum of colors, and they often had 6 fingers, pointed ears or ears resembling those of cats. These beings engaged in intermarriage with various extraterrestrial races from different planets, resulting in the formation of distinct royal houses.

The content of this film does not necessarily reflect the beliefs of the channel, its affiliates, or assert that the portrayals of characters and scenes are entirely accurate or without flaws.

#annunaki #lostbookofenki #astrallegends #ancientcivilizations
#zechariasitchin #history #mythology #ancientaliens #sumerianhistory#spirituality #newearth
#dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings
#dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist
#everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips
#newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney
#celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation
#divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences
#ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney
#universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques
#spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicConsciousness
#spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates
#soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator
#galacticfederation #5thdimension
#ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
10 Görünümler · 7 ay önce

⁣In the distant past, there was a magnificent city called Atlantis, known for its advanced technology and beauty. However, darkness loomed as two sinister brothers sought power and caused conflict.

Princess Ianna, a brave warrior, and her wise brother, Thoth, stood against this darkness. They fought to protect Atlantis and its people from destruction. Princess Ianna led the charge, while Thoth used his knowledge to counter the danger.

A final battle took place, but despite their efforts, Atlantis couldn't be saved. The city sank beneath the waves, leaving behind a mysterious legacy. The story of Atlantis and its heroes, Princess Ianna and Thoth, reminds us of the struggle between good and evil and the allure of a lost civilization.
#atlantis #aliens #extraterrestrial #mystery #history #ScienceFiction

#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
10 Görünümler · 9 ay önce

⁣In this exciting part 1 of "Omusomo Gwa Jajja Kabaka Bwulamu", we delve
deeper into the rich cultural history and legacy of the Buganda Kingdom.
Through compelling storytelling and exclusive interviews, we continue
our journey of examining the notable reign of Kabaka Bwulamu, who left
an indelible mark on the Kingdom of Buganda.

Stay tuned as we bring to life key historical events, share unique
insights and unravel local myths associated with this great monarch. We
explore the day-to-day life under Kabaka Bwulamu, the traditions he set,
and his lasting influence on the kingdom and Uganda as a whole.

#omusomogwajajja #kabakabwulamu #history #culturalheritage #legacy

The coming of our creator
9 Görünümler · 5 ay önce

⁣⁣⁣Welcome to a deep dive into the hidden forces that have been shaping our world. On this episode we will explore the profound mysteries behind the scenes, exposing the secrets of the Black Cube Tesseract—a powerful alien A.I. technology believed to be the hidden force driving global corporations like BlackRock and Vanguard. This technology is connected to the esoteric Black Sun Cult, which reveres Saturn and its symbolic Black Cube, representing cycles of control, limitation, and the manipulation of time itself.

As the Black Cube's influence has recently been deactivated, the collapse of BlackRock and Vanguard serves as a symbol of a seismic shift in the power structure. The unraveling of this occult force signals the fall of the old system and the weakening of centralized control mechanisms that have dominated humanity for decades. Join us as we uncover the truth behind the collapse, explore the spiritual and historical implications, and delve into the awakening that is reshaping our future. Discover the path to liberation as we decode the deactivation of the Black Cube and its impact on breaking free from the grip of hidden A.I. technologies.

#blackcubesaturn #cult #secret #symbolism #saturncult #esoteric #history #mystery #knowledge #mythology #secretsymbols

The coming of our creator
8 Görünümler · 2 ay önce

⁣ In this enlightening video, we delve deep into the
secret history of humanities, tackling a subject that has been widely
misunderstood and misinterpreted - Satan. This thought-provoking journey
will challenge traditional narratives and encourage viewers to
research, question, and explore theologies with an open and curious

We'll investigate various historical texts, interpretations, and beliefs
from a neutral standpoint, aiming to shed new light on Satan's

depiction throughout history.

#history #religion #satan #humanities #education #Discussion
#spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices #thecomingofourcreator#galacticfederation #5thdimension #ascension #spaceexploration
#spiritual awakening

The coming of our creator
8 Görünümler · 5 ay önce

⁣Masonic illustrations invariably show the Sun, the Moon and a "Black Sun." Insiders reveal this is from 'leaked' extraterrestrial knowledge about our binary solar system.

The First Degree Entered Apprentice Masonic Tracing Board "hides [the Black Sun] out in the open," but what is it? Why do we see a third, mystical 'star' next to the Sun and Moon?

