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The coming of our creator
9 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to another riveting video on our channel where
we delve into the intriguing world of explorations, discoveries, and

In this video, we unravel the startling order issued by the US
government calling for a halt to all exploratory activities in
Antarctica. What could be so terrifying that caused the authorities to
shut down such an ambitious project?

Our exploratory journey navigates through fascinating interviews with
local experts and scientists, exclusive footage showing the dramatic
landscapes of the icy continent, and detailed discussions breaking down
the possible reasons behind this confounding decision.

Does this shutdown interfere with ongoing research projects? What could
possibly be buried deep within the ice that forced such a drastic
decision? Conspiracy theories, governmental cover-ups, or an undisclosed

environmental risk.

#antarctica #exploration #mystery #discovery #usa #governmentshutdown #ConspiracyTheory
⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience

The coming of our creator
14 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to another exciting video on our channel, where we delve into
the controversial and intriguing world of unidentified flying objects -
UFOs! In this video titled "Unveiling the Truth: UFO Disclosure Event
Explained", we shift our focus to the much anticipated UFO disclosure
event and what it could mean for mankind.

We shall dissect the most significant revelations from the event and

explain their implications in simple terms

#ufo #disclosureevent #truthunveiled ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
12 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to this enlightening video about "Unlocking the Pleiadian
Message: The End of Sorrow is Near."

In this video, we explore in-depth the celestial teachings of the
Pleiadian culture and their ultimate message of hope and love. The
Pleiadians, known as our cosmic brothers and sisters, firmly believe in
our inherent potential to bring forth an era of happiness and harmony.

We delve into the mystical dimensions of Pleiadian wisdom, which holds
the promise of the end of sorrow. They provide fascinating insights into
how we, as humanity, can overcome the barriers of pain and suffering
and ascend into a realm of joy and peace.

This video compiles thought-provoking dialogues, intuitive
understandings, and enlightening interviews with renowned shamans and
spiritual explorers, giving us a unique glimpse into the transcendental
world of the Pleiadians—an enlightening journey through space and inner

Through this journey, we aim to unlock the profound wisdom contained in
these messages, as well as offer you profound philosophies and practices

that you can incorporate into your daily life.

#pleiadianmessage #spirituality #endofsorrow #space #transcendentalworld #consciousness #wisdom ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney

The coming of our creator
14 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our video where we dive deep into a profound message
from the Arcturians about preparing yourself for the impending changes
and embracing the process. This mystical journey will help you to
comprehend universal truths about the cosmos and our connection to it.

In this video, we delve into the esoteric aspects of spiritual
transformation, aligning with the cosmic rhythms, and the wisdom of the
Arcturians, an advanced extraterrestrial civilization. We will uncover
how they guide humanity and assist in our spiritual growth and

This discourse was channeled through a renowned psychic medium, who has
been in contact with this advanced civilization enabling us to receive
invaluable cosmic insights. Therefore, this video is a great tool to
understand the upcoming shifts and how to stay balanced during these

Whether you're new to the concept of Arcturians or you've been on a
spiritual journey for a while, this video has something to offer to
everyone. Let's allow its wisdom to guide us towards peace,
understanding and transcendence

#arcturians #spiritualawakening #cosmicinsights #universe #extraterrestriallife #spirituality #lightworkers ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Nel video 2024 - NON CI SONO PIÙ SCUSE, Marika Moretto ci porta in un
viaggio di riflessione e introspezione. Nei prossimi anni, ci troveremo
di fronte a sfide senza precedenti e non ci saranno più scuse per non
agire e contribuire attivamente al futuro del nostro pianeta.

Marika esplora vari temi nel suo video, tra cui la sostenibilità
ambientale, la parità di genere, la giustizia sociale e molto altro
ancora. Il suo messaggio è chiaro: dobbiamo prenderci le nostre
responsabilità e fare tutto ciò che è in nostro potere per creare un

domani migliore

#2024 #nessunascusa #marikamoretto#2024 #nessunascusa #marikamoretto#spiritualità #risveglio #nuovaterra #attivazionedeldna #starseeds #angeli #dio #amore #felicita #Gesù #coscienza #illuminazione #lavoratoridiluce #viaggiospirituale #sestessosuperiore #guidaangelica #amoredivino #ascensione #energiapositiva #guarigione #paceinteriore #crescitadellanima #connessionespirituale #vibrazioneenergetica #universo #fede #crescitaspirituale #trasformazione #interventodivino #felicitàinteriore #connessionedivina #esseredustelle #ascendedmasters #viaggiodirisveglio #saggezzaspirituale #risvegliodellanima #energiadivina #spiritualitàescienza #metafisico #leggedellattrazione

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ASHTAR - Messaggio del 2024, di NevaGabriel RL". In questo video,
abbiamo riportato i messaggi che Ashtar, il comandante delle forze
galattiche di luce, avrebbe trasmesso per l'anno 2024 attraverso Neva
Gabriel RL.

Questo video è destinato a tutti coloro che sono alla ricerca di
risposte spirituali e che credono nella possibilità di comunicare con
entità di altre dimensioni e di altri mondi. Nella scoperta di questo
video, vi invitiamo a mantenere una mente aperta e recettiva.

Neva Gabriel RL è un noto mediatore che ha dedicato la sua vita alla
ricezione e alla condivisione di messaggi dall'universo. Condividendo
questi messaggi con il mondo, Neva spera di aiutare la gente ad aprire
la propria mente a nuove possibilità e a vedere il mondo da prospettive

In questo video, Ashtar fornisce la sua visione per il 2024, dando
un'idea su come il nostro mondo potrebbe cambiare e come possiamo
prepararci per questi cambiamenti. Ci parla anche della sua missione di

mantenere l'armonia in tutto l'universo.

#ashtar #nevagabrielrl #messaggiodel2024 #spiritualità #extraterrestri#spiritualità #risveglio #nuovaterra #attivazionedeldna #starseeds #angeli #dio #amore #felicita #Gesù #coscienza #illuminazione #lavoratoridiluce #viaggiospirituale #sestessosuperiore #guidaangelica #amoredivino #ascensione #energiapositiva #guarigione #paceinteriore #crescitadellanima #connessionespirituale #vibrazioneenergetica #universo #fede #crescitaspirituale #trasformazione #interventodivino #felicitàinteriore #connessionedivina #esseredustelle #ascendedmasters #viaggiodirisveglio #saggezzaspirituale #risvegliodellanima #energiadivina #spiritualitàescienza #metafisico #leggedellattrazione

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Benvenuti sul nostro canale! Nel video di oggi, Monique Mathieu
condividere con noi i suoi pensieri e intuizioni previsionali per l'anno
2024 riguardanti i cambiamenti sul nostro pianeta.

Monique Mathieu, una rinomata futurologa, condivide le sue previsioni e
visioni sulle possibili trasformazioni che il nostro mondo potrebbe
affrontare nei prossimi anni. Questo video è pieno di informazioni
preziose che stimolano la riflessione, offerte con semplicità e

Nel video, Monique discute dei cambiamenti climatici, dei progressi
scientifici e tecnologici, degli sviluppi sociali e politici e di come
tutti questi fattori potrebbero influenzare la vita come la conosciamo.
Queste previsioni non solo ci aiutano a prepararci per il futuro, ma ci
invitano anche a riflettere su come le nostre azioni odierne possono
influire sul domani.

Monique è conosciuta per il suo approccio consapevole e riflessivo agli
argomenti che discute. Se sei interessato alla futurologia o se
semplicemente desideri avere una visione più ampia del futuro del nostro
pianeta, questo video è un must-watch!

#moniquemathieu #futurologia #previsioni2024 #cambiamentipianeta # ambiente #sostenibilità #cambiamenticlimatici#spiritualità #risveglio #nuovaterra #attivazionedeldna #starseeds #angeli #dio #amore #felicita #Gesù #coscienza #illuminazione #lavoratoridiluce #viaggiospirituale #sestessosuperiore #guidaangelica #amoredivino #ascensione #energiapositiva #guarigione #paceinteriore #crescitadellanima #connessionespirituale #vibrazioneenergetica #universo #fede #crescitaspirituale #trasformazione #interventodivino #felicitàinteriore #connessionedivina #esseredustelle #ascendedmasters #viaggiodirisveglio #saggezzaspirituale #risvegliodellanima #energiadivina #spiritualitàescienza #metafisico #leggedellattrazione

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Oggi condivideremo il meraviglioso video sul Grande Risveglio. Questa è
una potente conferenza canale di James McConnell, che ha ricevuto i
messaggi da Sananda sul tema "Siete nel Grande Risveglio".

Nel nostro video, James McConnell discute e condivide le sue intuizioni
profonde sul Grande Risveglio che sta avvenendo nella nostra società
odierna. Ci dà una visione dettagliata di come molte persone in tutto il
mondo stanno vivendo un cambiamento spirituale e risvegliando il loro
vero potenziale e scopo di vita.

Il messaggio di Sananda è pieno di amore, consapevolezza e offre una
guida chiara a tutti coloro che stanno cercando risposte in questi tempi


#jamesmcconnell #sananda #risvegliospirituale #cambiamento #consapevolezza#spiritualità #risveglio #nuovaterra #attivazionedeldna #starseeds #angeli #dio #amore #felicita #Gesù #coscienza #illuminazione #lavoratoridiluce #viaggiospirituale #sestessosuperiore #guidaangelica #amoredivino #ascensione #energiapositiva #guarigione #paceinteriore #crescitadellanima #connessionespirituale #vibrazioneenergetica #universo #fede #crescitaspirituale #trasformazione #interventodivino #felicitàinteriore #connessionedivina #esseredustelle #ascendedmasters #viaggiodirisveglio #saggezzaspirituale #risvegliodellanima #energiadivina #spiritualitàescienza #metafisico #leggedellattrazione

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣LA FEDERAZIONE DI LUCE" su questo canale. In questo video, discuteremo
in dettaglio il fenomeno della Federazione di Luce, come esplorato da
Blossom Goodchild.

Goodchild è una famosa medium e messaggera spirituale che ha avuto
comunicazioni con gli esseri di luce per molti anni. Attraverso il suo
lavoro, condivide con noi i messaggi di amore, speranza ed elevazione
dal nostro Universo.

Nel video, esploriamo il suo viaggio, il suo processo di canalizzazione,
e cosa significhino per noi i messaggi che riceve. Analizzeremo anche
alcune delle predizioni fatte dalla Federazione di Luce attraverso
Blossom e il loro impatto sul nostro mondo.

Durante tutto questo, cercherò di rispondere a molte delle domande che

potreste avere su questo argomento complicato ma affascinante.

#federazionediluce #blossomgoodchild #spiritualità#spiritualità #risveglio #nuovaterra #attivazionedeldna #starseeds #angeli #dio #amore #felicita #Gesù #coscienza #illuminazione #lavoratoridiluce #viaggiospirituale #sestessosuperiore #guidaangelica #amoredivino #ascensione #energiapositiva #guarigione #paceinteriore #crescitadellanima #connessionespirituale #vibrazioneenergetica #universo #fede #crescitaspirituale #trasformazione #interventodivino #felicitàinteriore #connessionedivina #esseredustelle #ascendedmasters #viaggiodirisveglio #saggezzaspirituale #risvegliodellanima #energiadivina #spiritualitàescienza #metafisico #leggedellattrazione

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Benvenuti nel nostro canale, Nella video di
oggi, Ashtar, attraverso James McConnell, trasmette un messaggio
profondo riguardo l'importanza di lasciare andare gli attaccamenti.

Ashtar, un essere di luce estremamente evoluto, ci insegna come i legami
e le dipendenze non fanno altro che ostacolare la nostra crescita
spirituale e limitare la nostra infinita capacità di vivere pienamente
l'esperienza umana. James McConnell, noto medium e canale, ci offre
un’interpretazione chiara e potente del messaggio.

Lasciatevi guidare dai saggi insegnamenti di Ashtar e imparate a
liberare la vostra vita da ciò che non serve più, per aprirvi a

un’esistenza più ricca di significati e di felicità interiore

#spiritualità #risveglio #nuovaterra #attivazionedeldna #starseeds #angeli #dio #amore #felicita #Gesù #coscienza #illuminazione #lavoratoridiluce #viaggiospirituale #sestessosuperiore #guidaangelica #amoredivino #ascensione #energiapositiva #guarigione #paceinteriore #crescitadellanima #connessionespirituale #vibrazioneenergetica #universo #fede #crescitaspirituale #trasformazione #interventodivino #felicitàinteriore #connessionedivina #esseredustelle #ascendedmasters #viaggiodirisveglio #saggezzaspirituale #risvegliodellanima #energiadivina #spiritualitàescienza #metafisico #leggedellattrazione#ashtar #jamesmcconnell #crescitaspirituale #canalizzazione #lasciareandare #liberazione

The coming of our creator
5 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Benvenuti sul mio canale. Nel video di oggi, Marika Moretto,
esperta di genetica ed uno dei protagonisti del settore, vi aiuterà a
scoprire la maestria del vostro DNA.

Il DNA non è solo un insieme di geni che determinano il colore dei
nostri occhi e dei nostri capelli. Esso contiene informazioni preziose
che possono rivelare molto su di noi, compreso il nostro potenziale per

la salute fisica e mentale.

#dna #genetica #marikamoretto #salute#spiritualità #risveglio #nuovaterra #attivazionedeldna #starseeds
#angeli #dio #amore #felicita #Gesù #coscienza #illuminazione
#lavoratoridiluce #viaggiospirituale #sestessosuperiore #guidaangelica
#amoredivino #ascensione #energiapositiva #guarigione #paceinteriore
#crescitadellanima #connessionespirituale #vibrazioneenergetica
#universo #fede #crescitaspirituale #trasformazione #interventodivino
#felicitàinteriore #connessionedivina #esseredustelle #ascendedmasters
#viaggiodirisveglio #saggezzaspirituale #risvegliodellanima
#energiadivina #spiritualitàescienza #metafisico #leggedellattrazione

The coming of our creator
11 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this enlightening video, we delve into the
mysterious realm of spiritual wisdom and metaphysical knowledge as we
explore Metatron's shocking revelation - the secret plan unveiled.
Metatron, known in ancient texts as the 'voice of God,' reveals a secret
plan that could change our understanding of the universe and our place
within it.

This video features deep discussion and analysis of ancient scripts,
spiritual teachings, and metaphysical concepts. We try to unravel the
secret plan that Metatron, one of the highest angelic Archangels and the
scribe of God, would reveal. Join us on this intellectual and spiritual
journey as we delve into areas that few dare to explore.

Remember, the more we understand, the more empowered we become. So, sit
back, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and prepare yourself for an epic

journey of enlightenment and discovery.

#metatron #spirituality #metaphysical #secretplan #enlightenment #education #mysteryunveiled #wisdom #archangelmetatron ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this powerful and inspiring video "Chosen Ones:
Unlock Your Destiny and Accomplish Anything with God", we explore the
amazing potential within all individuals in connection with faith. With a
true passion for spirituality, this video offers a unique insight into
how we all have a divine destiny and are selected by God for a specific

This enthusing sermon will help you ignite your faith, discover your
calling, and uncover the 'Chosen One' within you. It guides you through
the process of recognizing, accepting, and fulfilling your divine
calling. Whether you're already walking in your divine destiny or still
trying to figure out God's plan in your life, this video is for you.

Filled with uplifting anecdotes, powerful scripture, and
thought-provoking teachings, this video is your ultimate guide to
finding your purpose through faith and conviction. Be ready to feel
empowered and motivated to take on any challenges that may deter you
from reaching your divine potential.

#god #faith #spirituality #chosenones #divinedestiny ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Join us on a spiritual journey with Adronis, as we dive deep into the
exploration of the Infinite, the understanding of Entity and Oversoul,
and the discovery of True Union. This captivating video is designed to
guide seekers on their path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

In 'Adronis: Unveiling the Infinite', we transcend everyday realities to
engage with the limitless expanse of the cosmos. We intellectually
voyage into the concept of Infinity itself, allowing viewers to connect
with the vast nature of their own divine consciousness.

The journey continues as we explore the concept of 'Entity and
Oversoul’. Here, we unravel the profound understanding that we are not
just physical beings but a complex amalgamation of spirit, energy, and
divine grace. The discussion empowers you to tap into the deeper layers
of your existence, your higher self or the 'Oversoul'.

Finally, we arrive at the mystical door of 'True Union'. In this
segment, we engage with the idea of oneness, the interconnectedness of
existence, and our own union with the universe. It's a profound end to
our journey that strives to initiate viewers into a space of divine
unity and wholeness.

Throughout this enlightening journey, Adronis, a multidimensional being
from Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky, serves as our
spiritual guide. His wisdom sets the tone for self-discovery,
exploration, and spiritual development.

Whether you are new to the concept of spiritual growth or an experienced
seeker looking for deeper knowledge, 'Adronis: Unveiling the Infinite,
Exploring Entity and Oversoul, and Discovering True Union' will open
your mind, heart, and soul to the boundless possibilities of the spirit

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more spiritual content.
Hit the bell icon for notifications and stay tuned for the next

enlightening journey. Peace and love to all.

#adronis #spiritualguide #enlightenment #empowerment #selfdiscovery
#spiritualjourney #universe #cosmicconsciousness #infinity #entity
#oversoul #trueunion #onewithuniverse ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this exciting episode of our ongoing series, we sit
down with renowned physicist and author Ismael Perez, known for his
groundbreaking work on the mysteries of the cosmos. During this
comprehensive Q&A session, Perez addresses some of your most curious
questions about his latest stimulating book ‘Unlocking the Celestial

From diving deeper into the complex physics of black holes to
understanding the intricate plots of interstellar travel and the
possibility of extraterrestrial life, Perez brings his expert insight
and in-depth knowledge to aid in our quest for cosmic truths.

#ismaelperez #decodingtheuniverse #cosmology #physics #spaceexploration
#astronomy #blackholes #interstellartravel #extraterrestriallife
#interview #science #universe ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our latest YouTube video!

In this live Q&A session, we are joined by three special guests,
Gail, Gaia, and Ismael Perez. They share their unique perspectives,
insights, and personal experiences in this hour-long discussion.

Gail, a renowned author and speaker, blesses us with her wisdom gleaned
from decades of working in the self-development field. Gaia, an
eco-enthusiast, spreads awareness about the environment and our role as a
part of it, aiming to inspire action and consciousness. Lastly, Ismael,
a successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker, shares his journey,
filled with ups and downs, in the hopes of motivating others to reach
for their dreams.

In this video, they discuss a range of topics, from self-development and
mindset change, to environmental awareness and sustainability, to

entrepreneurship and chasing dreams.

#liveqna #personaldevelopment #sustainability #entrepreneurship ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣In this enlightening video, we bring you powerful and urgent messages
directly from Archangel Michael. This time-sensitive spiritual guidance
is meant to inspire, uplift, and support you during times of

Join us as we delve into higher states of consciousness, explore
profound spiritual realms, and receive important life lessons. These
messages serve as a beacon of light, helping you navigate your spiritual
journey. Each message is a clarion call to awaken your inherent divine
potential, encouraging personal growth and understanding.

Archangel Michael, known as the protector and the embodiment of truth,
compassion, and integrity, shares timely wisdom and insights to help
those seeking spiritual enlightenment. His messages come at a pivotal
time when many are seeking solace and direction.

Whether you are already on your spiritual path or just starting, these
messages will provide clarity, offer comfort, and remind you of your
divine purpose. Each message is unique, transcending time and space, and
is meant to resonate with you on a personal level.

Feel free to share this video with others you feel may benefit from this
divine guidance. Remember to comment on how these messages touched you,
and subscribe to our channel for more spiritual wisdom from the
celestial realms. Let's journey together in faith, understanding, and

Watch, listen, and allow Archangel Michael's messages to speak to your


#spirituality #archangelmichael #divineguidance #spiritualawakening ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to another enlightening video titled
"Archangel Raphael's Revelation: The Prospect of Two Earths - Choose
Wisely". This video delves deeper into the fascinating revelations made
by Archangel Raphael about the prospects of two Earths existing. It
gives a profound understanding of the spiritual dimensions and
enlightens the viewers about the choices to make for their own spiritual

As we navigate through the cosmos of spiritual awareness, Archangel
Raphael's channeled messages guide us towards making informed decisions
and illuminating our life paths. This video is perfect for those on a
spiritual journey who are seeking wisdom, clarity, and guidance in their
life and beyond.

#archangelraphael #twoearths #spirituality ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to our channel! In this video, we will delve
into a profound revelation purportedly from Jesus Christ about the year
2024. We bring forward a prophetic message that speaks of a significant
spiritual awakening for humanity.

From age-old prophecy interpretation, theological insights, to the
ancient sacred texts that foretell a spiritual revolution, this video is
an insightful exploration about the shift in consciousness that 2024 is
said to bring.

What does the spiritual awakening mean for humanity, and how will it

impact our daily lives?

#jesuspropheticmessage #spiritualawakening #prophecies2024 ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣: Welcome back to our channel! In this
thought-provoking video, we dive deep into the fascinating topic of the
pole shift, guided by the profound insights of St. Germaine.

Join us as we unpack and analyze this complex natural phenomenon
believed to be a periodic reversal of the Earth's magnetic fields.
Through interpreting the teachings of St. Germaine, a legendary

spiritual figure.

#poleshift #stgermaine #earthchanges #sciencemeetsspirituality #understandingpoleshift #spiritualinsights ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness

The coming of our creator
19 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to another enlightening video on our channel!

In this episode of our spiritual awakening series, we explore the
concept of 'Energy Vampires' and their impact on 5D Ascension. We are
blessed to channel a profound and insightful message from Archangel
Gabriel on this subject.

Energy Vampires are individuals who drain your emotional energy, leaving
you feeling exhausted and depleted. In some cases, you may not even
realize it's happening. So, how can you identify them, shield yourself,

and keep your spiritual ascension journey on track?

#energyvampires #5dascension #archangelgabriel #spirituality #awakening
⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening

The coming of our creator
24 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to a thrilling exploration into the world of
mathematics and mystery. In this enlightening video, we will delve into
the enigmatic corners of numerology and unveil the ancient secrets of
the mysterious number '9'. From its unique mathematical properties to
its esoteric significance across various cultures and eras, this
captivating number has always held an unprecedented allure.