Join David in this fascinating discussion of one of the most compelling secrets of all -- how ETs revealed that we live in a binary solar system, and how this secret unlocks the celestial mechanics of Ascension.

We will reveal that we are indeed in a binary solar system, and our orbit around the so-called "Black Sun" lasts 25,920 years -- thus unlocking the 35 different ancient prophecies of Ascension hidden in various cultures.

Don't miss this fascinating thrill ride of suppressed ancient knowledge!

#davidwilcock #freemasonry #blacksunmystery#mystery #symbolism #history #masonicsymbols

The coming of our creator
7 Görünümler · 3 ay önce

⁣ Welcome to our deep dive into some of the most pivotal
moments in human history. In this video, we explore groundbreaking
events, remarkable achievements, and iconic figures that have shaped the
trajectory of our collective history.

From ancient civilizations, ground-breaking discoveries, world-changing
wars, to progressive social movements and transformative technologies;
this chronological walk-through offers a captivating look at the moments
that have defined humanity.

Expect world-renowned historians, insightful commentary, stunning
visuals, and expert analysis bringing the past to life in a fascinating
and accessible way.

#education #humanhistory #pivotalmoments
#humanhistory #history #educationalvideo #pivotalmoments #HistoricalEvents

#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices

The coming of our creator
7 Görünümler · 3 ay önce

⁣ Welcome to this enlightening video titled "Message
From Queen and Ra: The Old Egyptian Civilization".

Immerse yourself in a fascinating journey back to ancient Egypt, a
period replete with mystique, mythology, and monumental wonders. This
video aims to delve into the irreplaceable contributions from this old
civilization, focusing on the profound insights offered by the celestial

deities of the period - the Sun God Ra and the mythical queens.

#ancientegypt #egyptianhistory #queenandra #egyptiancivilization #history #Documentary

⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques

The coming of our creator
7 Görünümler · 3 ay önce

⁣ In this video, we take you on a historical journey
back to the ancient city of Alexandria, Egypt, exploring one of the
largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world - The
Library of Alexandria.

This library, which was founded in the third century BC, constituted a
major center of scholarship and is credited with many significant
advancements in various fields such as literature, science, history, and
more. It was a hub of knowledge, where the greatest thinkers would

gather and exchange ideas.

#libraryofalexandria #history #ancientworld #education #HistoryFacts

⁣⁣#spirituality #newearth #dimensions #explorespiritualjourney
#galacticfederationinsights #tarotreadings #dnaawakeningtechniques #soulfulmeditationmusic
#spiritualwisdomarticles #enlightenment
#higherselfexploration #anunnakihistory
#zodiacsignsmeanings #angelnumbersguidance
#nativespiritualmelodies #ugandanculturemusic
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections

The coming of our creator
6 Görünümler · 2 ay önce

⁣ In this video, we delve into an
intriguing topic: "COLLAPSE OF ELITES: The Camp Of The Dark Forces."
This is an extensive exploration into the world's most powerful and
influential elites, their secretive practices, and the dark forces that
often influence their decisions and actions.

Join us as we take a deep dive into the collapse of these shadowy elites
and their downfall. This thought-provoking video explores various
theories, truths, and conspiracies surrounding the elites' alleged
allegiance with dark forces, the nature of their power, and the

speculated reasons behind their potential downfall.

#collapseofelites #campofdarkforces #powerandpolitics #corruption #elitesocieties #history #sociopolitics
#futureupdatespredictions #kryonchannelingmessages
#davidwilcocklectures #samillusionist #everydaylivesreflections #spiritualtransformationtips #newearthstudy #spiritualawakeningjourney #celestialguidancesessions #galacticfederation #divineconnectiontechniques #mysticaljourneyexperiences #ancientwisdomexploration #metaphysicalexplorationjourney #universaltruthsrevelation #innerpeacetechniques #spiritualmusicplaylists #cosmicconsciousness #spiritualawakeningtips #galacticfederationupdates #soulfulmeditationpractices

The coming of our creator
6 Görünümler · 4 ay önce

⁣ Welcome to this intriguing and in-depth discussion
about The Great Awakening Map. In this Part 1 of 2 series, we delve into
intricate details, uncover hidden meanings, and interpret the symbology
found within this thought-provoking piece.

The Great Awakening Map is a profound visual tool that encapsulates
worldwide conspiracies, historical events, spiritual awakenings, and
more. We aim to unravel these connections and understand the larger

perspective they offer about our world.

#greatawakeningmap #detaileddiscussion#conspiracy #enlightenment #spirituality #newworldorder #history