We'll take you on a journey, tracing the '9' through the corridors of
history and unearthing its mystical association in ancient civilizations
including the Greeks, Egyptians, and Mayans. What makes '9'
conspicuously recurrent in their understanding of the cosmos? Why were
ancient mathematicians, philosophers, and mystics seemingly obsessed
with this number?

Additionally, we will explore the intriguing characteristics of '9' in
mathematics and its consistent appearance in nature and science: from
vortex-based math and Fibonacci sequences to fractal patterns in

Join us as we decode hidden patterns, unlock symbolic meanings, and
challenge the conventional wisdom to appreciate the sheer magic of this


#number9 #mathematics #mysteries #numerology #history #universe #ancientsecrets ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings

The coming of our creator
11 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our channel, where we delve into mysteries unseen and
knowledge unheard. In this video, we're exploring the vast and
intriguing concept of the Tree of Life, a representation of the universe
and consciousness. We dive into the spiritual domain and introduce you
to the powerful beings that reportedly influence our daily lives.

We discuss elements of mysticism, spirituality, and metaphysics to
provide a comprehensive understanding of this profound symbol, often
linked to sacred geometry, religion, and philosophy.

Whether you're familiar with the Tree of Life or hearing about it for
the first time, we aim to illuminate your path with ancient wisdom and
modern insights. We touch upon significant spiritual entities that many

believe play an integral role in our everyday lives.

#treeoflife #spirituality #personalgrowth ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation

The coming of our creator
14 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome back to our channel! In this new video titled "Unveiling
Secrets: The Quest for the Ancient 'Hall of Records' Hidden Beneath the
Sphinx’s Paw," we take you on a thrilling uncovering expedition through
the pages of history.

This engaging and fascinating video explores the mythic hall of records
thought to be located under the paw of the Great Sphinx of Giza in
Egypt. As we delve into the depths of this ancient mystery, we discuss
theories and truths regarding the existence of this alleged repository,
which some suggest could hold lost wisdom of the ancient Egyptians, or

even earlier civilizations.

#hallofrecords #ancientmysteries #greatsphinx #egyptianhistory #unveilingsecrets ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness

The coming of our creator
17 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this powerful and insightful video, we delve into
the lesser-known secrets of attaining wealth and power. We've got the
perfect guide that will kickstart your journey towards financial freedom
and power. This comprehensive video will take you through various
practical methods, strategies, and mindsets that will serve as a roadmap
to success.

Starting from understanding the foundations of wealth, to developing
money managing techniques, setting achievable financial goals, to
exploring the importance of the right attitude; this video covers
everything you need to know to attain financial abundance. Alongside, we
also explore the nuanced principles of power and how a correct
understanding of power dynamics can help you ascend up the ladder of


#gainingwealth #guidetosuccess #powerdynamics #financialfreedom #entrepreneurtips #successstories #wealthmindset ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome back to our channel, where we plunge into
past lives and uncharted territories of history. In today's video, we
unravel the intriguing tale of the Reincarnation Mystery: The Untold
Love Story of a Powerful Pharaoh Unveiled in Modern London.

There are many stories in history that remain unsolved and, in this
video, we dive deep into one such enigma. We journey back to the ancient
times of the Pharaohs and, through a captivating twist of events,
unveil the story in the heart of modern-day London.

Deep dive into the world of reincarnation, reality, and rebirth as we

demystify an intriguing love saga of a powerful pharaoh.

#reincarnationmystery #pharaohslovestory #modernlondon #historymystery #UntoldStories
⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to a truly enlightening video about what the
future may hold for us. This video presents an exclusive 2024 forecast
according to the Pleiadian message, a powerful source of wisdom that is
said to be streaming from the Pleiades star cluster.

Through this video, your perception of reality may shift as we impart a
deep understanding of the lessons we need to learn from the Pleiadians; a
star nation considered to be advanced in spiritual evolution,
consciousness, and technology. The Pleiadians have been contacting and
communicating with humanity for thousands of years, with the purpose of
raising our consciousness and guiding us towards a more enlightened and
peaceful existence on Earth.

In this video, we delve into the messages that the Pleiadians want us to
hear about the future, specifically our near future leading up to 2024.
The guidance and predictions presented in this video are access points
to transcend fear-based living, awaken our intuition, and align with our
highest potential in the coming years.

Whether you are new to the realm of extraterrestrial communication or
you have been following Pleiadian wisdom for years, this video has
something to offer you. It will provide you with an expanded perspective
of humanity's next steps and show you that, maybe, we are not alone in

this Universe

#pleiades #2024forecast #spirituality #ascension #cosmos #aliens ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney

The coming of our creator
18 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this informative and eye-opening video, we delve
deep into the often misunderstood world of female covert narcissism.

The signs can be subtle, and they can pass unnoticeably, especially when
you can't correlate the person's behavior patterns to narcissism.
That's why this video titled "Spotting the Red Flags: Understanding the
Signs of a Female Covert Narcissist for Men & Women" hopes to shed
light on this issue by providing extensive, clear-cut, and practical

We will cover several key topics, such as the unique characteristics of
female covert narcissists, how they differ from their male counterparts,
and the red flags to watch out for. Keep in mind that this content is
designed to help both men and women who believe they may be dealing with
a woman exhibiting these traits, whether it's in a romantic
relationship, a family member, or a coworker.

Our aim is to empower viewers to recognize the signs and behaviors often
associated with female covert narcissists and provide them with the

tools to protect themselves

#narcissism #mentalhealthawareness #covert #relationships ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to another intriguing episode of our series -
"Revealing The Future." In this enlightening session, our renowned Tarot
Expert, Janine, takes you on a mystical journey unveiling an enigmatic

Hold onto your seats as Janine masterfully blends her decades of
experience, spiritual insights and the power of tarot cards to weave an
awe-inspiring narrative around the future.

In this video, you will witness the blending of timeless wisdom with
modern foresight, making the invisible visible and opening the gates to
the unknown future. Janine's profound understanding of tarot
interpretation helps to decode the universe's secret messages.

Embark on this spiritual quest by clicking the play button, enlighten
yourself, and prepare for what's to come.

#tarotreading #tarotprophecy #janinetarotexpert ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to another thought-provoking video on our
channel! In today's episode, we examine the intriguing subject of the
Galactic Federation versus the Galactic Alliance with spiritual teacher
and guide, Ismael Perez. This deep dive into spiritual awakening will
definitely open your minds, broaden your perspectives, and offer a
unique understanding of these cosmic bodies.

Join us as we navigate through the theories, facts, mysteries, and
controversies surrounding these galactic entities. Ismael Perez,
renowned spiritual advisor, shares his profound insights and knowledge
about these entities and their supposed roles in the cosmic scheme.

Intertwined with the concepts of spiritual awakening and consciousness
expansion, this discussion sheds light on the different dimensions of
existence beyond our physical world. We will also open the floor for a
Live Q&A session with Ismael, where he will answer all your
questions and address any uncertainties you might have.

If you are an aspiring spiritual truth-seeker or simply someone
fascinated by mysteries of the universe, then this video is definitely
for you. Don't forget to drop your queries and thoughts in the comment
section below.

Remember to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more
enlightening discussions about spirituality, consciousness, and the
mysteries of the universe. By doing this, you are not only supporting us
but also helping us reach out to more amazing souls worldwide.

"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to
stick to possibilities; Truth isn't." - Mark Twain

Let's unveil the truth together! Stay tuned, stay curious, and keep


#spiritualawakening #galacticfederation #galacticalliance #ismaelperez #consciousnessexpansion #universe ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourne

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to another profound episode on our channel, where we delve
deeper into the spiritual realms. This is a must-watch video for those
seeking a path towards spiritual awakening.

In today's episode, we bring you an awe-inspiring live session of
"Experiencing the Battle of the Gods", led by our esteemed guest ISMAEL
PEREZ. Ismael Perez, an internationally renowned spiritual guru, will
help us navigate and understand the intricacies of our spiritual journey
through a complex yet captivating narrative of divine conflicts.

During this enlightening session, viewers will get a rare opportunity to
ask questions and interact directly with Ismael, enhancing their
spiritual perception. Our intimate Q & A segment will bust spiritual
myths, clarify doubts, and offer unique insights helpful for your
spiritual path.

Don't miss the chance to unearth the mysteries of our existence and
understand the quest of life in a more spiritual aspect. This episode is
a transcending journey from ignorance to knowledge, darkness to light
and death to immortality. It will elicit a spiritual awakening within
you and guide you to discover your purpose.

For the seekers of the truth or those with curiosity about spirituality,

this video will serve as a compass to your spiritual journey.

#spiritualawakening #liveq&A #battleofthegods #ismaelperez ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this captivating video, we delve into the
mysteries surrounding Nikola Tesla and the Quantum Age, exploring the
profound insights offered by the extraterrestrial race, the Arcturians.

Gain unrivaled knowledge about Tesla, his revolutionary inventions, and
intriguing theories that have intrigued science enthusiasts for decades.
Although Tesla's life and works remain shrouded in mystery, our
deep-dive into his life attempts to unravel some of the complex threads
of his extraordinary journey.

Next, we delve into the Quantum Age, a fascinating era dominated by
quantum physics and its implications for our understanding of reality.
The era challenges our conventional understanding of physics and the
Universe. As we bridge the gap between science and spirituality, the
Quantum Age offers insights into the multidimensional aspects of

Finally, we channel information from the Arcturians, heralded as one of
the most advanced civilizations in our galaxy. We explore their wisdom
and insights about Tesla, the Quantum Age, and their profound knowledge
about realities beyond our physical planet.

Join us on this thrilling journey of exploration, enlightenment, and
understanding. With every moment packed with astounding facts,
mind-bending theories, and revolutionary ideas, this video is sure to
leave you on the edge of your seat, questioning the truths we often take
for granted.

Don't forget to hit the subscribe button to stay updated with our latest
content. Let's go on this journey together and unlock the mysteries of
the Universe. Comment down below your thoughts and what you'd want our
next video to be about.

Remember, knowledge is power, and together, we can unlock the mysteries

of the Universe.

#nikolatesla #quantumage #unlockingmysteries #arcturians ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to another exciting episode of "Exploring the Cosmos with St.
Germain". In this episode, we embark upon a fascinating journey across
the universe under the guidance of the esteemed St. Germain.

St. Germain takes us across galaxies, exploring the mysteries of the
cosmos right from our backyards. We discover the awesomeness of the
universe and learn how the whole galaxy is watching us in ways we could
barely fathom.

This video is not only intended for astronomy enthusiasts but also for
anyone who ever looked up in the sky and wondered about the infinite
space beyond. The universe is truly magical, and this experience is
amplified under the tutelage of St. Germain, who enlightens us with his
profound knowledge and enthusiasm.

Throughout our journey, we will gain an incredible understanding of the
stars, the planets, black holes, and all the fascinating phenomena that
form our universe. Join us on this captivating expedition and see the
cosmos from a perspective like never before!

Don't forget to hit the 'like' button if you enjoyed our journey through
the stars. Share your thoughts and insights in the comment section


#cosmos #galaxy #astronomy #spaceexploration #universe #stgermain #science #astrophysics ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
13 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this profound and thought-provoking video, we
delve deep into the realm of higher consciousness as we explore the
concept of Earth being a 'Prison Planet.' Guided by the wisdom of
Archangel Michael, we unmask various truths hidden from humanity and try
to understand our existence on Earth.

As we connect to the divine energy of Archangel Michael, we unravel the
mysteries of our physical reality - disclosing the unseen structures
that challenge our spiritual freedom. Can the Earth indeed be a prison
for souls, as some ancient philosophy suggests? Are we, in fact, living
in an illusionary prison planet and is there a way to break free?

Join us on this extraordinary journey where we conduct an open
conversation with Archangel Michael, tapping into universal wisdom,
eternal truths, and profound insights that are sure to shed light on
your spiritual path. Whether you are a novice or a spiritual enthusiast,
this video will help you expand your understanding of life, coaxing you
to question your own perceptions of reality.

The discussion is rich with divine insights, symbols, and metaphors that
carry deep spiritual significance, sure to resonate with anyone who
seeks to understand the deeper mysteries of life. Enhanced with
breath-taking graphics, compelling narratives, and calming meditation
music, it's a feast for both the eyes and the soul.

Keep an open mind and heart as you watch this video, allowing the divine
wisdom to penetrate the depths of your consciousness. Remember, it's
not just about assimilating knowledge, but about the journey of
self-discovery and personal transformation.

Don't forget to comment with your thoughts, like the video if you find
value in the content, and share it with others who may benefit from this


#archangelmichael #truthrevealed #prisonplanet #spiritualawakening #divinewisdom

⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
12 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to another riveting episode where The Arcturians dive into the
fascinating realm of possibilities, trajectories and foresights. In this
video titled 'Unveiling the Future: 2024 Predictions by The
Arcturians,' we journey into the insights of these highly evolved,
multidimensional beings in light of what the year 2024 may look like.

The Arcturians, noted for their advanced knowledge and wisdom, share
their perspective on various global events, technological advances,
environmental issues and potential shifts in human consciousness that
they foresee in the year 2024. This video does not aim to spread fear or
anxiety but rather stimulate thought, spark curiosity, and promote
uplifting dialogue on our yet unwritten shared future.

Through this video, we hope to equip our viewers with insights that
could aid them in making informed decisions and enhance their
understanding of the collective human experience.

Remember, the future isn't set in stone and we all play a significant

role in shaping it. Watch on with an open mind and heart.

#2024predictions #thearcturians #unveilingthefuture #spirituality #metaphysics #futurepredictions #consciousness ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
11 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to another informative video about spirituality where we explore
the transformative journey from 3D to 5D consciousness. In this video,
we delve deep into the profound message from Archangel Raphael,
discussing the 3D-5D spiritual split that is happening on our planet.

This enlightening explanation takes you through the subtle differences
between the third-dimensional (3D) perspective marked by duality, linear
time and the material world, and the fifth-dimensional (5D)
perspective, characterized by unity, infinite time and the ethereal

In this video, we discuss:

1. Understanding the Concept of 3D and 5D
2. Interpreting the Message from Archangel Raphael
3. Journeying from 3D to 5D Consciousness
4. The Impact of the Dimensional Shift on Humanity
5. Practical Steps for Transitioning to the Higher Dimension

This video is a must-watch for those who are on their spiritual path or
those simply intrigued by the concept of higher levels of consciousness.
Whether you are new to the path of enlightenment or a seasoned
traveler, this presentation can offer you a different insight to aid

your journey to the fifth dimension.

#5dconsciousness #spiritualawakening #archangelraphael #enlightenment #ascension #spirituality ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to our video "Unveiling the Mysteries:
The High Arcturian Collective's Insights on 2024 and Jesus." In this
unique video, we delve into the mystical information shared by The High
Arcturian Collective, an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, about
the transformative year of 2024 and the universal teachings of Jesus.

Channeled through renowned spiritual medium, we will uncover what the
Arcturians reveal about the significant global transformations and
shifts in consciousness predicted to occur in 2024.

Additionally, we'll explore the Arcturians' perspective on the teachings
of Jesus, his true mission, and the deeper spiritual truths that we can
all apply in our personal journeys towards spiritual evolution.

Stay tuned as we unmask these enigmatic insights, allowing ourselves to
expand our understanding, ignite our curiosity, and empower our

spiritual paths

#arcturiancollective #2024insights #spiritualawakening #jesusteachings ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

Stephen Lusifer Morningstar
20 Views · 2 months ago

Air support

The coming of our creator
19 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to this video about the Great Shift of 2024: Portal Activations
& 5D Wave Across the Planet. This is a thorough exploration of the
exciting and prophetic topic concerning the global spiritual awakening
that we are currently experiencing.

In this video, we delve into the narrative of the Great Shift of 2024,
discussing portal activations and how they will impact humanity at a
global level. Discover the concept of the 5D (fifth dimension) wave
spreading across planet Earth and its implications for our spiritual
growth and development.

This content offers profound insights into many spiritual phenomena,
with a particular focus on the monumental transition our planet is going
through. We'll decipher what these present changes mean and try to
envisage the world post-2024, discussing predicted outcomes and

Included in this video is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom about
ascension symptoms, the quantum leap in human consciousness, and the
importance of love and unity in this critical period of transformation.
Whether you're new to the ideas of spiritual awakening and ascension, or
you're an experienced spiritual practitioner, there's something to

learn and absorb in this in-depth presentation.

⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
12 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our video: "2024 Predictions: What's Coming Next? The
Countdown Begins!" This video dives deep into the possible scenarios and
events that might occur in the year 2024. We have discussed world
events, economic predictions, technological advancements, space
exploration, and more in our comprehensive and detailed analysis.

From climate change concerns to the emerging technology trends, we
present you with possible predictions not just based on our assumptions,
but backed by real-world research and expert opinions. Additionally,
our video also touches upon potential socio-political changes,
advancements in scientific research, and many other integral aspects of

human sustainability and progression.

#2024predictions #futuretrends #whatscomingnext #countdownbegins #predictions2024#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness

The coming of our creator
12 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our video "NEW EARTH 2024: What Lies Ahead in The
Coming Months."

In this thought-provoking dialogue, we delve into the fascinating
possibilities of what our planet might look like in 2024. We discuss
predictions, expectations, and forecasts from world-renowned scientists,
technology experts, environmentalists, political analysts, and

economists about the future of Earth.

#newearth2024 #futurepredictions #whatliesahead ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to our exciting new video titled,
"Anticipating the Future: Massive Global Shifts and Changes Expected in
2024 & Beyond". As we embark on a new era, we explore the
astonishing predictions and profound transformations that could reshape
economies, societies, and our daily lives in the coming years.

In this enlightening discussion, we delve into topics like technology
advancements, socioeconomic shifts, environmental changes, and political

restructurings that are predicted to occur around the globe.

#globalshifts #futuretrends #futurepredictions #2024andbeyond ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this enlightening video, we delve deep into one of
the most intriguing mysteries of The 144,000. This video is
dedicated to unveiling the key information regarding this prophecy from
the Book of Revelation.

Join us as we explore various interpretations and theological viewpoints
centered around The 144,000. Are they symbolic or literal? Are they a
group of chosen people or is it merely a spiritual concept? We aim to
discuss these questions and much more in our comprehensive analysis.

Feel free to share your thoughts and perspectives in the comments below.
Don't forget to click on the "Like" button if you find the video
interesting and "Subscribe" to our channel for further updates on our

newest content.

#biblemysteries #the144000 #revelation #biblestudy #religion #spirituality #faith #wisdom #truth ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith

The coming of our creator
13 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to another profound video on our channel! "The
Secret of God: A Journey towards Supreme Power" is a must-watch for
anyone seeking greater spiritual understanding and awakening.

In this enlightening video, we delve deep into spiritual mysteries to
unfold the secret of God and the pathway to the ultimate power. Gain
insights from various spiritual leaders, scholars, and practicing
individuals from around the globe who have devoted their lives on the

quest to understanding the divine power.

#spirituality #god #supremepower #enlightenment #faith #prayer #meditation #spiritualgrowth

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our informative and enlightening YouTube video titled "Urgent
Update: Unveiling the Truth About Reptilian's Human Enslaving Program".
In this video, we delve deep into the world of conspiracy theories and
aim to uncover the reality about the fabled alien race known as

According to many theorists, the Reptilian's human enslaving program has
been in operation for centuries, subtly influencing society and the
course of human history. We will look at available evidence,
testimonials, and expert analyses to try and shed some light on this
controversial theory in a well-balanced, objective way.

Whether you're a seasoned conspiracy theorist or someone who's just
curious about this topic, this video will make you think and question
what you've always believed. We are not here to convince or mislead, but
to present the available information and allow you to make your own

Watch out for intriguing insights, captivating interviews, and a
comprehensive exploration of the mystery that surrounds the Reptilians
and their alleged human enslaving program. What's truth and what's hoax?
Can we really trust the information we've been fed all this time? Let's
find out together.

Please don't forget to hit the like button, share the video with your

friends, and subscribe to our channel for more fascinating content.

#reptilianconspiracy #alientheories #unveilingtruth ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this urgent update video, we delve deep into the
significance of embracing an integrated approach for life on New Earth.
This is a critical discussion that is a must-listen for all of humanity
as we journey through this remarkable era of change and transformation.
As we navigate through these turbulent times, it's crucial to understand
the importance of adopting an integrated, holistic approach to life on
our planet.

Join us as we explore thought-provoking concepts, insights, and redefine
what it means to live harmoniously on New Earth. We will discuss how to
adapt to the significant changes that our planet is going through and
how to maintain balance in these circumstances.

Understand from the experts about the pressing challenges humanity faces
in this transition phase and possible solutions to overcome these
obstacles. This video is an eye-opener, shedding light on the importance
of unity, compassion, resilience, and sustainability.

In this discussion, we also bring forward the ways to integrate
spirituality with everyday life, fostering personal growth and
collective well-being. It's a wake-up call for everyone out there to
step ahead and participate in creating a harmonious New Earth prevalent
with love, peace, and prosperity.

If you've been feeling the urge to understand your role in this
magnificent transformation, this video will serve as your compass. It's
time we shed our old ways and emerge anew with the lessons this New
Earth has to offer us.

Don't forget to hit the subscribe button to stay updated on our latest
discussions. We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the
comments section below, and remember to share this video with your
friends, and loved ones to help spread the message.

#newearth #integratedapproach #transformation #humanity #holisticliving
#spirituality #sustainability #ourplanet #urgentupdate ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation

The coming of our creator
66 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to this Breaking News update, where we discuss the historic
events currently impacting humanity and what you need to know right NOW.
In this video, we delve into the most prominent incidents happening
around the globe, providing insights, and sharing expert opinions to
help you understand these new developments better.

Stay tuned as we explore various topics from Politics, Environment,
Science, Tech, and Society, shedding light on pivotal moments that are
shaping our collective history. We cut through the noise to give you
well-analyzed, unfiltered news content and the implications these events
have on our lives moving forward.

We encourage you to join the conversation by liking, commenting, and

sharing this video with anyone who may find it usefu

#breakingnews #historicevents #currentaffairs #worldnews ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣n this extremely vital video, we explore an urgent message for all of
humanity. With growing global issues, it's time we come together and
take meaningful action, for the very fate of our world could be hanging
in the balance. In this update, we'll discuss the challenging situation
we all find ourselves in and provide possible solutions to avert the
looming apocalypse.

Drawing from the findings of experts around the world, this video isn't
meant to frighten but to inspire immediate action for the betterment of
mankind. We detail impending challenges and outline preventive measures
each one of us can undertake to ensure the survival of our planet.

So tune in and absorb every piece of information to gain a thorough
understanding of the global situation. Regardless of your standpoint on
these issues, we encourage you to give our message a chance. You may not

realize it, but your actions can make a difference.

#humanity #apocalypse #globalchallenges #survivaloftheplanet #takeaction #urgentupdate #savingourworld ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation

The coming of our creator
35 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome back to our channel! In this video, we have a MASSIVE UPDATE
ALERT for you all! We will be unveiling the exact solution you need
right now to tackle the puzzles you're currently facing.

Watch as we reveal an innovative solution tailored to handle common
issues many people face in today's fast-paced world. If you've been
searching for answers or feel stuck in your current situation, this is a
video you absolutely can't afford to miss. This update will be a

This revelation has come after countless trials, analysis, and testing,
so you are assured of its effectiveness. We have dedicated time and
effort to ensure this solution is not only effective but also easy to

Subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our daily
video contents. Be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you find it
useful, and share it with your friends and family who might benefit from
it too.

If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment down

below. We love hearing feedback from our awesome subscribers!

#massiveupdate #solution #lifehacks #updates #lifesolutions #gamechanger ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Join us in this exciting journey as we delve deep into the secrets of
plant-based living, taking inspiration from "The China Study". We will
share multiple revelations on nutrition and its impact on our overall

This video is packed with numerous beneficial insights about plant-based
diets, their benefits for our health, even unraveling their potential
key role in preventing and reversing diseases. Driven by powerful
statistics and revelations from the highly acclaimed "The China Study,"
we strive to enlighten viewers on the imperative course towards a
healthier and holistic lifestyle.

In this video, we'll be exploring the correlation between diet and
diseases, investigating why some people who follow plant-based diets
live longer and healthier lives, and marveling at the wonders of whole
food, plant-based living.

Along with this, we walk you through the life-changing transformations
of various people, their inspiring narratives of overcoming diseases by
adopting plant-based diets motivated by "The China Study."

Whether you're already living plant-based or considering a dietary
change, this video will offer a treasure trove of health opportunities
suited for your lifestyle.

Remember to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for more
inspiring and informative content on plant-based living. Here's to a
healthier, greener, and more vibrant life. Let's start this journey

towards healthful knowledge together. Enjoy watching!

#plantbaseddiet #thechinastudy #veganliving #healthandnutrition #Environment

⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to our video! In this episode, we dive
into the incredible health benefits of something as simple as eating
cloves. This powerful spice isn't just for your holiday ham, it can
provide some amazing benefits for your health. For all those who are
aged 50 or above, incorporating this spice into your diet can be
absolutely transformative!

Discover how incorporating just 2 cloves in your daily diet can help
improve your digestion, boost your immune system, reduce inflammation,
and even fight against certain types of cancer. We will also be sharing
some tasty and easy ways to add more cloves to your meals.

Don't forget to like, share and subscribe to our channel for more health

and wellness tips and tricks.

#healthbenefits #cloves #healthyliving #over50health #NaturalRemedies⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to this enlightening video on "Unlocking the Magic of Crystals: A
Guide to Healing and Harmony". In this video, we delve into the
mystical world of crystals and their amazing healing properties. Do you
believe in the power of crystals but aren't sure where to start? This
guide is just for you!

Our expert guides will enlighten you on how to harness the energies of
these natural wonders for personal growth, healing, and attaining
harmony in life. We will explore various types of crystals, their unique
energies, and how they connect with our own energy fields.

Don't miss out on practical demonstrations on how to use crystals for
meditation, balancing chakras, and spiritual healing. Also, learn how to
cleanse, charge, and program your crystals for maximum benefit.

This comprehensive how-to guide is perfect for beginners seeking to
embark on a spiritual journey with crystals, and also for experienced
practitioners looking to deepen their knowledge.

Embrace the healing power of Mother Earth through her precious gems. So
gear up for an exciting journey of self-discovery, personal development,
and spiritual enlightenment. Don't forget to hit the Like button if you
find this guide helpful and share it with your friends who might be
interested in exploring the magic of crystals.

Subscribe to our channel for more informative and empowering content!

#crystals #healing #spiritualguide #chakrabalance #meditation #crystalenergy #Harmony

⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our video! In this video, we delve into the
potential future of healthcare with Tesla MedBeds and Advanced Healing
Technology. We address how these realms of innovation could
revolutionize medical care, enhancing patient recovery times and overall

Uncovering the world of futuristic healing, we explore the features and
potential benefits of the Tesla MedBeds - a theoretical concept that
manifests the dream of advanced healing through quantum energy. This
video is filled with expert interviews, deep-dives into the technology,
and predictions on the future impacts on the healthcare industry.

We also touch upon additional advanced healing technologies that could
potentially complement Tesla MedBeds in the future and hear from medical
professionals about possible concerns and anticipated advantages.

Marking a significant step in health innovation, this technology could
transform the way we approach health and wellness.

Remember to like, share and subscribe to our channel for more content

about groundbreaking technology and future predictions.

#teslamedbeds #advancedhealing #healthcaretech #futureofmedicine #revolutionizinghealthcare

⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 2 months ago

In this informative video, we delve deep into the fascinating world of futuristic healing technologies, focusing primarily on the evolution and capabilities of Medbed Technology. A speculative yet enormously promising area of study, Medbed Technology could potentially transform healthcare as we know it, with the potential to heal diseases and illnesses in groundbreaking ways. Throughout the course of this video, we explore the principles behind Medbed Technology, its potential applications in the medical field, and the significant innovations already achieved in its development. We also discuss the challenges and ethical considerations associated with this promising yet still largely unproven technology. Our aim is to shed light on these mind-boggling advancements in medical sciences to educate and inspire our viewers. Through interviews with leading experts, on-the-ground reporting, and comprehensive research, we provide an in-depth update on the future of healing. Remember, the future is in our hands, and every new discovery brings us one step closer to a world where debilitating diseases could become a thing of the past. If you're interested in medical science, technology, or just fascinated by the incredible potential of human innovation, this video is a must-watch!

#medbedtechnology #health #science #futureofhealing #technology #medicalinnovation#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection

The coming of our creator
12 Views · 2 months ago

W⁣elcome to the Channel. In this latest update, we're going to
discuss some highly important and controversial topics about the
Galactic Federation's final warning. Click that play button to dive deep
into the mysteries of the universe and learn what "Dear Earth, It Has
Begun" truly means.

In this video, we'll be discussing various concept and theories related
to extraterrestrial life, space exploration and their message to
humanity. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, this video is sure to
pique your interest and make you ponder the possibilities of life beyond


#galacticfederation #spaceexploration #alienlife#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our latest YouTube video, "Unveiling God's Power: The Divine
System for Relaunching Christ Energy."

In this enlightening video, we delve deep into the realm of spirituality
and faith, revealing the divine system God has in place for relaunching
the energy of Christ. This thought provoking and profound discussion
highlights the power that faith holds, the importance of spiritual
awakening, and the pivotal role of Christ's energy in personal

Be prepared to open your hearts as we embark on a journey to understand
the unparalleled force of God's power, and how this energy can instigate
positive change not only in your personal life, but also in the world

around you.

#christenergy #faith #divinegrace #personaltransformation #godspower ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this intriguing and enlightening episode of Wisdom
Transmissions, we bring you a profound communicative session titled
"Incognito ETs: An Adronis Transmission." We dive deep into the
mysteries of our universe with intuitive speaker and author Adronis who
shares his insights and wisdom about extra-terrestrial life and their
discreet existence on Earth. He elucidates the multi-dimensional aspects

of human consciousness and our deep universal connections.

#adronistransmission ⁣⁣#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to this video of 'White Hat Report' featuring spiritual
guide and expert, Ismael Perez. In this enlightening and powerful
session, Ismael delves into the complexities and essence of a spiritual
awakening. He shares his profound knowledge and invaluable insights on
embracing spirituality and achieving mindfulness in our everyday lives.

Throughout this live session, you will discover the true meaning of
spiritual awakening, its various phases, and its effects on personal
development and growth. Ismael Perez, with his years of experience in
spiritual studies, sheds light on this transformative journey, offering a
fresh perspective on self-discovery and inner peace.

Whether you're someone who's already embarked on your spiritual journey
or someone just starting out, this video is packed with valuable life
lessons, tips, and guidance to help you navigate the process. From
understanding the signs of a spiritual awakening to employing techniques
to manage it, Ismael covers it all!

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more such

inspiring content.

#whitehatreport#spirituality #spiritual #awakening #newearth #dnaactivation #starseeds #angels #god #love #happiness #jesus #consciousness #enlightenment #lightworkers #spiritualjourney #higherself #angelicguidance #divinelove #ascension #positiveenergy #healing #innerpeace #soulgrowth #spiritualconnection #energyvibration #universe #faith #spiritualgrowth #transformation #divineintervention #innerhappiness #divineconnection #starbeings #ascendedmasters #awakeningjourney #spiritualwisdom #soulawakening #divineenergy #spiritualityandscience #metaphysical #lawofattraction

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to our channel! Ismael Perez, Kristen Leigh,
and Shea Leone are back again for another exciting session of LIVE Tarot
readings and spiritual channeling.

In this session, we delve into the mystical world of tarot cards and
spirit guides. Ismael, Kristen, and Shea combine their intuition,
expertise, and spiritual guidance to provide insightful readings that
can assist viewers in understanding their path and providing clarity on
various life’s queries.

During the spirit channeling segment, we open ourselves to messages and
wisdom from the spirit realm. Our intention is to offer guidance, peace,
and closure, and to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual

Whether you are new to tarot readings and spirit channeling or have
experienced it before, this session is meant to be enlightening and
therapeutic. Remember, the tarot does not predict your future, but it
can provide insight into the present, making you aware of the
possibilities that lie ahead. Spirit channeling, on the other hand, can
provide wisdom and advice from spiritual entities who want to guide and
assist us.

Don't forget to Like, Comment, and Share if you enjoyed this session.
You can also click on the Subscribe button and the Notification bell to

keep up-to-date with our upcoming sessions.

#tarotreadings #spiritchanneling #ismaelperez #kristenleigh #shealeone #livereadings #spiritguidance ⁣spirituality, spiritual awakening, new earth, DNA activation, starseeds, angels, god, love, happiness, Jesus, consciousness, enlightenment, lightworkers, spiritual journey, higher self, angelic guidance, divine love, ascension, positive energy, healing, inner peace, soul growth, spiritual connection, energy vibration, universe, faith, spiritual growth, transformation, divine intervention, inner happiness, divine connection, star beings, ascended masters, awakening journey, spiritual wisdom, soul awakening, divine energy, spirituality and science, metaphysical, law of attraction

The coming of our creator
28 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our enlightening video, "Unlocking the Mysteries of
Ascension: Key Information for Starseeds from the Arcturians."

In this video, we delve deep into the realms of spiritual transformation
and journey towards the progressive realms of higher consciousness, or
'Ascension'. This transcendent topic becomes more accessible as we break
it down into an easily digestible format for all our spiritual seekers.

Based on channelings from the Arcturian star beings, civilizations
advanced far beyond our own, this comprehensive guide provides
meaningful insights into the complex concepts of spiritual evolution. We
aim to illuminate the vital components of Ascension, such as light body
activation, 5th-dimensional living, and understanding one's unique
Starseed mission.

Whether you already identify as a Starseed feeling homesick for the
stars, or are newly awakening to the possibility of extraterrestrial
origins, this video offers essential information and support for your
journey. Nourish your soul with this limitless source of cosmic wisdom
from the stars.

Please consider subscribing to our channel for more videos related to
spiritual awakening, ascension, meditation, higher consciousness, and
everything else metaphysical. We're committed to guiding you on your
spiritual journey and helping you tap into your highest potential.

Like this video if it resonates with you, comment on your experiences
and share with others to spread this vital knowledge. Your interaction
means a lot to us, so don't hesitate to let us know your thoughts.

We are all stardust, and it's time to remember where you really come
from and awaken to your cosmic heritage!

Note: Remember, it's important to approach these matters with an open
mind and heart but also with discernment. Always trust your personal
intuition and experience above all.

Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and is not a
substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek
the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health
provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition.

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to our video "Understanding Spiritual
Awakening: Discover Your Current Stage in Connection with Jesus".

In this video, we delve deep into the different stages of spiritual
awakening in your journey with Jesus, how to comprehend and embrace
these significant life transitions and how it impacts your faith.

Throughout the video, we will be providing biblically based explanations
and practical advice on fostering your connection with Jesus during
each stage. This enlightening discussion will shed light on your
personal spiritual journey and lend you tools to navigate your path with
clarity and conviction.

If you have been feeling a bit lost or disconnected lately, or are just
curious about spiritual awakening and your progress in this cycle, this
video would certainly bring enlightenment and steer you towards the
right path.

Please don't forget to like, share and subscribe for more inspiring,
informative and uplifting content. Always remember, your spiritual
journey is unique to you and we are here to guide you every step of the

Enjoy watching!

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to this exciting video on "Important Solar Flare Updates from
the Arcturians". Deep dive into the mysteries of solar flares on the
cosmic horizon with us! Your guides for this journey are the Arcturians -
multi-dimensional beings providing enlightening insights. The
Arcturians, known to be highly advanced and enlightened, provide us with
latest updates and explain how these galactic phenomena are affecting
our planet Earth and us.

In this video, we study the impact solar flares might have on our
planet's electromagnetic field, and consequently, all life forms
residing on Earth. We explore the scientific explanations as well as
spiritual understanding and discuss the changes we can expect on
physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for regular updates on such
intriguing topics and other phenomena that broaden our understanding of
this Universe. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to
comment below,

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to another enlightening video on our channel.
In this video, we are going to delve into a special message from St.
Germaine to all Lightworkers around the world. The video focuses on the
importance of essential body cleansing for individuals seeking 5D

St. Germaine, known as the spiritual guide of transformation,
accentuates the critical aspect of purifying our physical, emotional,
and spiritual bodies as we transit to the 5th Dimension. This video
shares the wisdom and insights given by St. Germaine in navigating the
journey of 5D Ascension. It provides practical tips and processes that
anyone can implement in their daily routine for body cleansing to stay
aligned on their spiritual path.

Throughout the video, we will discuss the role of the energy bodies in
spiritual ascension, the pitfalls to avoid, and how to embrace the
changes that come with the ascension process. We hope to provide you
with all the essential information that you as a Lightworker need for
the transformation.

Whether you're already on the path to ascension or just curious about
what it entails, this information will be useful and enlightening. This
video is not only designed for lightworkers but also for anyone
interested in personal growth, spiritual development, and the ascension

We invite you to enjoy this illuminating talk and encourage you to share
your thoughts, insights, or questions in the comments section below.
Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more videos related to
spirituality and 5D ascension.

Let's march towards our spiritual evolution with St. Germaine’s vital
message and awaken the profound wisdom within us.

Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only. It is not
intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or
treatment. Always seek the advice of your health care provider with any
questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this enlightening video, we dive deep into the
mysteries of the Bible as we seek to debunk popular Biblical stories
focusing primarily on the Throne of Heaven and Jesus. We dissect what is
written in scripture, cross-referencing it with historical documents,
modern interpretations, theological insights, and critical analysis.

Join us for an engaging journey through these renowned tales

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome back, dear lightworkers and ascension
pioneers. In this update, we share a profound message from the
Arcturians channeled through intuitive empath and spiritual guide. The
Arcturians, who are multidimensional beings of light, convey important
wisdom and guidance for humanity's ascension path.

This video is a reminder of humanity's collective purpose,
heart-centered living, and the importance of unity consciousness. We
will also delve into tangible ways we can raise our personal and
planetary vibrations, ultimately paving the way to a harmonious Earth
and fully-realized human potential.

The Arcturians also share insights about our galactic heritage, the
evolution of consciousness, and the divine plan for humanity's
awakening. Whether you're deeply committed to the ascension path or are
newly waking up to your multidimensional nature, this video will
inspire, uplift, and empower you.

Please feel free to like, share, comment, and subscribe to our channel
for more spiritual guidance, channeled messages, and support on your
ascension path. Your thoughts and experiences matter to us and we are
more than happy to connect with you in the comments section. As always,
remember, we are all in this together. You are not alone. Love &
light to all.

The coming of our creator
14 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to another exciting video where we delve into the mysteries of
the ancient world. Today, we are exploring the enigmatic Ark of the
Covenant, an artifact shrouded in mystery and revered for thousands of

In this video titled "Unveiling Secrets: The Ark of Covenant Opened
After Thousands of Years by Scientists", we bring you groundbreaking
information and discoveries about the Ark of Covenant - one of the most
famous, yet elusive artefacts in ancient history.

Thanks to the tireless work of historians, archaeologists, and
scientists, we are finally being able to uncover the secrets that this
artifact has held for millennia. Join us as we take you on a journey
through time, exploring the history and significance of the Ark, the
claims and theories swirling around it, and the intriguing recent
attempts at unlocking its mysteries.

Watch as the scientists use a mix of traditional archeology techniques
and modern technology to bring light to this ancient artefact.

The coming of our creator
13 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this video, we are walking through the first step
of the Seven Steps to Manifestation series. This comprehensive guide
helps you understand the process of manifesting your dreams and desires
into reality. The fifth step revolves around 'feeling the emotion' and
it's pivotal in the attraction process.

What will you learn from this video?
1. The importance of emotions in manifestation
2. How to create meaningful and powerful emotional connections with your
3. Techniques to evoke and maintain the right emotions.
4. Real-life examples showcasing the power of emotions in manifestation.

Remember, manifestation isn't just about asking. It's about aligning
yourself with your desires, and a huge part of that alignment is
emotional. Stay tuned as we explore this fascinating step!

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more
videos on the law of attraction and manifesting your dreams. If you've
missed any of the previous steps, feel free to check them out in our

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣In this video, we are walking through the second step of the Seven Steps
to Manifestation series. This comprehensive guide helps you understand
the process of manifesting your dreams and desires into reality. The
fifth step revolves around 'feeling the emotion' and it's pivotal in the
attraction process.

What will you learn from this video?
1. The importance of emotions in manifestation
2. How to create meaningful and powerful emotional connections with your
3. Techniques to evoke and maintain the right emotions.
4 Real-life examples showcasing the power of emotions in manifestation.

Remember, manifestation isn't just about asking. It's about aligning
yourself with your desires, and a huge part of that alignment is
emotional. Stay tuned as we explore this fascinating step!

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more
videos on the law of attraction and manifesting your dreams. If you've
missed any of the previous steps, feel free to check them out in our

The coming of our creator
7 Views · 2 months ago

⁣In this video, we are walking through the 3 step of the Seven Steps
to Manifestation series. This comprehensive guide helps you understand
the process of manifesting your dreams and desires into reality. The
fifth step revolves around 'feeling the emotion' and it's pivotal in the
attraction process.

What will you learn from this video?
1. The importance of emotions in manifestation
2. How to create meaningful and powerful emotional connections with your
3. Techniques to evoke and maintain the right emotions.
Real-life examples showcasing the power of emotions in manifestation.

Remember, manifestation isn't just about asking. It's about aligning
yourself with your desires, and a huge part of that alignment is
emotional. Stay tuned as we explore this fascinating step!

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more
videos on the law of attraction and manifesting your dreams. If you've
missed any of the previous steps, feel free to check them out in our

The coming of our creator
11 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this video, we are walking through the 4th step
of the Seven Steps to Manifestation series. This comprehensive guide
helps you understand the process of manifesting your dreams and desires
into reality. The fifth step revolves around 'feeling the emotion' and
it's pivotal in the attraction process.

What will you learn from this video?
1. The importance of emotions in manifestation
2. How to create meaningful and powerful emotional connections with your
3. Techniques to evoke and maintain the right emotions.
4. Real-life examples showcasing the power of emotions in manifestation.

Remember, manifestation isn't just about asking. It's about aligning
yourself with your desires, and a huge part of that alignment is
emotional. Stay tuned as we explore this fascinating step!

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more
videos on the law of attraction and manifesting your dreams. If you've
missed any of the previous steps, feel free to check them out in our

The coming of our creator
31 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this video, we are walking through the fifth step
of the Seven Steps to Manifestation series. This comprehensive guide
helps you understand the process of manifesting your dreams and desires
into reality. The fifth step revolves around 'feeling the emotion' and
it's pivotal in the attraction process.

What will you learn from this video?
1. The importance of emotions in manifestation
2. How to create meaningful and powerful emotional connections with your
3. Techniques to evoke and maintain the right emotions.
4. Real-life examples showcasing the power of emotions in manifestation.

Remember, manifestation isn't just about asking. It's about aligning
yourself with your desires, and a huge part of that alignment is
emotional. Stay tuned as we explore this fascinating step!

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more
videos on the law of attraction and manifesting your dreams. If you've
missed any of the previous steps, feel free to check them out in our

The coming of our creator
14 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this video, we take a deeper dive into the sixth
step of The Seven Steps to Manifestation. Manifestation is a process
that allows you to bring your desires into existence using the power of
positive thoughts and visualization. In Step Six, we discuss the
importance of persistence and consistency in achieving your goals. This
is often the toughest step, but also the most rewarding.

Through a combination of practical exercises, motivational speeches, and
personal experiences, we aim to guide you in understanding and applying
this step effectively. We also share tips on how to remain committed to
your manifestation journey despite challenges or setbacks.

Remember: manifesting the life of your dreams is entirely possible - you
just have to believe in the power within you. Watch the video until the
end to get the most out of this tutorial and don't miss out on the
practical tips to make your dreams come true.

If you haven't checked out the previous steps in our Seven Steps to
Manifestation series, be sure to catch up on them so you have a holistic
understanding of this life-transforming method.

Don't forget to hit the like button if you find this video helpful and
share it with your friends who might benefit from it too. Subscribe to
our channel for more videos on manifestation and creating the life you
always wanted.

Stay tuned for the final step in our next video

The coming of our creator
42 Views · 2 months ago

⁣⁣In this thought-provoking video, we delve into the
mysterious world of the Illuminati. Unveiling long-held secrets and
shedding light on the looming collapse predicted by insiders, we
endeavor to expose the internal workings of this enigmatic group
believed to secretly control the world.

Our exploration will reveal the Illuminati's history, their significant
players, and their world-altering motivations. Get a unique perspective
on some of the most controversial conspiracy theories surrounding this
secretive organization in 'The Upcoming Collapse of the Illuminati and
Its Significance.'

The second part of this video focuses on the potential downfall of the
Illuminati. Backed by extensive research and expert insights, we discuss
the implications of such a collapse, not just for the Illuminati, but
for humanity as a whole. What happens when the puppet masters pull their
last string?

This video is not meant to mislead or scare viewers; it is rather an
exploration of alternative ideas and an initiation to question
realities. Our aim is not to launch any definitive conclusions, but
inspire critical thinking and stimulate discussions.

So strap in, keep an open mind, and prepare to delve into the intriguing
yet secretive world of the Illuminati.

Please remember to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE for more content that
pushes you to question the world around you.

The coming of our creator
19 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to this eye-opening video titled, "The Dark Conspiracy of
Reptilian Overlords: Dark Plans and Worldwide Cloning". In this video,
we delve deep into uncharted conspiracy theories surrounding the alleged
existence of reptilian overlords and their rumored sinister plans.

From the coded messages in ancient texts to testimonials by
whistle-blowers about the phenomenon of cloning, we leave no stone
unturned. Accompanied by undisputable facts and reputable interviews, we
shed light on the possible existence of a reptilian elite ruling the
world from the shadows.

Dive with us into this astonishing analysis of secretly held knowledge
about the interconnectedness of the human race with a reptilian species.
We approach this controversial subject with an open mind, based solely
on the available evidence.

This video is not intended to promote disbelief, fear or panic but
rather to instigate a collective awakening about the world we live in,
and the potential realities hidden from us. So, hold onto your seats as
we explore the dark world of this fascinating conspiracy theory.

Be sure to subscribe for more intriguing content, hit the like button if
you enjoy the video, and share your thoughts in the comment section
below. Remember, the journey to uncovering the truth begins with a
single step.

The coming of our creator
13 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to this eye-opening video on "Unveiling the Unseen: Shocking
Revelation of Reptilians and the Draconian Dark Plan on Earth". This
presentation will touch on the theories surrounding the presence of
extraterrestrial entities known as Reptilians and their alleged
influence on our world.

Delving into the depths of conspiracy theories, ancient history, and
modern-day reports, we'll explore the possible ‘reality’ behind these
elusive creatures. We'll discuss their supposed origins, physical
characteristics, abilities, and their purported dark agenda on Earth.

This documentary-style video provides an in-depth analysis of various
resources, featuring interviews with experts in the field, and an
examination of historical texts and modern anecdotes that hint at these
beings' existence.

It is important to approach this topic with an open mind, as our
objective is not to convince but to present varied perspective and allow
viewers to form their own understanding.

Packed with thought-provoking content and disturbing revelations, this
is a must-watch for anyone interested in the world of the unknown. Your
perspectives might never be the same again...

Please note that the views presented in this video do not necessarily
reflect the opinions or beliefs of the channel or its affiliates. Viewer
discretion is advised.

Remember to hit the like button if you enjoyed watching the video and
feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below. Don't
forget to subscribe to our channel for more intriguing content.

New to the channel? Welcome! Join us as we travel down the rabbit hole
of the unexplained, the mysterious, and the outright strange.

Enjoy the ride!

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome back to our channel, friends!

In today's video, we are going to reveal an unexplored topic that will
probably blow your mind. If you thought you knew everything there is to
know about the world we live in, buckle up, because we're about to take a
deep dive into the fascinating world of clones. Yes, you heard right!

We'll talk about the intriguing and perplexing world of cloning, how it
has been historically developed, how it is currently used in scientific
research, and the potential implications for our future. We will debunk
common stereotypes and misconceptions about cloning, and share some
shocking truths that might make you rethink everything you thought you

But that's not all! Alongside this, we are also going to provide you
with a vital guide on how to protect your energy. Do you often feel
drained of energy without reason? Understanding how to protect your
personal energy can improve your mood, your immune response, and your
overall happiness.

We've also invited a few experts on the subject to explain steps on how
you can create a barrier to protect and preserve your energy for a
healthier, happier life.

Don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel if you enjoy our
content and share with your friends and family so they can also benefit
from this enlightening information. Please leave any questions or
thoughts in the comments below, we'd love to start a discussion!

We hope that with this video, we can open a dialogue and help you
understand these topics better.

Stay curious, stay informed!

Disclaimer: This video is purely informative and does not support or
deny the concept of cloning. The energy protection guide provided is
based on expert advice, but results may vary person to person.

The coming of our creator
25 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this enlightening video, we dive deep into the
topic of dealing with disappointment and offer you practical ways to
overcome it. Everyone, at some point in their lives, faces
disappointments and setbacks; you are not alone in this struggle. We
will share personal stories, scientific research, and thought-provoking
insights that will help you not only cope with disappointment but also
use it for personal growth and development.

Throughout this video, we tackle the notion of disappointment from
various angles; be it in relationships, career, or personal
expectations. We explore a new perspective of embracing disappointment
as a learning experience that moves us forward in life. You'll hear from
experts in psychology and personal development, as well as individuals
who've turned their greatest disappointments into stepping stones for

Above all, this video is a reminder that you're not alone. We all
experience disappointment, and it's part of being human. By the end of
this video, we hope that you will have learned how to handle your
disappointments and use them as a stepping-stone towards personal and
emotional growth.

Remember to like, comment, and share this video if you find it helpful.
And don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more empowering and
inspiring content. Your journey to overcoming disappointment starts

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome back to our Channel! In this exciting presentation, "Galactic
Alert: Preparing for What's Coming Next", renowned spiritual teacher
Metatron and world-famous researcher Billy Carson share their profound
insights into the mysteries of the cosmos.

Get ready to dive deep into the unexplored territories of our universe
as Metatron and Billy Carson decode the cryptic messages from the
cosmos. This conversation will unravel the unknown and offer a new
perspective on life, existence, and the universe we live in. If you're a
fan of metaphysics, spirituality, or just want to expand your
understanding of our universe and conscious reality, this video is for

Metatron, a revered spiritual entity, speaks through channelers to
impart wisdom related to spirituality, existence, and metaphysics. On
the other hand, Billy Carson, a dedicated researcher and author, has
extensively explored ancient civilizations, their technology, and their
understanding of our cosmos.

This video encompasses a fascinating discussion between these two
brilliant minds on topics ranging from cosmic intelligence, alien life,
the impact of planetary alignments on human consciousness, to the many
secrets the universe holds.

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to dive into the exciting,
intriguing, and often bewildering world of cosmic exploration!

Make sure you subscribe and turn on the notification bell so you never
miss our updates.

Join the journey of exploration and understanding now!

Stay Curious, Seek Knowledge

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this enlightening video, we delve into the world
of metaphysics to explore the concept of the "Chosen Ones," specifically
the transformation of the 144,000 Sealed. We discuss the Law of
Conservation of Energy and how it can be harnessed and leveraged in the
spiritual journey towards transformation. Principal theories and
scientific connections to spirituality, plus the impact on our everyday
lives, are explained in an extraordinarily uncomplicated manner.

Join us as we traverse the path of spiritual awakening, decoding
significant biblical numbers like 144,000 and relating them to our
physical universe through the principles of energy conservation. Whether
you're a seasoned spiritual practitioner or a curious soul seeking
enlightenment, you'll find this video immensely enlightening,
thought-provoking, and inspiring.

Remember to click on the subscribe button for more spiritually inclined
science explorations, insightful discussions and to be a part of our
growing community. Don't forget to hit the bell icon to get notified of
our latest videos, designed to help you on your spiritual journey. If
you have any questions or comments, feel free to share them in the
comments section below.

You're appreciated for your constant support and interest in our
content; please keep watching and sharing our videos as we help each
other signify the true essence of existence

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣In this enlightening new video, Darryl Anka channels the
multidimensional being, Bashar, to discuss the great shift predicted for
humanity in 2024. In this intriguing discussion, Bashar shares insights
on how we can prepare ourselves for upcoming changes, spiritually,
mentally, and physically.

Throughout the video, we delve into topics like the nature of this
shift, how it will affect us on a personal and collective level, and the
positive impacts we can anticipate. Darryl Anka provides clear
translations of Bashar's advanced perspective on the transformation of
consciousness and provides practical solutions to navigate these
dominant energy shifts with grace and confidence.

This video serves as a guide to anyone trying to understand the changing
energies and vibrations of our world. It encourages us to embrace our
true potentials and align ourselves with the vibrations of higher

The conversation brings a profound mixture of reality and spirituality,
urging listeners to unlock their self-realization process, perceive
their reality differently, and prepare for the new paradigm. It's an
exciting rollercoaster ride into the next phase of human evolution!

It's time to stop functioning out of fear and start operating out of
love and understanding. This shift is a chance for us to evolve and
create a new world full of light and love. So, join us on this
mesmerizing journey towards a better Earth. Click the Play button now!

Remember to like, comment, and share this video with friends and family
to spread this vital message. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our
channel for more enlightening content.

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome back to yet another informative and engaging live stream session
with Ismael Perez. In this video, we delve
deep into the recent trends and updates in the field of White Hat

The coming of our creator
8 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our video, where we delve into the compelling world of
historical enigames with Ismael Perez!

In this live Q&A session, renowned historian and author, Ismael
Perez, shares intricate details about his ongoing research into some of
the world's most captivating historical mysteries. From the secrets of
the Egyptian pyramids, the geopolitical intricacies of the Roman Empire,
to the clandestine operations of World War II, Perez provides an
enlightening glimpse into the intriguing stories behind history's most
confounding puzzles.

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our fascinating spiritual discussion on "Unveiling the Path
for the 144,000: A Live Q&A" with Ismael Perez. In this live
session, Ismael Perez, a highly respected spiritual teacher and
visionary, outlines the concept of 144,000 Light Workers and how they
hold a vital role in the world's awakening.

Ismael Perez engages with the audience by answering their questions
about the spiritual awakening process, 144,000 Light Workers, and his
own personal journey. Also, he offers practical guidance to those who
feel they might be part of this special group and shares insightful
thoughts about the future of human consciousness.

Throughout the session, Ismael's insightful wisdom and deep
understanding shine a light on many obscure aspects of spiritual growth.
He delves deeply into the essence of awakening, the shift in
consciousness, and how to navigate the spiritual journey.

Make sure you watch the whole video to not miss out on any insightful
knowledge. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this enlightening
discussion with others who might benefit.

The coming of our creator
19 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our video: "Overcoming Your Fears with Guidance from
The Arcturian Council."

In this enlightening and transformative video, we delve deep into the
timeless wisdom of the Arcturian Council, a renowned cosmic collective
of higher dimensional beings. Their messages are channeled through
various mediums with the sole intent of guiding humanity towards
spiritual progression.

Here, we explore fear, a universal emotion that can both protect us and
hold us back, and how we can overcome it. With the help of the Arcturian
Council's profound wisdom, we take you on a journey of self-discovery,
personal growth, and spiritual healing.

Join us as we uncover the root causes of fear, its impact on our lives,
and the ways we can harness its energy. Learn how to view fear not as a
barrier, but as a stepping-stone to self-empowerment. Access insightful
strategies and practical tools for overcoming your fears and achieving
higher levels of consciousness and personal fulfillment.

This fascinating exploration blends science, spirituality, and self-help
to provide you with a comprehensive guide to facing and overcoming your
deepest fears. Whether you are new to the concept, or a spiritual guru,
this video is sure to provide you with valuable insights and

So, if you're ready to let go of fear, gain new strength, and usher in
positivity, you are in the right place.

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more
enriching content. Comment below and let us know your thoughts and
experiences about overcoming fear

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣Welcome to our video "Urgent Messages from Archangel Michael:
Immediate Actions Required for Spiritual Growth!"

In this powerful and enlightening video presentation, we bring you
urgent messages and guidance from Archangel Michael, channelled through
revered spiritual medium and guide. The video is focused on immediate
actions that can lead to spiritual growth and awakening.

Archangel Michael, known as the angel of healing and protection, has
imparted wisdom crucial for our spiritual ascent in these challenging
times. This video offers transformative insights for speeding up your
spiritual journey, alignment with divine will, and manifestation of your
highest potential.

Be prepared to delve deep into your spiritual self, confront your fears
and limiting beliefs to get unstuck and progress faster on your
spiritual path. The messages from Archangel Michael featured in this
video provide detailed instructions, answering questions, and providing
strategies on how to survive and thrive spiritually in a world that
often seems chaotic and uncertain.

Please, remember to like this video if it resonates with you, share it
with others who may benefit from these messages, and subscribe to our
channel for more spiritual insights, channelled messages, and divine

Leave your thoughts and emotions triggered by this communication from
Archangel Michael in the comments section below. We would love to learn
about your experiences and answer any queries you might have!

Thank you for tuning in.
May we all grow together in love, wisdom, and spiritual light.

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 2 months ago

⁣In this profound video, we delve into the spiritual realm and explore
the concept of the 5D split, guided by the timeless wisdom of Archangel
Michael. Bridging the gap between dimensional realities, we aim to
provide you with a better understanding of your multidimensional

Through channeled messages from Archangel Michael himself, we look at
the fundamental nature of this 5D reality and the radical shift in
consciousness it demands. We discuss the vibrational changes one may
undergo during this 'split,' and how embracing these changes can lead to
spiritual ascension and higher self-awareness.

Discover more about the 5D state of existence — a plane of higher
frequency and enlightened consciousness — where love, peace, and unity
serve as universal laws. Get tips and advice on how to navigate your
journey through this dimensional shift and learn to understand various
signs and synchronicities along the way.

Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey or are a seasoned
traveler in the metaphysical realms, this video can offer meaningful
insights and guidance. Engulf yourself in the calming aura of Archangel
Michael and attune to the higher frequencies of love, wisdom, and unity.

Be sure to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more
enlightening content about spirituality, ascension, and multidimensional
realities. Feel free to leave your thoughts, experiences, and questions
in the comments below. Blessings on your journey towards spiritual

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ Welcome to our enlightening video on "Unlocking Your
Divine Power: Activate Your Energy Within You - Archangel Michael."

In this powerful self-discovery journey, we delve deep into the
spiritual realm, tapping into the universe's cosmic energy as guided by
Archangel Michael. Discover how to unlock and activate the divine power
residing within you, empowering you to manifest your dreams and destiny
into reality.

Archangel Michael, known as the protector and the embodiment of truth,
love, and integrity, leads our expedition. With his guidance, this video
will provide you with practical steps and visualizations on how to
unlock your inner strengths, achieve spiritual growth, and attune
yourself to the universal energy vibrations.

This journey is not just about becoming stronger, but also about
learning how to utilize this strength in harmonizing and balancing your
life energies. If you are ready to break free from self-limiting beliefs
and harness your divine powers, this is the perfect video for you.

Remember, everyone has the ability to connect with divine energy.
Through this video, you're one step closer to realizing your true
potential, and achieving an inner peace and balance you've always longed

Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for more
uplifting and spiritually enlightening videos. Your interaction truly
means the world to us and aids in our mission to spread love, light, and
positivity across the globe

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this enlightening and thought-provoking video, we
delve into the mystical world of Starseeds and the Arcturians, one of
the most advanced civilizations in our galaxy. The focus is on the
practical advice and warnings given by the Arcturian collective to
enlighten all those who identify as Starseeds. They reveal the common
pitfalls and what you should avoid doing on your journey to spiritual
awakening and ascension.

This discussion covers the spiritual journey of Starseeds, their life
mission, and the challenges they face on Earth. We'll also explore the
connection between Starseeds and the Arcturian beings and how their
wisdom can guide us.

Whether you identify as a Starseed or not, if you're interested in the
topics of spirituality, advanced civilizations, or extraterrestrial
life, this video will fascinate and inspire you.
Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more mystic and spiritual

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 2 months ago

⁣ In this insightful video, we delve into the profound
spiritual guidance provided by Archangel Gabriel, focusing specifically
on how to unlock success in the year 2024. Watch as we decode the wisdom
imparted by this divine entity and highlight potential pathways to
spiritual growth, inner peace, and prosperity.

We begin by exploring who Archangel Gabriel is and their areas of
influence in the spiritual realm. We then dive into the prophetic
guidance delivered by Gabriel, giving you the tools to navigate your
personal and professional life more effectively.

Whether you are seeking professional success, stronger relationships,
mental clarity, or a deeper sense of purpose, this comprehensive guide
to Archangel Gabriel’s teachings will provide you with the spiritual
direction you may be searching for.

Please note: This video is intended for educational and entertainment
purposes only. While we make every effort to provide accurate and
meaningful content, it is not a substitute for professional advice.
Always consult a qualified professional for specific guidance related to
your individual circumstances.

Remember to like this video, share it with friends and family who might
benefit from it, and subscribe to our channel for more spiritual
teachings and insights. Make sure to hit the notification bell so you
never miss our latest videos.

Thank you for your support and for embarking on this spiritual journey
with us. Peace and blessings to all.

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 3 months ago

⁣ In this gripping video, we dive deep into the
sobering realities confronting our world today, revealing the shocking
truth of humanity that you absolutely need to know.

Through an array of well-researched facts, credible sources, stirring
testimonials and insightful analysis, you'll be presented with an
eye-opening array of global issues that are currently shaping the very
essence of humanity. We explore a wide range of topics from
environmental issues, societal disparities, political corruption, to
technological advancements that are both helping and hindering us. This
is not just another video, but an urgent wake-up call to the collective

Our goal is to shake your worldview, provoke critical thinking, and
inspire action for change. We believe that by spreading awareness and
fostering educated conversations, we can drive significant changes and
create a more just, sustainable, and thriving world.

Please remember to like, share, comment your thoughts, and subscribe to
our channel for more informative and thought-provoking videos. Let's
explore these truths together and be the change we want to see in the

The coming of our creator
10 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Welcome back to our channel!

In this video, titled "Unveiling the Moment of Truth: The Massive Event
Already In Process," we'll be diving deep into a monumental event that
is already taking place around us. This captivating content aims to keep
you up-to-date on the significant happenings that could impact us all

We will be unveiling truths, dispensing insights, and sharing valuable
information related to this massive event. Whether you're a follower of
current events, a lover of insightful conversations, or simply someone
interested in what's happening in the world, this video has got
something for you.

Throughout this intriguing journey, we invite you to participate
actively by sharing your thoughts, ideas, and reflections in the
comments section below. Your thoughts matter to us!

If you find this video enlightening and valuable, consider giving it a
thumbs-up and sharing it with your friends and family. And if you
haven't already, do hit the subscribe button so that you won't miss any
future updates from our channel.

Stay tuned till the end for a comprehensive understanding of the event
that's already in the making. We're sure you'll find the revelations
truly fascinating!

Remember, knowledge is power, and in this video, we're bringing the
power to you.

Subscribe, like, share, and join us in the journey of discovering truth!

Disclaimer: This video is for educational and informational purposes
only. We encourage viewers to do their own research and consult
professionals before making decisions based on the content.

The coming of our creator
6 Views · 3 months ago

⁣ Welcome to another enlightening video on our channel.
In this video titled "Instant Spiritual Awakening: Life-Changing
Experiences in the City of Light" we delve deep into the miraculous
journey of spiritual discovery in the enchanting city of light. From
serene walks across stunning landscapes to profound moments of
self-discovery, we leave no stone unturned.

Witness an array of incredible spiritual events, captivating tales, and
profound insights that will guide you down your own path of spiritual
awakening. Unearth the secrets to achieving spiritual harmony, internal
peace and a profound understanding of your place in the universe.

In the 'City of Light', we will meet renowned spiritual guides and
leaders who share their wisdom and personal experiences of
transformation. Their inspiring stories and teachings will offer you
unique perspectives, helping you to overcome your own challenges and
understand the deeper meaning of life.

Don't forget, the journey to spiritual enlightenment is deeply personal
and unique to each of us. This video is designed to inspire and help
guide you on your own journey but remember, each step along this path is
your own.

If you find value in our video content, please remember to give us a
thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more
inspirational and enlightening content. Leave a comment below sharing
your thoughts and experiences. We love hearing from our viewers!

**Disclaimer**: This video is created for entertainment and educational
purposes only. The experiences and opinions presented are purely
personal opinions and should not be taken as professional advice.

So, sit back, relax and let's explore the spiritual richness of the city
of light together

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Welcome to our newest video, "Unveiling the Future: Pleiadian
Transmission Warning and Preparation". In this video, we delve deep into
the other-worldly messages received from the Pleiadian star system.
Viewers will be offered insightful knowledge regarding the potential
future of humanity, all derived from the wisdom of the Pleiadians

These transmissions serve as a sign of an impending shift in our
collective consciousness and provide warning, guidance, and preparation
about our next evolutionary step. Different theories, explanations, and
interpretations of the Pleiadian messages are thoroughly discussed, with
the aim that viewers will gain a deeper understanding of their context
and purpose.

This video is especially recommended for anyone interested in the
exploration of extraterrestrial communications, the dynamics of our
universe, and the future of humanity. We offer an open minded,
exploratory perspective on these highly-debated transmissions. However,
we leave it up to our valued viewers to formulate their own
interpretation and understanding.

Don't forget to hit the Like button if you enjoy the content and
subscribe to our channel if you want to stay updated on future videos.
Also, feel free to share your thoughts, questions or experiences in the
comment section below.

The coming of our creator
9 Views · 3 months ago

⁣Welcome to another fascinating episode on our channel! In this video, we
delve deep into the unnerving world of Reptilian Plastic Surgery.

This video pries open the doors to reveal the dark truth about this
highly controversial, yet alarmingly trendy phenomenon - Reptilian
Plastic Surgery. We will be taking you through a wide range of topics
starting from the origins of this trend, who are the people undergoing
these surgeries and most importantly, the consequences these individuals
face. Our experts on the panel today include well-renowned plastic
surgeons, anthropologists, and psychologists, sharing their valuable
insights on the matter.

Throughout the video, we unravel shocking real-life experiences of
individuals who opted for this extreme transformation and discuss just
how this trend reflects on our society's obsession with beauty and
physical appearance. We also delve into the science and techniques
behind these operations, general misconceptions, and the potential risks
and health hazards associated with it.

A must-watch for anyone interested in understanding this bizarre fad,
its psychological keystones, and its implications on society. Don't
forget to like, comment, and share the video if you found our discussion
insightful. Also, hit the subscribe button and the notification bell,
so you never miss an update from us.

Remember, this video intends to educate and foster open conversations.
It is in no way promoting or endorsing Reptilian Plastic Surgery.

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